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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/13/2011 in all areas

  1. If you like Cinnacide you will probably like Geoff's blend from tasty Vapor. Even has some Atomic Cinnacide in it. As for other flavors try to stick with vendors that have sample packs. That'll keep your expenses to a minimum till ya find flavors you like. Once you find a vendor and want to find out what flavors people are talking about and buying from that vendor go to YouTube and type in the vendor and watch some reviews. Think about the type of foods you like and that will help you decide what ya may like. I personally am having a hard time figuring out my own palate. I'm starting to see flavors as colors. I'm leaning towards what I like to think of as "browns". Tobaccos, coffees, some cinnamons, and a few caramels. Kind of savory and sweet seems to be working for me. Every once in a while a fruit will please me but only for a little bit. Can't vape fruits all day. Hope this helps.
    2 points
  2. 2 points
  3. So...Like anything I get into, I find myself wanting more and more. Maybe its my personality, when I dive into somehting, I am either all in, or all out....with vaping, I am ALL IN!...Sooo. my first ecig was a mall ripoff..was on it till I found the Ego, which is great. However, I want to get the best PV on the market. Varible voltage, sleek looks, reliabe, and something that will produce consistant vapor. Money is no object....suggestions? ...and plz don't try to sell me your Provari for $499.00
    2 points
  4. So first off...I got my eGo in the mail today. Wow! You guys are right...it's just awesome! The 510 is good, but this upgrade is just better. No wonder everyone suggests it. The deal I got was great and the shipping was fast. Next are the VT juices. I ordered Tobacco and Dulcis. They are really good! Thanks Chris for offering such good flavors. I will be ordering more from you! They arrived all the way from Cali in three days...great service! They both have sort of a nutty flavor (maybe hazelnut?) that I just love. And now with the eGo I seem to get even more vapor...and that's just with an atty and cart. I also received a pack of cartos. I think I will have to try the carto more. I can't decide if I like it or not. I think I like an atty and cart better for some reason. Next will be my attempt at dripping. We'll see how I like it! I guess I'll have to place an order for a drip tip now. All this ordering of fun stuff and it's STILL cheaper than smoking in NY! Oh and by the way...only one analog today! Yeah for me
    2 points
  5. JayH503

    What Am I Doing Wrong!

