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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/14/2011 in all areas

  1. I am working on my Masters degree in nursing - ultimate goal, to be a nurse practitioner - after 20 years an an RN. In my Policies in Healthcare class, we are asked to choose a health policy issue on which we feel passionate, review the legislature in place or proposed, and discuss it as it relates to overall health policy. In other words, how does this regulation apply to a health problem. Guess which topic I am taking on? Yessssss - the proposed ban on e-cigarettes. Even my own priomary care provider (also a nurse practitioner) is a big proponent of e-cigs after seeing ME quit smoking after she tried to help me quit countless different ways. In fact, she, as a former smoker, wants one to vape 0 nic juices because "she really misses it". So - wish me luck. I'm hoping that out of this project I gain information I can share with everyone about how to effectively influence policy. This is still a democracy, damn it!
    1 point
  2. Tagsanstuff

    Mouth Sore`s

    I will try that....I just found this info in Wikipedia: Smoking Cessation It is fairly common for smokers to experience multiple mouth ulcers within a week of cessation. The duration varies between individuals, and can range from a month to years. Oral nicotine supplements have shown some reduction in the occurrence
    1 point
  3. Sharon

    Mouth Sore`s

    Hey Tags, I use Gentian Violet when I get Canker sores. It's an old time remedy. Just ask for it at you local drug store, it comes in a small bottle. Use a q-tip and put a little on the end, apply to your canker sore. You just have to be very careful not to put too much on the q-tip, a little goes a long way and the purple color has to wear off, so you don't want to get more than you need in your mouth or on anything else. Good luck.
    1 point
  4. zeroed4x

    Advice Needed

    I usually have at least 9 atties in use at any given time sometimes more if I'm developing a juice flavor. I usually have 3 of each consisting of Standards, Low Res and High Voltage. All 510's and 901's. When I try out a new juice I always try to use a freshly flushed atty that is previously seasoned. I also sometimes flush them between juice changes with pure grain alcohol, Ever Clear or vodka. If your atty has flavor that hangs on and will not go away, you can soak them in Lemon juice for an hour and then flush it out with hot water followed by alcohol ( the alcohol get the water out faster when drying) or Coca cola over night and then flush it out and let it dry. Sometimes if I'm out of vodka or Ever Clear, I'll simply flush the atty with unflavored VG and even vape a little of it. To mark your atties you can use nail polish, car touch up paint or take one of your wife's nail files and cut a groove in the LR or HV's if they are unmarked. When I'm switching between new flavors or testing new juice that I've created, I always drink water between vaping different flavors. Just about anything you eat or drink can change the flavor and perception of the new juice you are evaluating. Coffee, fruit juices, cola, alcohol cheese, garlic, onions, candies mixed nuts etc etc etc will all change your initial impressions of a new juice. When I'm just vaping and do not care about intensely evaluating the flavor, most of the time I don't do anything in particular I just vape until the old flavor dissipates and the new one taste right. If you prefer, keep a bottle of straight unflavored VG with you and drip some into your atty and then blow it out, vape a little of the unflavored and then try you new juice.
    1 point
  5. Yes psyco, one of my original ego batteries did this. get a pair of thin tweezers and carefully jimmy the center post up and about and lightly screw your atty on while holding the button till you hear it burn. Here's the problem tho, you'll probably find that the voltage from this battery will blow now. you'll also find that if you overtighten the atty it'll stop working. So, order a new batt and keep this one tucked away as an emergency battery cuz theres really no saving it as an everyday batt. In the future try not to overtighten your attys. Im not 1oo% on this but i think doing so jams the post down and causes connection problems. It may not happen right away but over time, it screws up. the fact that your batt blinks on charge but light stays green, to me, means that either you got a slight connection but not good enough that charger thinks its full or unsrewed, or, youre getting enough connection to signal the chargering signal but it doesnt stay connected to recieve charge. keep jimmying with that center post and you'll see what im talking about. ps. im pretty drunk so im sorry if this post made zero sense. dude.
    1 point
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