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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/15/2011 in all areas


    People Are Funny...

    So I got one of my salesman to order and Ego this morning from VT....he's excited. Then just a while ago, I had a set of customers in my office doing financial paperwork on thier new truck, when they spotted my Ego on my desk....asked a bunch of questions, I educated them...then the lady flips me her Mastercard and says "can you order me one of those from here, I'm not too computer smart!"...lol....I gladly ordered her Stainless Ego kit from my work comp and sent them on thier way.
    3 points
  2. Elayna

    1St Mod!

    yee hawww! I managed to get my first ever mods made and working! I saw a u tube vid on how to make a drip mod and figured I could do that to my cartos. It took a bit, ruined one carto, need to fix the barrels of 2 of the longer 510 cartos. But I finally got a small hole drilled into an 808 carto and using an adapter, a 6ml bottle and very small tubing, got it situated to where if I give the bottle a squeeze I can keep vaping on my 510 passthru without getting that gawd awful primer taste when the carto starts to go dry. Did the same to one of the longer 510's except I drilled under where the middle cap goes and threaded the tubing (after enlarging the holes) up thru the one and then down on the side that I guess goes to the filler material and then popped the cap back on. Both are working very well! I had wanted a MAP tank for my long 510's but for now this will work until I can save the $$ for the tank. So...... if you're thinking about mods.... check u-tube! I am glad I did! Oh, BTW, U can use the black velcro cable bundeling straps (from Staples?) to hold the 6ml bottle in place.
    1 point
  3. Tagsanstuff

