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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/2011 in all areas

  1. I sent mine. I changed it up a bit to more reflect my own personal experience. I live in NY and it figures they want to ban them here. We have the highest tobacco taxes in the nation, with cigs at just under $10.00 per pack! There is A LOT of money to be lost when more people discover the wonders of vaping. I have personally watched a handful of people I know either quit altogether, or cut down massively due to the e-cigarettes. The disposable e-cigs are now being sold in the same convenience stores that charge an arm and a leg for the death sticks. What lawmaker has a right to tell an adult that they are perfectly free to pay through the nose for non FDA approved cigarettes, but cannot use a personal vaporizer as a safer alternative? It all boils down to one thing: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Doug M.
    2 points
  2. Courtesy of VapeBans.com It's time for you to act again Vapor Talkers. Our fellow Vapers in New York Need Your Help!! Deadline is January 25th. The New York State Assembly Health Committee has A01468 on its meeting agenda for this coming Tuesday, 1/25, at 12 noon. If the bill is favorably reported out of committee, it will then go to the full Assembly for a vote - where the identical bill passed unanimously last year! It did not become law only because the Senate version never got out of the Senate Health Committee last year. Here is the bill memo and text: Bill DO NOT FORGET TO SIGN YOUR NAME AT THE BOTTOM OF THE EMAIL BEFORE YOU SEND IT!!!! And please send the letter below.. regardless of what state you are from!!! (Do not include your address or phone number unless you are from the area with the proposed ban). URGENT For New York!!! Emails should be sent before 1/25!!! >>>>>If you are a PC user click here. >>>>>If you are a Mac user Click Here ********************************************************** If you wish to call, you can find a full number and fax list: Here. ********************************************************** Did you send the letter? Respond below! EDIT Here is the bull, I mean bill, if you want to read it: http://assembly.state.ny.us/leg/?default_fld=&bn=A01468%09%09&Summary=Y&Actions=Y&Votes=Y&Memo=Y&Text=Y
    1 point
  3. This is the Third of 3 videos These liquids are a VG/PG mix they were 18, and 24 mg Fruit stick Gum, and Butter Scotch All 10 had good vapor production, and a very nice throat hit Flavor is in the taste of each individual, subjective, what I like, or dislike you may feel the opposite of. Butter Scotch: Did not taste like Butter Scotch Fruit Stick Gum: Very nice fruit flavors Please subscribe to me for the latest deals, steal, and Giveaways http://www.youtube.com/user/step07726... Flavor is in the taste of each individual, subjective, what I like, or dislike you may feel the opposite of, that's why their are 3 ml sample bottles for you to buy, and try first. You are all invited to come Hang out on my show, so we can vape together, Saturday Nights at 10 PM eastern time http://www.stickam.com/elixirtv2 and during week nights with our other hosts. We have shows 7 nights a week most starting around 9 PM eastern time, check the show schedule for changes. Any Questions? you can always email me at smokie901@gmail.com Vape On, and Fuhgeddaboudit, Smokie The Mod Father
    1 point
  4. miatafrank

