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  1. Part of the reason I'm still here is to help people get started vaping - when I can. I never get tired of answering questions and I don't think anyone else does either...so no, we're not tired of you. As far as removing the wick...that's all up to you. I've never tried it, but lots of other people have and love it. If you have several attys (backups), you could remove it from one and compare it to one you leave in. Then you'll know which way you like it best. The 24mg may well be too much for you. If that's all you have, just vape lightly and not quite as often. Be sure to order some new juice in lower nic levels so you can compare those, too. It all takes time to figure out what works best for you, but you'll get there. I promise. Ripple was right on with the advice on how you vape. Slow, deep inhales into your mouth, then inhale into your lungs. It makes a big difference. I can't help you with the urge to go outside. I always smoked in the house so I never had a problem vaping in the house. But I can tell you that my house smells a lot better now. I never knew how bad it smelled until I started vaping. Even months later, I'd open a box or tote that had something stored in it from when I did smoke and the smoke smell that would come out just about choked me. It's nice knowing that it will never smell like that again.
    2 points
  2. You will start saving money at some point. Well, for the most part. Some people (and don't worry Brian and Uma, I won't mention your names) keep buying and buying. LOL If anyone tells you that I'm one of those people who keep buying, don't listen to them. Just because I have more than one juice box mod on order means nothing. Nothing at all. LOL Okay, seriously, I am on the saving end right now. When I started, I was probably spending more each month on vaping supplies than I was on smoking, but not by much. I started with an M401 unit (spent $70 on that and probably another $50 on cartridges). About a week later I ordered a 901 and some juice (spent $65 there). I used the first unit for two weeks, so that cost me about $40 more than I would have spent on smoking. First lesson learned. The second unit I used for two weeks which saved me about $15. over what I would have spent smoking during that time. I next ordered the 801 with the same results as the 901. Then I ordered the 510 and the VP2 on the same day. I used those units for a couple of months (and saved quite a bit over smoking) before getting the Spade and then a couple of weeks later, the VP/PT. At that time I ordered just over $100.00 worth of juice. But the juice lasted for several months, so although I spent a lot up front, you have to figure out how long it will last. After another month I had to try this new device called the eGo. Everyone was raving about it, so I got one. It was the device that was perfect for me. I was completely satisfied so I didn't buy anything else for 4 months - except for attys. I bought a Black Silver Bullet then because I'd heard so much good about it. Between my BSB and ego, I didn't feel the need for any other devices for the next 7 months. Then I realized that those really weren't enough backups and I ordered a Provape1. At that point I figured I was done. Until I heard about the new juice boxes available and ordered those. See what I mean? But I probably won't buy another unit for quite some time now. I know I've saved hundreds at this point, so even though I've spent quite a bit in the last two months (because I've also started stocking up on more attys lately), I'm still on the savings end of things. Once you find the perfect unit or units, all you really need to buy is attys and juice. If you start out with the right unit (unlike me), you can be saving within weeks. I never worried too much about what I was spending (although I did try to keep it at or below what I would have spent smoking) because I considered it an investment in my health. I still feel that way about it. As far as backups go, it's a good idea to have at least 3 batteries on hand. If you only have two and one dies, then you don't have anything to vape while the one battery charges. That won't be the case if you have 3. Attys, I would recommend having at least 5 on hand at once. Juice...depends on how much you use. Figure out how much you'll use in a week, multiply that by four so you know how much you'll use in a month and then keep at least a months worth on hand. I kept 6 months worth on hand at first - more now. A backup charger is a really good idea. If your charger dies, then you have no way of vaping when a battery dies. I have a car charger, too. If the power goes out, I don't have to worry about not being able to charge a battery. And I have an adapter so I can plug in and vape in the car. As far as all the, better, more powerful, variable voltage, cool, nifty, just gotta have them, new units...well, if you are like some people I know, you just won't be able to help yourself. But you can still be saving money.
    1 point
  3. Your doing good, and asking questions will save you from a lot of headaches. De wicking attys is a very personal thing. Some people swear by it (to prevent burning) and others say don't do it or only use as a last resort to save the Atty. personally go both ways. Give it a try and make your own decision. I believe it is more commonly done with dripping, but I've yet to try it. If the flavor or nic is too strong go ahead and mix with a lower level juice. Mixing is always advised! LOL experiment with flavors and you might find a new favorite. Do experiment in small batches in case you don't like it. Good Luck and keep asking questions!
    1 point
  4. Not at all tired of you, I suspect most of us just see ourselves in you, and for me that was a few short weeks ago. I am going to let others chime in about removing the wick. Given I have gone to the eGO tank I dont really use to many regular attys - well actually none. As far as the few hits effect. If I had to venture a guess it would be that you are vaping like you are smoking, taking a deep inhale as you vape. Its a bit of an adjustment and learning curve to realize vaping is different and your basic technique needs to be different. When you vape you want to inhale slowly and to some extent take the vape into your mouth and hold it there, then inhale and exhale fairly quickly. The inhale itself is not forced, more like a very light breathing in verse sucking on a straw. A very light inhale. Start out with small inhales first 2 seconds and work your way up. My first juices were 16 MG (I smoked menthol lights) and I coughed my head off the first few vapes. Now I can vape the 16 MG with 5, 6 second inhales without thinking about it. I am not sure what juice you ordered, but I know I wouldn't describe mine as thick or syrupy, but perhaps its just not a room temp yet? I didnt have any expectations about its consistency so it just was what is was. Just remember its a process, its not smoking and just as your first ciggys many years ago it takes a little time. Ask questions as you go and just take it one step at a time/
    1 point
  5. Kristen rocks on with this excellent article about prohibition. A must read! http://wivapers.blogspot.com/2011/02/if-anti-tobacco-groups-get-their-way.html
    1 point
  6. I would start with the atomizer first to be honest. Cartomizers are great, but they can be a bit of a pain to fill of your new to ecigs. I would direct drip first then after a week or so move to the cartomizers. (Or if you get bored start on them sooner) This video is a bit old, but if you haven't watched it, give it a look over http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h14QDp4v3O4&feature=player_embedded
    1 point
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