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  1. Are your atties gummed up? Tasting like crap? Are you looking for a way to clean your atties without chemical cleaners? Cleaning with hot water has drawbacks as well -- it kills vapor production and if you don't use distilled water you'll have scale build up on the coil which cuts vapor production and shortens its life. Finally, no more waiting days and days for the water to dry out of your atomizer; no more chemicals and no more scale. With the Dooder Method you'll be vaping instantly after cleaning, your atty will taste like brand new, and you'll be saving money! Here's how it works: What you'll need: a. Small saucepan b. at least 2 shot glasses c. USP Propylene Glycol d. heat source e. dirty attys f. tweezers g. paper towels 1. Blow as much gunk as you can from the BATTERY end towards the business end. 2. Place your dirty atties in a shot glass and fill with USP PG to cover the atties completely. Fill another shot glass with pg but don't put any attys in it. You'll need this pg later. 3. Fold up a paper towel, or use some cloth and place in pan. Now, place both shot glasses on the towel, in center of saucepan and fill PAN (not glasses) with water about halfway up the shot glasses. 4. Put on stove or heatsource and set to simmer. DISCLAIMER: As with anything you read on the internet, when trying this method, please use common sense! If using a gas stove, ensure NO FLAME is rolling up the sides of the pan! PG is pretty safe but the vapor can ignite if the concentration is high enough in the room. Good ventilation is key. * The boiling point of PG is 370.8F. What does this mean to you? It means that you will never get it to boil on your stove, but if open flame rolls up over your saucepan you could see a flash. Again, this tech is safe as long as you use common sense. 5. Boil for at least 15 mins. CAUTION: watch and make sure the water level doesnt get too low--it may crack the glass! The lid helps increase the amount of heat inside and helps keep the water level from dropping too quickly. 6. After 15 min. boil, take tweezers and grab and atty from the business end, allowing hot pg to run back into glass. 7. Now, repeatedly dip the atties into the CLEAN hot pg and allow to drain from business end down and out battery end into the glass until it comes out clear. 8. Set upside down on paper towel and allow to cool a few mins. 9. Pick atty up and blow out excess pg. 10. Vape away! Comments or suggestions welcome! Dude.
    2 points
  2. A Noobie's Guide to Batteries While in the chat room one night, someone was asking if there was a guide for batteries. He was hearing all these battery numbers in the conversation, and not familiar enough to follow along. I decided to write this guide to help familiarize the noobs to all the batteries we use for mods. All of the batteries we use are either 3.7volts or 3.0volts. There is however a 5volt battery used in the Mako Maksi, but it's not one of the popular batteries you frequently hear about, so I'll just concentrate this discussion on the 3 and 3.7volt varieties. The 3.0volt batteries are primarily used in pairs for a total of 6.0volts for 6volt vaping, and single battery mods are 3.7volts. The 3.7volt batteries are usually only paired if the mod has a voltage regulator (adjustable or fixed) for consistency in voltage throughout battery life and load conditions. Now that you have a little background on how the batteries are used, let's try to make sense out of the numbering system. The first 2 digits of the battery number indicate the dimension measuring across the battery. So a 10440 measures 10mm across, a 14500 measures 14mm across, and so forth, and the last 3 digits make reference to the length. For example the last 3 digits in a 14500 battery would suggest that the length would be 50.0mm long, but that would be for the unprotected version of the battery. The overcharge/overdischarge protection circuit will add between 2 and 3 mm to the length of the battery, so a 14500 is really 52.5mm long. Aside from the physical size of the battery, there is something referred to as mah (milliamp hour) rating. This is a capacity rating of the battery, and indicates the amount of energy the battery can store. In other words, how long it will last between charges (more mah, more charge life). Physical size will affect mah ratings, and therefore smaller size batteries will typically have lower mah ratings. Some batteries are available in more than 1 mah rating. Below is a listing of the more commonly used batteries in e-cigarette mods. **This is not meant to be a complete list, so please don't shoot me of you know of a battery I didn't list.**
    1 point
  3. brijmin