    I always fill my cartomizers from the bottom, the first time anyway. "Condom filling method" The video for this is on the site! I just take one of the cover caps (some people call them condoms) and put about 20 drops in it and slowly lower the cartomizer down into the rubber cover. The juice flows up through the bottom of the cartomizer and seeps into the filler material. Sometimes a few drops on the top of the filler is needed. After the liquid is soaked in, you can pull the rubber cap off, wipe off the cartomizer and put it on your battery. Then I just drip a few drops in the top once in a while as needed. It works great for me! I use the LR 2.0 Ohm cartomizers from Vaporkings.com and they work great! Hope this helps!
    2 points
  6. What a wonderful Gift !!! At least he will have you to help him get started. Hopefully he will decide he likes it better than smoking. With your support (and flavor selection) it should be a great way for him to start the new year. He must be a good Dad if you plan on helping him stick around for a few more years Happy Holidays
    2 points
  7. What a great gift you got for him!! A variety of juices would probably be a big bonus for him - even if most of them are tobacco flavors. A lot of the fun of vaping is trying different flavors. My advice would be to tell him to take long, slow drags...to fill his mouth with vapor before inhaling. Also, tell him not to give up if he feels like it isn't working. The best thing to do is to give it a chance. Even if he still smokes for awhile, every cigarette he doesn't have is a good thing. If every time he wants a cigarette he'll vape first, he might cut down on a lot of the cigarettes. If after vaping for awhile he still wants a cigarette, he can have one. That alone might help him not be anxious about it. If he just relaxes and gives the eGo a try, he'll soon be vaping more than he is smoking without working too hard at it and would probably completely replace the cigarettes with the eGo. He doesn't have to push himself at all. And he might even find (like I did) that he loves vaping more than smoking and he'll make the switch quickly. But he needs to know that he doesn't have to. I smoked for 34 years and didn't have any problems whatsoever switching over...some people have taken longer. But from what I've seen, most people do eventually make the switch. There are quite a few of us here that have smoked for more than 20 years, so he would be in good company if he'd join the forum. We'll give him all the encouragement he could ever ask for. Let him know that we all wish him the best of luck and would love to have him here.
    2 points
  8. I kept hearing that radio commercial for the "smoke assassin" so I started searching on-line. Spent a few days searching those big commercial sites (that's all I was seeing with searches, Smoking Everywhere, Smoke 51, Blu, etc). One term I kept seeing over an over was "vapor", so I search for "vapor cigarette" and that's when I found Vapor Talk. That was the end of it... the fine folks here hooked me right up and I've been happily vaping ever since.
    2 points
  9. How to fill a 510 Cartomizer (Soft Top) This cartomizer work on any model that uses a 510 fitting. IE Joye 510 or Joye eGo. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CeaqRV4PmzA
    1 point
  10. I bought the "crib" size bag of polyfill batting and it is awesome...holds a lot of juice and gives me a lot of vapor in my e-go tornado..
    1 point
  11. Both batteries will work. The higher mah battery simply means it lasts longer. (Holds a longer charge)
    1 point
  12. The eGo and the 510 use the same threads so yes they are completely interchangeable
    1 point
  13. Both of these E=Liquids are the Best around watch my review says it all. UnSmoke.US has some of the best Liquids around, check out my E-liquid Reviews on them, and I see on their web site they offer a 10% discount code for first time buyers which is firsttimer10 Please subscribe to me for the latest deals, steal, and Giveaways http://www.youtube.com/user/step07726... Flavor is in the taste of each individual, subjective, what I like, or dislike you may feel the opposite of, that's why their are 3 ml sample bottles for you to buy, and try first. You are all invited to come Hang out on my show, so we can vape together, Saturday Nights at 10 PM eastern time http://www.stickam.com/elixirtv2 and during week nights with our other hosts. We have shows 7 nights a week most starting around 9 PM eastern time, check the show schedule for changes. Any Questions? you can always email me at smokie901@gmail.com Vape On, and Fuhgeddaboudit, Smokie The Mod Father
    1 point
  14. AARONH

    A Good Influence..

    So I just got my 7th person to go from smoking to Vaping. (all ordered them from VT of course)....started with a couple peeps from work, my girlfriend, a friend that came into town, my girlfriends parents, my niece (Destiney here on the forum)...and so far, all of them prefer to vape than smoke.....My girlfriend yesterday forgot her Ego at the house, and drove a 20 min trip to go back home and get it...said she felt "naked" without it. I can truley see how this is quickly going to network out like a wildfire! Most of these people have said that after Vaping, an analog tastes like sheeeit. Nothing would be funnier that putting Big Tobacco out of business.
    1 point
  15. Uma

    A Good Influence..

    Wow, now that's the way to start the New Year. WTG!!! Your friends and family are very lucky to have you. Mine are more like Kayoticc's... interested, ask lots of questions (repeatedly I might add), and then I recieve news that they finally purchased one because their co-worker or someone just bought one and they're so cool!! lol. It's so wonderful that they do eventually find their own way into a healthier alternative way of smoking. Being the seed so that others may sprout, is a good thing. Sometimes it takes a long time for some to get around to trying it out, but it's worth it when they do. Patience and humility go hand in hand I suppose.
    1 point
  16. KaYoTiiC

    A Good Influence..

    I guess i did half decent on my recruiting... My friends (married couple) went to the mall and picked up their e-cigs. They'll want more soon enough and thats when i'll get em
    1 point
  17. KaYoTiiC

    A Good Influence..

    Your having way more luck than myself... I thought i had 2 people hooked yesterday and i told them to go sign up for the forums, go to the Introduce Yourself section etc etc etc... I even just sent them the link to the starter kit and all info on what they'll need for the PT's.. But no luck yet I'm about to start giving out my supplies from my eGo kits to try and help people out
    1 point
  18. JayH503

    What Am I Doing Wrong!

