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  1. Uma

    I Hope Not

    Here's a tutorial from HighPing that might help: Be sure to read the entire instructions first before trying. Many tips were added after the initial listing. 1. Blow out any excess juice. 2. Rinse with hot water and blow out thoroughly. (no need to dry over night, or anything. They have a built in dryer ) 3. Connect to battery...preferably something higher voltage than stock. I use my variable voltage power supply that's connected to a PS passthrough and set it to about 5.2V for a 510 (6.5ish for an 801), but if all you have is stock, then that will work too. 4. Push button until you see orange hot...carefully...not super bright (white hot). 5. Let off button and blow down the barrel (from a distance, not with your mouth actually on it), this kind of flash cools it and also gets some of the moist air out to speed the drying process. 6. Repeat (steps 4 and 5) 5-10 times... you will see that gradually (once you've got it dry) the glow will occur much quicker. 7. Once you have it to this point, press and release the button at a rate that just holds the orange glow (kind of a manual 'pulse width modulate'). Keep this glow going for 20-30 seconds, being very careful to maintain the glow at low orange (not bright red/white) or you'll pop it. 8. Once you have done that, repeat steps 2-7 one more time. At this point you will have an atty that performs like (or better than) brand new. I have used this technique with 510, 801, 901, 401, and 4081 attys and it always works for me. I like this method because it is quick and simple. No need for any cleaners or overnight soaking. Takes 2-3 minutes and you're back in business. ** You do have to use some caution, as you can pop an atty pretty easily until you have the method down. I haven't popped one in quite some time though. **Also, no need to remove the wick (that's in there for a reason), as you are baking all the gunk out when you do this. This is the reason for the second rinse in the middle of the process. You basically turn the gunk to ash with the sustained orange glow, then rinse the ash out. If anyone tries this, give some feedback and let me know if you find any ways to perfect this method. Seems to work great, but there are always ways to improve Edit: (some tips on the "rinse, dry and burn" stages of the process) **Tips on the 'rinse' stage (step 2) Step 2 is meant to get as much juice out of the atty as possible. The more juice you can get out with the water rinse, the faster you will get the atty dry in steps 4&5. (The water will evaporate off much quicker than juice.) - Rinse by just running hot water from the tap first. Then once you have it somewhat clean, fill the atty barrel with water then (before all the water runs out), put it in your lips and blow the water through really hard. This will give all the nickel foam that's in the atty a kind of "power wash" and get most of any remaining juice out. **Tips on the 'dry' stage (steps 4 & 5): Steps 4 and 5 are meant to get the atty 'bone dry', before you move on to step 6 and the button pulsing. -The more water you can blow out before connecting to the batt, the better. Blow through the atty really hard from both ends (not at the same time) - You can also blow gently down the barrel (from a distance), while holding the button in step 4 to speed the drying process. This will clear the hot moist air out of the atty and allow for a quicker drying time. The key in these steps is to get the atty dried out. Tips on the 'Burn' stage (step 7) The whole key to not popping the atty is keeping a good visual on the coil, and watching the hottest part while pulsing the button. I have had a few attys that will get bright hot on one end of the coil and nothing on the other end of the coil. The way to make this method the most effective is to maintain that orange glow at the hottest end while pulsing the button. If you keep it up long enough you will see the glow slowly migrate across the coil. When you are all done the entire coil should glow when the button is pressed. Once you are past the drying step, you should not hold the button for more than one second. It should really be much shorter than that. More like a button pulse of 2-3 times a second. taken from highping thread "How I ressurect my attys" at ecf
    2 points
  2. JagSol


    I started out with a 510 back in December 2009, but in June (or was it May?!) 2010, I purchased an eGo...and so far I can safely say now that it was perhaps the next best thing since I bought myself a 510 starter kit. The others are pretty much the same as an eGo, though I do not know the exact estimate cost for them. The VaporTalk Store does have some eGos on stock, I believe, but if you're more interested in the Riva, Tornado, ect., it never hurts to look around. If you check on where there is the list of suppliers in the main forum, they're bound to have the right electronic cigarette for you on stock. My eGo ^ This link here should give you an idea what the eGo looks like, though it would be shorter and not have the "whistle tip" mouthpiece like mine does. Mine has a mega battery and a eGo atomizer, so I deeply apologize for providing a picture that is different from what a standard eGo would look like. They do come in different colors rather than just my black one. I do hope this was helpful for you.
    1 point
  3. AimeeG


    I'd say (and many others will too, once they are awake!) to get an eGo or a knock-off of such a device (Riva, Tornado). It is about the thickness of some smaller cigars and depending on the mAh, either short or long. The different ways to enjoy it are mounting up: atomizers with cartidges, cartomizers, tanks with their respective atomizers, and drip tips on atomizers. I've had my eGo since September and it's worked really great. I use an atomizer with a drip tip while at home and cartomizers when driving. There are lots of places to purchase liquid to enjoy. You won't find one that tastes like your favorite brand of smokes because there is so much else in them that give them their "special" (ick!) taste. After a while you'll be ordering up many different flavors that sound good to you to see what you like the best. I like coffee types because, well, coffee tastes good to me. I also like more smooth flavors like caramel and toffee. I didn't end up caring for really sweet candy liquids or fruity flavors, though I thought I would. Lots of places sell sample size liquids and you can order a bunch to see what you'd order in a larger size later. The Noobie Guide and the Jargon For Noobs posts here will help tons on the basics. We're glad you're here and want to kick that pack a day habit with something better than the blu. Feel free to ask any other questions you have! We're happy to help.
    1 point
  4. nana

    Noobie Intrested In Mods.

