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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/07/2011 in all areas

  1. I talked to my father the other day and come to find out that my uncle overdosed using an e cig. He went to the ER complaining of chest pain and severe skin irritation. The doctors said that he overdosed. On what I don't know. Sorry I don't have all the details. It was a relatively short conversation. My step mother went on to say that the FDA really needs to regulate e cigs and of course that caused a debate where she brought up that we don't know what the Chinese put in it and poisons have been found in some samples. I told her that most of the liquid we use now is all from FDA approved items like loranns food flavorings and vegetable glycerin and that the poison was found in 1 sample. I asked for her to think about it logically. Cigarettes contain over 4,000 different chemicals and electronic cigarettes contain 3 or 4. While not smoking will always be the healthiest alternative which would you rather do inhale vapor or smoke. She said that until the FDA approves it she isn't going to touch it. My father has since stopped using the eGo I sent him for xmas because he doesn't want to overdose. All of this may sound absurd but I can understand where he is coming from. My father has MS and 2 yrs ago doctors put him on pain meds in such high doses that using the medication as prescribed led to him having an overdose and being in a coma for 10 weeks. I personally don't think that my uncle actually overdosed on nicotine or any of the other ******** they fed him. He had only been using it a week and the doctors probably asked him the normal questions. Have you changed your eating habits? And other ?'s leading him to talk about the e cig. Out of ignorance the doctors not really knowing what was really wrong with him attributed it to his e cig usage. Here's my question for the community. What effect if any do you think the ignorance of so called medical professionals will have on legislation to approve a ban of e cig distribution? And here is the nail in the coffin. This incident happened in NY of all places.
    1 point
  2. Also I forgot to mention, you can also off set your orders, so like for me one pay week ill order from VT and the next pay week ill order from awesomevapor. Then that way it dosent hurt as bad. Just a few ideas to get ya thinking outside the box, hope this helps.
    1 point
  3. Ok well I had a good reply for ya, repling on my phone,and a slip of the finger, and poof all gone, damn! So I'm gonna try to keep this short this time, lol Ok, so what I do is, if I have say 3 flavors from 3 different vendors I absolutly have to have. To get started, pick a vendor, order the 1 juice you want from them and have them include a sample of one of the other 2 flavors you would buy from a different vendor. Sometimes you'll like that same flavor from that vedor and you just wiped one vendor off the list. Also you can add hardware to your order to make that order worth it. And too if you find a vendor you really like contact them and let them know you plan to order from them a lot or all the time, usually they will give ya a discount code to use and if ya cont. To order from them and its worth their while they may even give ya your own personal discount code, not all vendors will do this but if ya do order a lot from them say at least every few weeks they might conside it to kinda lock ya into buying from them, its smart biz on their end and you get a nice lil discount from um. Win win
    1 point
  4. Sharon


    Welcome drummingchef, glad you found VT this soon into your e cig experience. I too started with the cigarette looking ecigs and was getting frustrated and thought it wasn't going to work out well. But then, I found VT and everyone help direct me as to what to buy and where to find videos on direct dripping, refilling carts, and the wonderful world of cartos and tanks. When I got my ego from VT Store, I was in heaven. Within a matter of minutes I was filling and vaping with a cartomizer. Man what a difference! A week or so ago, I ordered the Tornado Tank atomizer and carts from Totally Wicked. Unfortunately the atomizer did not work (DOA), but TW quickly responded to my email and instructed me to send it back to them. This does happen occasionally. Like everything else, sometimes things just don't work. The great thing about VT Forum, the members, with their experience and feedback, helped me find good vendors to buy from so when something happens I don't have to worry about customer service. No matter where you get juice from, that is not returnable. So at first, order a small quantity to see if you like the taste and the nic strength. Make sure you check out the difference between PG and VG. I'm sorry but I am still quite new on VT forum and I haven't been able to figure out how to post links to videos or web pages. But, PG and/or VG is what is added to liquid nic (besides flavoing). PG is thinner then VG and if you are direct dripping VG is great because you get a lot of vapor. But when you are filling carts/cartos you would not want 100% or a high VG. Buying prefilled carts/carto is not the best idea. They are so easy to fill your self and its less expensive. Check out the forum, do searches or just post any questions you might have. Experience vapers will be able to answer any of your questions. Also, VT Store has some really good eliquids and they sell empty cartos. I personally love their Dulcis and Midnight eliquids. Their prices are comparable to the other reputable vendors and they have super fast shipping. They stand behind their products and the customer service is the best. Good luck and welcome again.
    1 point
  5. Welcome to Vapor Talk! Cignot is a good supplier with an excellent reputation and great customer service - I've ordered from them a few times. If I recall correctly, a cart will hold about 10-12 drops of eliquid. Typically, that won't last very long, but if you're a lighter smoker (during the week) you may be quite happy with it. You may want to get some cartomizers. That's one piece attomizer that will hold about 30 drops. I would say that would last you a fairly long time and would be ideal for what you're describing.
    1 point
  6. AimeeG


    I'd say (and many others will too, once they are awake!) to get an eGo or a knock-off of such a device (Riva, Tornado). It is about the thickness of some smaller cigars and depending on the mAh, either short or long. The different ways to enjoy it are mounting up: atomizers with cartidges, cartomizers, tanks with their respective atomizers, and drip tips on atomizers. I've had my eGo since September and it's worked really great. I use an atomizer with a drip tip while at home and cartomizers when driving. There are lots of places to purchase liquid to enjoy. You won't find one that tastes like your favorite brand of smokes because there is so much else in them that give them their "special" (ick!) taste. After a while you'll be ordering up many different flavors that sound good to you to see what you like the best. I like coffee types because, well, coffee tastes good to me. I also like more smooth flavors like caramel and toffee. I didn't end up caring for really sweet candy liquids or fruity flavors, though I thought I would. Lots of places sell sample size liquids and you can order a bunch to see what you'd order in a larger size later. The Noobie Guide and the Jargon For Noobs posts here will help tons on the basics. We're glad you're here and want to kick that pack a day habit with something better than the blu. Feel free to ask any other questions you have! We're happy to help.
    1 point
  7. Hi Dreken, I buy a lot from Cignot and they have been exceptionally good for me. Great at fast shipping, quality, and especially good at communicating. Their 510's are all Joye - honestly, if you email them they will email you back quick and in a hurry. I started out with an eGo kit, so I had to eGo's and I would charge them up and take them with me when I left home for the day, like for work, etc. Never went through a whole battery yet on one, and I am like you - vape on breaks, etc. I JUST bought carts - they just came last night so I'm not so sure on how they work right now, but lots of other new people can help.
    1 point
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