    Very glad you got those to work for you! If you think those work well, you might also try the eGo 900mAh battery with the vaporkings.com LR 2.0 Ohm cartomizers in the future. Works great for me! Again, Glad you're vaping now!
    1 point
  19. kitsune

    Son Of A...

    Way to cold and snowy to go anywhere. spent my new years vaping away (and drinking) with our lovely VT family. spent the rest of new years day drinking lots and lots of water to flush my poor liver. Can't stand to be around that much cigarette smoke anymore--really does make me feel sick.....Can't believe I was one of the stinky smokers for so many years....
    1 point
  20. Christopher

    Son Of A...

    No smokers allowed in my house I suppose that would be like using the patch at Phillip Morris's home
    1 point
  21. He himself said that one of his co-workers quit with the ecig, so wait till he tells to his co-worker what he got for Christmas. Sometimes reinforcement from someone outside the family circle is just what a stubborn sole needs to be able to think it was his idea, instead of a family member pushing him. I do understand, as my dad was also king of stubborn, and leary of anything new. It took us years to get hin to like the remote control for the TV, because for his generation, if he had to figure out anything that had more that like three buttons on it, he didn't want to hear about it. Good luck
    1 point
  22. Hurricane

    What Am I Doing Wrong!

    Since you're using Joyetech cartos, you need to use a syringe to fill them. However, the condom fill method is better and works just fine for those cartos. You're dripping right onto the vent, which will leak. Just use the condom fill method. Also, use more than 20 drops to ensure the carto does get filled up to prevent having to add more with the syringe. Once you have lowered the carto all the way into the condom, just pull it out, but keep the carto connector over it or over a napkin. I recommend keeping it over the condom to catch the excess e-liquid. You can then pour that e-liquid back into the bottle to prevent wasting it.
    1 point
  23. That's a great gift and if you can get him to stick with it he will thank you for it in no time. If he's anything like I was at first then all the "work" of filling carts or cartos will seem like a pain in the butt for him. After all..it's so much easier to just pull out a cig and a lighter and start smoking. So my first suggestion to you would be to either offer to fill up his cartos for him or just have several ready to go right off the bat. Also see about getting his some sort of small pouch or case for his eGo and juice/carts. I don't think about it much anymore, but at first having all that stuff in my pockets just seemed like such a waste. But I guess the most important thing to do is remind him how much better he'll feel and how much you're doing this to keep him around longer. After he gets into the use of it and finds the enjoyment and health benefits like the rest of us he will be on his way and thank you for your concern. Just remember we are all here to help. Have him join in and ask questions and maybe together we can all get him vaping and having an analog free life. Good luck and happy vaping. p.s. also try a few different types of juice...he might like something different, never know.
    1 point
  24. In the smoking (cigar)room on a cruise in August a young couple from Oklahoma said I was coughing too much!!! and out of her purse came a Joye510!! I was amazed that such a product existed - but living in the forests of Canada I do get behind knowledge of modern devices!!! To make a long story short - I researched and researched AGAINST my husband's opinion and found this wonderful,informative site. Thank-you Vapor Talk. I have been vaping since October 1st, no smokes since mid-October and believe it or not my husband is now vaping since mid-October!!! We are ages 67 and 74, both smoked for 50+ years each, saving about $600 a month!!! I do not count all my new products as a cost - they have changed our lives.
    1 point
  25. Back to VT Midnight for me... along with a glass of vino. A big glass... heck, the entire bottle, probably. I just graded about eighty seventh grade creative stories. Thankfully with vape in hand and their stories won't smell like analogs when I give them back... YEAH! Not that I ever graded and smoked analogs before, but I am soooo thankful to get my nic hit while I'm grading now... love this! Vape (and drink) on!
    1 point
  26. My favorite tobacco flavors are JC Tennessee Cured from johnsoncreeksmokejuice.com tho their fruity flavors kinda all taste very similar and weak. I like the Dulcis from VT and Halo's new Freedom Juice at .com and that's about it. My fave crazy flavors is definitely Tasty Vapors, you can customize your flavors there! tastyvapors.us
    1 point
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