    Here goes: Why? Backups, that's why? LOL And battery life. I went from the 510 to the eGo for battery life. One hour on the 510 battery to 4 to 6 hours on the eGo battery was a big deal for me. I love my Silver Bullet (it takes the 18650 battery) because I can go a day and a half with a battery in it. I can also use different batteries and vape at 6v if I want. Or use my PT and vape at 5v. Altsmoke is no longer selling the PT through for the SB though. The SB is a powerhouse/workhorse. It's heavy and very durable. Very high quality. I like that about it. And the batteries will always be available - even if batteries like the eGo are no longer available (as in the event of a ban). I know of people who have had a SB for about two years now, so yes, they do last. I've had mine for about 10 months and it's just as good today as the day I got it. I bought the Provape 1 as a backup and because the batteries will always be available. It takes the 14500 - the same as the Mark Mod. The battery life and the availability of them is a big benefit, too. I've only had mine for about a month, so can say exactly how long it will last. But, since it has a lifetime warranty on it, I'd say it will probably last a good long time. You can see the Provape 1 here: http://www.provape.com/category-s/3.htm They also make the Provari and everyone who has one is raving about them. That's an adjustable voltage PV. With the turn of a dial you can go from 3.7v to 6v and everything in between. It's a bit more pricey, but I think it's worth the money. Drawbacks? None that I know of - on either the SB or the Provape 1. More cost effective? Yes, in my opinion, they are. Much more. The only parts you would need with either the SB or the Provape 1 are batteries. And they both take the 510 attys. Or, if you prefer, you can buy an adapter and use the 901 attys on them. Oh! And you can use the 306 attys on them. Lots of options. For something a bit different, you might want to look at something like the Ali'i. It's a handmade, wooden PV that is a juice box. That means it has a bottle of juice inside the box, which you squeeze to get the juice into the atty instead of dripping all the time. It's a beautiful mod and something I think would be very, very convenient. It's pretty pricey though. It also takes the 18650 battery and uses a 510 (or the others I mentioned above) atty. You can look at them here: http://www.rnrmanufacturing.com/Alii-Custom-Order_p_30.html I think I probably broke down and ordered one a couple of weeks ago. (if only Mark made something like this <big sigh>) There is also the "Stu's Illuminated Juice Box". It's made of plastic, but is basically the same as the Ali'i - a juice box mod. Not nearly as pricey either. Ron does a wonderful paint job on them, too. You can get a hook added to the top of these and then get a lanyard for it so you can wear it around your neck. Nice. You'd never drop it that way and would always know right where it is. It takes the 14500 battery. Well, you can get other versions that take different sized batteries, too. See Uma's picture in the gallery to see the ones she has. Beautiful!!! I liked them so much, I ordered two. How do you choose a mod? Hmmm. You ask other people what they have and what they like and what is good and what is not good. Oh wait!! You did that. LOL So now you go look at what they are talking about to see if you like them or not. Some things you will like, some you won't. Don't get anything you don't like the looks of. The SB is great, but it is really BIG. You might not want something that big and could rule that out. Otherwise, pay attention to all the features and decide what you need and what you don't. After much thought, you'll figure out what it is you want and need. I've gone through a lot of different PVs since I started vaping. I pretty much liked everything (except the DSE905 - yuck!). I just moved on to bigger and better things. After I got the eGo last February and the SB last May, I didn't feel the need for anything different at all. And until last month when I got the Provape 1 as a backup, I was still good. And then people started talking about the Ali'i and the Stu's Illuminated Juice Box. And they put up links to go look at them. And I fell in love! I couldn't help myself. Honestly, I've been waiting for a really good juice box mod to come out. It's what I've wanted all along. I just hope they live up to my expectations. If they don't? Well, I'm still happy with the others I have. But I think I'm going to be really and truly happy with the juice boxes. It's all about what you want and what works best for you. Good luck!!
    1 point
  5. nana

    What To Buy?

    Welcome to Vapor Talk, Erika! The cartridges are not usually interchangeable - depending on what you get. All 510s are the same no matter what the "brand name" is. But a 510 is not interchangeable with say a 801. Refilling is easy. Direct dripping is easier and better all around. You can buy the cheap one locally, but I wouldn't advise it. You probably wouldn't be happy with it at all. In my opinion, you'd be much better off starting with the eGo. It's the perfect starting device (and remains a favorite no matter what else you get later on), is easy to use, is small enough it's not "scary" for first time user, is a great fit in the hand, and lots of dealers carry it. Keep asking questions and you'll know what you want to get soon enough. Everyone will do their best to answer your questions and help you out. Good luck!!
    1 point
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