    Ego Batterys

    This is so funny. I was looking down at my sowing box kit that I made into a E-Cig kit, and I have 3 e-cigs ready for the week..plus 1 I am using now. Lots of back-up battery's and carto`s make more e-cigs...it is just so funny. I could sell 1 or 2 to my neighbors with a bottle of liquid.
    1 point
  4. I work at an institution of higher education in Ohio. I had recently contacted the Environmental Health and Safety Coordinator to discuss what the University Policy is on vaping. The official I spoke with had never heard of electronic cigarettes and was extremely interested to find out more. He actually came down to my office and I showed him my Ego and how it worked. As a vehement anti-smoker, he was extremely impressed. He called me today to tell me he was submitting a proposal to ban cigarette smoking on campus (it's been in the works for a while due to fire hazards, and litter problems, etc.), but he also stated that he wanted to create a proposal to purchase and distribute E-Cigs to anyone who was interested in quitting smoking. I'm sure it's just in the "brainstorming" phase right now and who knows if they'll actually go through with it, but I thought that was a really cool idea. Chris - I'll send him your way if he brings it up again
    1 point
  5. I think you are wrong, and I'm not even going to touch erika's bold comment. We all have opinions but to be so bold on day 4.?... Fact is, vaping is not smoke. Best course of action - inform/get permission from those in charge where you'd like to vape. Why not? It's VAPOR, not some harmful particles. PG IS FDA APPROVED FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION. Here are your choices : 1. keep hiding and you'll find that the gov will continue to lead the sheep into whatever they say and ultimately making you a criminal, or 2, educate and recruit everywhere you go and you'll build an army that will stand beside you in the fight against tyranny. Dont forget how many people out there smoke. They dont want to smoke but they dont know that they have options. Youre lucky to have found the answer and it's YOUR responsibility to show others the way out. Fact is, the american public is ignorant about vaping. The ****ty scandalous radio commercials trying to trap consumers into contract vaping isn't helping either. So if you want to keep vaping and you want to continue buying ejuice without massive tobacco-like taxes then gtfo of the closet already and inform the world. Dude.
    1 point
  6. Whats funny is its the same guy tacking it onto the bill as last year.. and i KNOW where he lives lol muahahah
    1 point
  7. I posted something similar a month ago about people vaping just because there was no law against it. What a backlash I got from my vaping community ! People where telling me that they will vape whenever and wherever they want and to me thats disrespectful. Like I said before stop and think and change your ways because what some of us are doing is just pushing the limit. I have been vaping now for about three months now and my family is so happy I stop analogs but my wife wont let me vape with my kids in the car or in the house. For that I respect her request not to. It just don't make sense why bring bad judgment on our selfs we don't need it ! How the government drilled into everyones heads how analogs will kill you and the people around you no wounder when people see smoke "vaper" that they get scared. I for one will not vape where I feel it is not appropriate to do so. The more attention we get from people who don't vape or just don't know about it will just not help us move forward in the right direction. There is always someone out there who wants the attention and be the one to put a stop to something they don't do.
    1 point
  8. Nope, not from me. I personally agree with you. But I do take exception with government action that lacks foundational basis. If the position they were taking were to say a temporary ban while we examine this issue to determine the correct answer I would have no issue with it. But to ask the Dept. of Transportation to issue a ban based on existing smoking laws is a reach and a knee jerk reaction rather than a thoughtful one. I am going to have to disagree with you big guy (doesn't take long for us noobs to spread our wings does it! ) Lautenberg just happens to be from NJ. Most of the major pharmas are Headquartered in Northern Jersey or NY. The Pharma cos have got to be getting very concerned about the rapid increase in vaping as a potential profit hit to their ineffective recurring profit streams from Chantix, the patches and the gums. Add to that the successful blocking of the FDA and they have to be getting concerned and speaking through their lobbyists to the lawmakers. While it is anecdotal of course, just last night I went to see a band play locally. (Dark Star Orchestra for anyone wondering - great show) anyway, upon entry you had to empty your pockets and get patted down. The dude saw my eGO and asked - hey is that one of those e-cigs. I told him yes. He said hes really thinking about one and that it's okay to use it inside the venue which is non-smoking. Just the same I mostly stepped outside to the smoker patio to use it (okay I did take a few scattered hits inside - but I had the ok to do so) and let me tell you at least 15 people asked me about it, wanted to understand it and have been really thinking about it but where not sure if they should believe it. I personally couldn't believe how many questions I got about and the number of people who asked. I have no doubt in my mind that the usage of e-cigs is taking off at this point - not that I have to tell you. I am sure you see the growth here. This has to be of great concern to the pharma and tobacco companies. I would be shocked if they were not working behind the curtains to raise doubt about the safety of vaping, and working to get lawmakers to extend smoking laws to e-cigs in as many cases as possible. With hundreds of millions of dollars at stake to big pharma I have little doubt that they are indeed working very hard behind the scenes to quickly extend as many bans as possible. But of course I have no proof - just my own gut feeling and years of research back in the late 1990's on the overstatement of the risks of smoking on smokers and by-standers - all largely funded by pharma industry, who just happen to have been introducing all kinds of NRT's. P.S. But I totally agree that vaping while not illegal is still an activity that should be done with respect and concern for those around you. Just as I would hope the would be respectful and take the time to understand what it is before they object.
    1 point