    North Carolina Facing Ban

    I think you have it wrong about the tobacco industry, and they are more likely to be on our side. They have been just as victimized by taxation as the smokers. The real culprits are the state governments and federal agencies like the FDA. They impose high taxes on cigarettes which impacts the pockets of smokers, and leads to LESS sales of tobacco. Why would the tobacco industry be behind that. Hurt by this taxation, the tobacco industry turned to other ways to sell their product. The extraction of nicotine for use by the pharmaceutical companies in patches and gum and such. Now the pharmaceutical companies would be another villain in all this, but to the tobacco companies they would be just another customer. There is also snus which is derived from the tobacco plant, and yes, electronic cigarettes. If the tobacco companies get on board with more smoking alternatives which are derived from the tobacco plant, they stand to make MORE money, and that puts them more on our side. This is not just my guess. This is a point on view published in a tobacco magazine, and the article was posted a while ago right here on vaportalk by another member.
    1 point
  5. If you are using Cart make sure you are filling the Cartage until the filler looks like a Slushie or Slurpee and make sure you hit the top of the bridge with a drop or two of eJuice. It sounds like the bridge is getting dry and the fiber filler material is melting to the top of the bridge. I suggest tossing the filler material and Direct Dripping. Check out Chris's video on the How To's. Hope this helps.
    1 point
  6. Sent. I gave a +1 to every post in this thread. Great job guys!
    1 point
  7. I hit this up the second I saw Grimm post it on twitter, and I've got the inbox full of auto-responses to prove it!
    1 point
  8. Like I said, I did it too on one, and I am GLAD I got the "blow off" response right away because then I knew not to give out that info to anyone else. It was basically like, you aren't voting for me anyway, so I don't care about your opinion.
    1 point
  9. Everyone should send the letter...regardless of where they live...what happens in one state adds fuel to the fire....NONE of these bans can be allowed to happen. IF they do then we MUST see to it that they are overturned. It will affect ALL of us eventually. When I sent out over 100 emails last spring to all the reps and senators in IL, many of them emailed back asking for my physical address....DO NOT give it. I only did to one, and within an hour got an email back saying that I wasn't a constituent of whoever it was. SO I wrote back and said, fine, I hope he doesn't have aspirations of running for any statewide office because I will NOT forget his backing the bill. So with all the others I said I didn't find it necessary to give out that info. That I was a resident of IL and that is all that should matter. So if asked to give your physical address, make up some reason, or simply state you don't give out that info when it is not necessary.
    1 point
  10. A nice letter was sent with my email with Name,address and phone number ! Thank You Chris for letting us all know about this.
    1 point
  11. Done and dusted. Let me add my thanks to all non-New Yorkers for your help in preventing this poorly-drafted piece of legislation from getting out of committee.
    1 point
  12. okay....sent!
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Do you still need the email addresses or the letter, I would be happy to post? I appreciate your effort and what you are going through. I am from NY and am sure I speak for all of us when I say Thank You!
    1 point
  15. DUH, okay, now I see you already did that....thank you!!!
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. I added my own 2 cents and sent it also.
    1 point
  18. Thank you so much to all of you "out of staters" who want to help your fellow vapers in NY! It is much appreciated and I for one will return the favor if, heaven forbid, it happens in your state.
    1 point
  19. Uma

