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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/02/2011 in all areas

  1. Brian

    Why You Need Backups. :)

    Deep end? What's that? This makes no sense to me. Nothing wrong with have 70+ attys, two eGo kits, 10 or so mods, tons of batteries (18650s, RCR123As, 14500), a plethora of drip tips and a two year supply of nic. Nope, nothing wrong with that at all.
    2 points
  2. Tagsanstuff

    Muscle Pain?

    I am always in pain as I have Fibromyalgia. Since I started vaping, my pain is 90%gone...no more pain =)
    1 point
  3. nana

    Tank System

    The eGo and the tornado are the same thing - made by the same company. The tornado name is given to the product for TW. I'm sure the tank for each is also the same.
    1 point
  4. kitsune

    Mouth Sore`s

    Caker sores are not uncommon with vaping--especially in the beginning. I have heard some have better luck with VG mixes. The higher the nicotine in the liquid to more likely to develop canker sores. There are typically caused by getting liquid on you lips or in your mouth--Which unfortunately does happen (more so in the beginning). anytime you get liquid on your lips or in your mouth--rinse well with water or any handy beverage. I still keep water handy. PG is also very drying to the membranes in your mouth, doesn't help with canker sores. It does get better !!!!
    1 point
  5. nana


    I've heard of a lot of people who go through that coughing - to clear out their lungs. I never did do that. When I cough now, it's usually because of needing to drink more liquid. That doesn't happen much. I started coughing a few weeks ago and couldn't figure out what was going on. Turns out I was getting sick. Wow, whodathunkit?
    1 point
  6. PsychoMaster

    Mad At Myself.

    I'm thinking about just saving and ponying up the cash for a mod. Probably one from jolly if at all possible, his look awesome. I want a BEAST that can take a beating and keep on vaping...there is just SO MANY out there though. Very hard to choose any ONE.
    1 point
  7. nana

    Why You Need Backups. :)

    Oh Beans!! You are not going off the deep end. Not at all. I, on the other hand.... No, not really. I'm not going off the deep end. Not at all. It's much better to have too much vaping stuff (did I really just say "too much" - no such thing) than not enough. Imagine the horror of running out of something: attys, batteries, charger, liquid. You would not be able to vape. Hold on a second, I think I'm making myself sick just thinking of that possibility...gotta pull myself together. <deep breath> Okay, I'm better now. Nope. Being prepared is never going off the deep end. You're just fine. You really are. As a matter of fact, you probably need a few more things. Ever thought about a silver bullet? They are awesome!! The Provape 1 is really nice. Those juice box mods like Uma just got are probably a must, too. Yeah, a must. That would be why I'm seriously considering...oh never mind. Uma!! Back me up on this one. Please!!!!
    1 point
  8. This is friggin' ridiculous... Okay, so the main argument is "they're not proven to be safe," and "omfg, it might be a gateway to smoking for kids..." Oh really? Well here's how we solve that very very easily. 1. ban the sale to minors under the current tobacco product laws, or make a new law specifically for e-cigs that says minors can't buy them. How hard is that? 2. ban cigarettes. If there are no cigarettes being sold, then it doesn't matter if kids get hooked because they only way they can get their nicotine then is via e-cigs, which we all know damn well are many times safer, so who gives a crap? Anyway, why, after vaping first, would you decide you're gonna smoke cigarettes? Even if you are addicted to nicotine, e-cigs taste so much better and don't kill you or make you cough your lungs up every day. These stupid public "health" officials... "omg, with e-cigs you can get your nicotine anywhere you can't smoke. that's not good for public health." My ***, it isn't. Nicotine, in and of itself is not all that bad for you. Even if it is, it's in cigarettes, among many other things, so what's their point? The nicotine itself isn't the problem. it's the tar, carbon monoxide, cyanide, formaldehyde, ammonia, arsenic, and god only knows what else is in those stupid things. This is so aggravating. They don't give a damn about public health. If they did, cigarettes wouldn't be here, period. I'm so sick and tired of hearing how people want them removed until they're proven 100% safe. WATER isn't 100% safe. NOTHING is. Too much water in your system will kill you. Too much of just about anything will kill you, so what exactly is the definition of 100% safe? While we're at it, why don't we just ban water? Damn morons... This country's government makes me sick.
    1 point
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