    Jargon For Noobs

    Sometime the vets on the forums tend to use terms and slag for some of the most common items, methods and hardware for vaping. This is not the ultimate guide but should make some of the terms a little clearer. (I hope)... Basic Jargon Vapor - Vapor is the substance exhaled when using an electronic cigarette which may look similar to cigarette smoke. Vaping - The act of using an Electronic Cigarette (as opposed to "smoking", as the device creates a vapor rather than smoke). Vape - Used often in place of the word smoke. I vape, I'm vaping. Batt - Battery. Atty - Electronic component that turns the eJuice into vapor. Cartridge or Cart - The part of a three piece electronic cigarette which contains the liquid. These come blank (with no liquid), or prefilled. Cartomizer or Carto - The part of a two piece electronic cigarette which contains the liquid. These come blank (with no liquid), or prefilled. Analog - Traditional tobacco cigarette. DIY - Do It Yourself. Dripping - To place a few drops of liquid directly onto the atomizer instead of using a cartridge. Drip Tip or DT - A special attachment used to make it easier to drip eliquid directly onto the atomizer. Mod - Modified (custom built) e-cigarette. TH - Throat Hit a strong feeling in the back of the throat when vaping. Primer Puff - A short, quick mouth inhale on the electronic cigarette similar to the action when smoking a pipe or cigar. This heats up the atomizer before a full draw. PV or Personal Vaporiser - An electronic cigarette. Some prefer to use this term as the word 'cigarette' has a lot of negative connotations associated with it that do not apply to PVs. PCC - Personal Charging Case / Portable Charger Case. Passthrough or PT - A USB adapter for the Electronic Cigarette which screws onto the atomizer like a battery, but draws power from a USB port. E-Liquid / E-Juice E-Liquid / E-Juice - A Flavored or unflavored liquid for use in an electronic cigarette, usually (but not always) containing nicotine. VG - Vegetable Glycerin PG - Propylene Glycol PEG - Propylethylene Glycol PGA - Pure Grain Alcohol NPG - Not containing Propylene Glycol. Sometimes used as a synonym to Vegetable Glycerin. Nic - Nicotine Cartridge Related Filler - The clump of fibers that hold the liquid in the cartridge. Stuffing - Another term for filler. BFM - Blue Foam Mod. (cart filler material) Dripping - To place a few drops of liquid directly onto the atomizer instead of using a cartridge. Dry Smoking - Same thing as dripping, referring to the fact that the cartridge us usually not filled, therefore dry. Tailpiping - Vaping directly from the atomizer without using a mouthpiece/cartridge. Drip Tip or DT A special attachment used to make it easier to drip eliquid directly onto the atomizer. Topping Up/Off - To add a few drops of liquid to a partially used cartridge to prolong its use. Measurements LR - Low Resistance HV - High Voltage (typically a 5 or 6 volt ecigarette) IMR - A battery with lower internal resistance and a high discharge rate, good for high drain applications like ecigarettes. in - inch (also abbreviated ") (1 inch = 25.4 mm) mm - millimeter (1 mm = 0.039 inch) cm - centimeter (1 cm = 0.394 inch) oz - ounce (1 fluid oz = 29.5 ml) ml - milliliter (1 ml = 0.034 fluid ounce) cc - cubic centimeter (1 cc = 1 ml) mg - milligram (often used as measure of nicotine per ml of eliquid) mA - milliamp (often used as a measure of available power) mAh - milliamp hour (often used as a measure of battery capacity/duration Forum Phrases PM - Private Message Troll - Somebody who makes a statement with the intention of annoying or angering other posters. This person usually ends up banned.
    1 point
  4. miatafrank

    Ny Lawmakers Advance Bill

    All of the comments made by these idiots are completely as predicted, and is exactly as described in the interview with Dr. Michael Seigel. They are completely ignoring the science (or that the science even exists) and leaning heavily in the ideology that something that looks like smoke can't be a good thing. If you didn't listen to the interview, do it now. You owe it to yourself to understand this insightful perspective.
    1 point
  5. Prouddad

