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  1. Ok had a miserable day with my eGo but it wasn't it's fault entirely lol Couldn't get any vapor out of the darned thing hardly at all after blowing it out repeatedly, cleaning it, dry burning it, de-meshing, and finally de-bridging I realized it wasn't sitting down in the atty all the way which means the battery wasn't getting it hot enough to release the vapor. OH yeah this baby's kickin now. I now feel confident I could make just about any atty work as long as it wasn't completely dead or missing the coil lol. I also learned to never get caught with my pants down again- backups, backups and more backups!!!! I"m just say'in lol
    2 points
  2. Sharon

    Vapor Bubble Trick

    I'm so glad you posted this video Uma. Now my cat can enjoy my new found hobby. I tried the Bubble trick, just for fun, and my cat went crazy. He jumps up until he touches the bubble and it pops. My dog sat there and watched him a few times, then he decided to get into the act. Vaping is now a family affair! LOL
    2 points
  3. gmf1

    Nic Patches Added To Our Pbs

    The Aus government is spending 60mil to add nic patches to the pharma benefit scheme taking there cost from $140/month to $6/month, e-cigs still banned... "We estimate around 70,000 people a year will give up smoking because of this new subsidy," Ms Roxon told reporters. Ms Roxon banned e-cigs btw, 70,000 people for 60 mil! how about you un-bann ecig sales and have that number x10, for free!!! http://www.theage.com.au/national/nicotine-patches-to-be-available-under-pbs-20101209-18qkk.html
    1 point
  4. PsychoMaster

    Gaming Laptop

    Okay, I studied computers for 3 1/2 years, which is actually not that much, so someone with more experience might come along. But the processor is ok, the price to up it is ridiculous and not worth the little extra kick it gives. The video card is AWESOME, my bro has a 512 and runs a few high-quality demanding games like Starcraft 2 at high settings. Black ops should look beautiful. 6 GB memory/RAM is good, don't need any more than that. 750GB hard drive should be enough for whatever you need, unless you got a bunch of *ahem* "freeware" (totally NOT talking about "pirated" movies and/or music <.<). Unless you need it, the other software is for stuff like running a business, or going to college. As for Anti-Virus, I just use AVG Free (like the name says, it's free) and Spybot Search and Destroy (also free), google it if you want. Battery all depends on how long you need it to run, I just kept mine stationary, so I changed to a desktop. Adaptors are the same, if you need it, get it, otherwise no point. No idea on the difference in screens, probly just a gloss or something...might be worth checking out. "Primary Optical Drive" all depends on what you need, do you NEED Blu-Ray? Do you NEED to burn "ahem" copies of your previously legally bought software? It's up to you. The networking bit MIGHT be worth $25 to get the Bluetooth, I never used it, but it depends on whether or not you have, or will, need it. The thing said it had an included port for broadband internet, so if you have dsl or cable internet, you SHOULD be fine, but they have usb adapters for that just in case. If you want some good sound, get a set of speakers, the ones in laptops usually blow. BE SURE to get a surge bar, either use one you have or get a new one, but make sure its good, because you could lose it all in a heartbeat if you have a power fluctuation. Looks like a good computer, just an fyi though, if you don't need portability, a desktop is cheaper for all of the same components, which means with that money you could get a better desktop But I digress, hope I helped.
    1 point
  5. thanks Juliery, that was good info, im not exactly sure if the vapeing has anything at all to do with my insomnia or simply coincidence that my ex husband would stir up problems about the same time i started vapeing... this would not be the first time that stress has caused me sleep issues so that is most likely the case i think... and besides, its not that i cant get to sleep, its that i cant stay asleep, one would think it would be the opposite if it were from the nic levels in the e cig (edited dyslexic typos, yikes)
    1 point
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