  9. Someone posted within a thread a really good TH tip, and after a year of vaping I had never done this. Normally when I vape I inhale directly into my lungs, while I am dragging/drawing/inhaling. Well someone posted that a way to get good TH is to inhale into just your mouth, then inhale the entire mouthful into your lungs at once. Well, I tried it and honestly not only do you get good TH, but you also get that sorta lightheaded feeling after a few times doing this in quick succession like when you smoke too much. I had really never paid much attention to how I vaped....other than the initial learning curve of having to do the slow steady thing. But other than that, I vaped like I smoked.....well this tip really works, but I find I have to really pay attention in order to do it just because it isn't my usual manner of vaping. Funny how subjective things are and why I really don't care about reviews in general....I pay more attention to people who like the same type of flavors as I do. Like RY4 is disgusting to me...I hate the super overly sweet flavors...Caramel, YUCK GROSS. We ordered 4 flavors from Ms T's and they are disgusting, so sweet and NONE of them could anyone guess the flavor without looking at the label (had the kids sniffing to try and guess what they were)....just overwhelmingly sweet. Just awful. I wouldn't vape that stuff if they gave me it free for life. When I read reviews and person after person uses the word "sweet", and I order it anyway, I usually don't like it. I have learned that over time. Now Vapor Renu (btw, spelled like that, renu, not renew) I get the medium TH and that is plenty for me. I think aggressive would hurt my throat. But I smoked light cigs so maybe that makes it different. I can't say that I had any stronger of a TH when smoking. I always think the TH is more related to the heat and more the fact that it is smoke hitting your throat. So far, as far as flavor, vapor renu is the ONLY place where I have liked every single flavor we have ordered, which I believe it is 8 of them now. Le Cig, their problem is more a total lack of flavor....just nothing. The flavor is soooooo weak it is crazy. But then I don't like the really overpowering flavors either. I just like a distinct flavor I can identify. I also tend not to like the no flavor flavors (like made up flavors)....like where it is just a big mixture of flavors with no clearly identifiable flavor, especially if the overall impression is just sweet, like RY4....my husband and I probably hate that flavor most of all, or we did till we got the stuff from Ms T's....God, awful, just awful. But of course that is only our opinion based on our preference of not liking super sweet stuff. We had ordered cappuccino (which it smelled like caramel mixed with cotton candy and tasted like just I don't know...caramel with burnt sugar?), white chocolate mocha, which tasted like neither white chocolate or mocha, just overwhelmingly sweet...Grape which smelled grape but tasted like a really sweet chemicalish taste, and then the dark chocolate/dulce de leche, which was the least bad but would definitely need to be rigged with something else. I am not bothering with it. With the order came a little tri folded "menu" and info about the company and based on that I would guess that the owner, which is also the person who creates and mixes everything, and was a baker, has a sweet tooth. Clearly she likes the very sweet taste and we don't. So that is what I mean, I try and find someone who enjoys the same type of flavors as I do and then odds are things they like I will like too, or at least for the most part. Almost guaranteed someone who loves caramel, RY4, and that kind of stuff, I won't share the same flavor preferences with. It is the same with food.....my oldest daughter enjoys ENTIRELY different kinds of foods than what I like, so when she says something is good, to me it usually isn't and vice versa. There are some things we both like, but very few. In fact I was just telling her about a place we went to and what I had and she was like "omg, I hate that place, their food sucks" LOL....which when she tells me about something she didn't like, I can usually rest assured that I will like it. My taste has changed a lot over the time I have been vaping...in the beginning it IS hard to pick up flavors...face it, our taste buds were pretty much destroyed with the smoking. It was a good couple months before I started really ENJOYING the flavors, and of food too. Suddenly we noticed that food started tasting different, like it is supposed to, didn't have to use near as many seasonings, salt and pepper in order for food to taste good, etc. The whole vaping thing is an interesting journey. I do like that now, especially after ordering a bunch of liquid from several vendors I now have a MUCH better sense of what flavors I like and which flavors to avoid. Like the RY4, various people would say, oh, that one sucks, you have to order it from so and so, and I would still hate it, or hate it even more, then another person would say, oh so and so has the best RY4, and nope, still disgusting. Granted they may all taste different from each other, but bottom line it is a SUPER sweet flavor and I don't like super sweet. I should also mention that in real life I don't like eating sweets as a general thing. Like in ice cream, I prefer like a fruit sorbet over vanilla or chocolate. Or I like fruit smoothies that are made ONLY with fresh fruit and ice....no added yogurt, creams, sugars etc. I am more of a salt person than a sugar person...like I would pick a potato chip any day over a cookie. BUT that said, I do like the neutral liquids like white chocolate, bavarian creme, etc. They are excellent for cutting other flavors. But I don't like just sweet, it has to be a flavor that I can identify. I think the most important part about the reviews is paying attention to the flavors the reviewers is liking, to get a sense if they seem to like the same TYPES of flavors. Okay, I will shut up. Flavor is very subjective in my opinion.
    1 point
  10. Excellent! Maybe you would have good luck if you followed the Dooder method for cleaning the icky one. Let me know if it works! Oh, and after it's "primed" with those six drops when I first start using it after having blown it out, I just put two in to keep it going after every four hits or so. Enjoy and vape on!
    1 point
  11. Looks like an affiliate site to me. If you are really wanting to help out new vapers, why would you advertise and have links to crappy Greensmoke on your site?
    1 point
  12. I guess I am not sure what the big deal is. When we smoked analogs we couldn't smoke on the plane either. I personally won't Vape where smoking is not allowed. Do I think ecigs are dangerous? Probably not. I do agree that until this has been proven, they should not be allowed publicly. I am sure I will get flames for this post but I'm pretty tough. Flame away. Erika
    -1 points
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