    Ny Lawmakers Advance Bill

    Also maybe we can try to ask the VICE President, I don't know maybe I am just searching for something FRIDAY JAN. 28TH 2:30 P.M. EST VICE PRESIDENT BIDEN ANSWERS YOUR QUESTIONS Yahoo! will be sitting down with Vice President Biden asking him your questions. HOW TO PARTICIPATE Go to Yahoo.com to submit your question and check back again to see his answers on Friday
    1 point
  6. Prouddad

    Ny Lawmakers Advance Bill

    Maybe we can all submit questions with our concerns at this time and maybe one of us would be heard !THURSDAY JAN. 27TH LIVE ROUNDTABLES WITH POLICY EXPERTS Join online discussions with White House policy experts about issues through a live roundtable format. HOW TO PARTICIPATE Submit questions during the events at facebook.com/whitehouse or ahead of time with participating sites. HEALTH CARE Secretary Kathleen Sebelius Department of Health and Human Services 4:30 p.m.
    1 point
  7. Uma

    Ny Lawmakers Advance Bill

    all the vendors have to do to detour kids away from being interested in eCigs is to put Warning Alerts on their sites: WARNING: Ecigs MAY cause Bloating, ACNE, Farting, and other disgusting to a teenager symtoms. There goes that flat belly, beautiful skin, and "close" friends ....
    1 point
  8. This is friggin' ridiculous... Okay, so the main argument is "they're not proven to be safe," and "omfg, it might be a gateway to smoking for kids..." Oh really? Well here's how we solve that very very easily. 1. ban the sale to minors under the current tobacco product laws, or make a new law specifically for e-cigs that says minors can't buy them. How hard is that? 2. ban cigarettes. If there are no cigarettes being sold, then it doesn't matter if kids get hooked because they only way they can get their nicotine then is via e-cigs, which we all know damn well are many times safer, so who gives a crap? Anyway, why, after vaping first, would you decide you're gonna smoke cigarettes? Even if you are addicted to nicotine, e-cigs taste so much better and don't kill you or make you cough your lungs up every day. These stupid public "health" officials... "omg, with e-cigs you can get your nicotine anywhere you can't smoke. that's not good for public health." My ***, it isn't. Nicotine, in and of itself is not all that bad for you. Even if it is, it's in cigarettes, among many other things, so what's their point? The nicotine itself isn't the problem. it's the tar, carbon monoxide, cyanide, formaldehyde, ammonia, arsenic, and god only knows what else is in those stupid things. This is so aggravating. They don't give a damn about public health. If they did, cigarettes wouldn't be here, period. I'm so sick and tired of hearing how people want them removed until they're proven 100% safe. WATER isn't 100% safe. NOTHING is. Too much water in your system will kill you. Too much of just about anything will kill you, so what exactly is the definition of 100% safe? While we're at it, why don't we just ban water? Damn morons... This country's government makes me sick.
    1 point
  9. Uma

    First Day Ego And No Analog

    My guess would be: Ripple, yours is too dry, need to add a drop to the atty and top off your cart more often. Troopx yours sounds too wet and at the verge of gurgeling. Blow out the atty onto a kleenex and then add just 1 or 2 drops onto the atty and see if that improves the vapor. There's always a fine line between too dry and too wet...
    1 point
  10. Just a note from another fairly new 'MIXOLOGIST'... I started with a bunch of different Loranns flavors and went through all of them. I wasn't really THAT impressed so I started doing some research and found Perfumer's Apprentice. I have tried a BUNCH of different ones from them already (just ordered another 20 flavors lastnight) and found them to be a bit weaker... but a lot better quality. Nearly every single Loranns I had was some shade of 'dark'. Almost every single PA flavoring I got in my first batch were clear or nearly clear. I also found them to have a better/cleaner taste than the others or something. I just found that I needed to up my % of flavoring for some of them when mixing. A 15ml bottle for under $4 isn't too bad either really. I'd say to try more than one make of flavorings to see what you personally prefer. I just decided that I much prefer my flavorings to be on the clear side vs. the darker side. JMHO. It really is nice to know with confidence that you can make several different juices that you really like though... so it's well worth the effort you put into it. Just keep in mind that alot of it in the beginning is trial and error. You will probably end up dumping more then you keep when you first start. Don't give up though!
    1 point
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