    New York Ban Ecig Ban

    I immediately recieved a Form mail from 5 of the Reps, saying they can't review the emails because they recieve too many of them, so please CALL INSTEAD... as if their phones aren't ringing off the hook aarggh. Wish I had a plane ticket... My poor phone is going hoarse from all the incoming Canned Replies. Droid.. Droid.. Droid.. 12 to date
    1 point
  20. Emails sent. I got 11 instant replies which kind of irritated me. Good Luck NYers, Any of us could be next.
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. E-mail sent. Good luck, New York.
    1 point
  24. Done. Even added some of my own story at the top.
    1 point
  25. While you should do everything you can to prevent this ban... do not fear. We will still get our supplies in NY, banned or not.
    1 point
  26. Sending mine. Oh this just sucks!!
    1 point
  27. Glad to help. As I will not be available Monday and have no access to a fax machine I fired off an email. I fondly wish they listen to us all! Dear Sirs and Madams of the Assembly, It has come to my attention that you are yet again trying to ban the e-cigarette, in keeping with the State New York's policy to tax, spend and oppress its residents. As a resident of New Jersey I am keenly aware of the mass exodus of the best and the brightest of our taxpaying residents to more Libertarian locales. I am a e-cigarette user as are many of my friends and family members. I grew sick and tired of the smell and expense of smoking for 20 years. Don't get me wrong- I liked smoking and had no desire to quit, I just wanted options that didn't involve nicotine infused duct tape or a vile tasting gum. I have saved quite a bit of money and no longer smell of despair and cigarette butts. I cannot wrap my head around why New York State would want to ban the e-cigarette after imposing draconian measures to tax tobacco out of existence yet revel in the cash cow it represents. In this day and age the people have grown weary of politician's promises, while pontificating in front of the nearest camera 'it's for the common good.' We don't all need nannying. Legislation keeping tobacco, e-cigarettes and other adults only consumables is fine with me. Children don't know what is best for them, whereas adults do. As it stands now, New York have more pressing matters to attend to, like the fiscal apocalypse of public employee pensions and the potential municipal bond disaster that awaits both our states. Why not use this time with your brand new Governor to fix whats really broken before attending to what is not? In that vein, I respectfully request you all toss out this unnecessary and Liberty infringing legislation. With kind regards, Shannon [last name omitted]
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. Done, its not at all surprising given how non-smoker friendly NY is. Of course this isn't smoking but why should facts get in the way of government.
    1 point
  30. For those of you curious, here is the bull, I mean bill if you wish to read it: http://assembly.state.ny.us/leg/?default_fld=&bn=A01468%09%09&Summary=Y&Actions=Y&Votes=Y&Memo=Y&Text=Y
    1 point
  31. Great job and great stories everyone. At the very least our voices will be heard. I would also suggest everyone in NY make a note of who votes for this bill. Let's make sure you vote against them next time the elections come up. ECF, Nu Vapor, Vapor Talk, CASSA, Vapers Forum and National Vapers are all watching this closely. That's quite a few votes.
    1 point
  32. I sent a letter in my own words to all the committee members. I don't use Outlook, so I never even SAW the letter in question.
    1 point
  33. Thank You Chris, email sent.
    1 point
  34. Signed, sealed, and delivered~!
    1 point
  35. Thank you Chris! It is really nice to see other people helping. The first time NY started the process to ban E-Cigs, I was stunned and had no idea it was even about to be banned here in NY. It had just passed the NYS Assembly Unanimously! What is even more shocking was the Video clip of what transpired during that vote. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=Yc2iMn7EZ5Q It showed the complete ignorance of those representatives of the people who voted with a complete disregard for all the facts we now know were sent to them by many professionals and groups. It showed that they did not do any homework or read anything before voting on this matter, just like the Obama Health Care Bill. They did not know what these devices were and most had not even seen one. They also changed the section that was prohibiting these devices from only minors to also now include adults. How arrogant! They took the word of a bias Committee Member, Mathew Titone who helped to sponsor this campaign and Bill and claims as a smoker, "he has tried them before". He goes on to say "what is truly shocking" are claims he makes based on his 11 year old nephews story of being able to go out and buy one with no questions asked. Such evidence is hearsay with no actual fact, evidence or an adult witness, which Mr. Titone who is an attorney obviously knows is wrong to do. During this same claim he calls it "a delivery system of nicotine and other chemicals, and marketed as a stop smoking device that delivers an unknown quantity of carcinogenetic chemicals into a person's system". This statement alone shows he has NOT done the research or homework and not based these statements on any real facts. For an attorney who is supposed to be trained to make representations based on facts and evidence, this is truly shocking. He no longer is defending the life of one person but the entire state of NY. The fact that these people do nothing to prepare and educate themselves before voting on bills that effect our daily lives, and do it with such arrogance should have people outraged in every facet of oppression that is continuing right now, including our very freedom according to a constitution they oppose, defying the very laws they were elected to uphold. These people pay themselves outrageous paychecks to do very little but attempt to control us to THEIR own benefit not ours. I have NOT looked up what recently just occurred, but last research I did after writing, emailing, faxing and phoning all the representatives from NY's last attempt to ban e-cigs was that it still had to pass the NYS Assembly "Health Committee" and then be signed by the Gov. to complete the process of banning. In other wards this is "last chance to fight NOW"! If it passes here in NY other States will follow. Does anyone know exactly when the NYS Health Committee is scheduled to vote on this matter?
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. Thank everyone. I second Frank, let's hope this is enough to stop the ban. New York has been trying to pass this ban for a while..
    1 point
  39. I done did it
    1 point
  40. Email sent. Thanks for keeping us up to date!!
    1 point
  41. Done and Done
    1 point
  42. ok done,, very easy, common ppl let keep our right to vape!!!
    1 point
  43. Easy as pie - done! Thanks for keep everyone informed
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. To contact the New York Assembly Health Committee Copy one of the following groups of email addresses and paste them in the “To:” section of your email depending if your email separates with semicolons or commas. GottfriedR@assembly.state.ny.us; bingj@assembly.state.ny.us; CahillK@assembly.state.ny.us; CastelliR@assembly.state.ny.us; ConteJ@assembly.state.ny.us; CymbroS@assembly.state.ny.us; DinowiJ@assembly.state.ny.us; GalefS@assembly.state.ny.us; GuntheA@assembly.state.ny.us; HevesiA@assembly.state.ny.us; JacobsR@assembly.state.ny.us; LavineC@assembly.state.ny.us; MagnarW@assembly.state.ny.us; MayersN@assembly.state.ny.us; McDonoD@assembly.state.ny.us; MillerJ@assembly.state.ny.us; PaulinA@assembly.state.ny.us; PeopleC@assembly.state.ny.us; RiveraN@assembly.state.ny.us; RosentL@assembly.state.ny.us; SchimmR@assembly.state.ny.us; TobaccoL@assembly.state.ny.us; TownsD@assembly.state.ny.us Or you can use the following if you need commas instead of semicolons... GottfriedR@assembly.state.ny.us, bingj@assembly.state.ny.us, CahillK@assembly.state.ny.us, CastelliR@assembly.state.ny.us, ConteJ@assembly.state.ny.us, CymbroS@assembly.state.ny.us, DinowiJ@assembly.state.ny.us, GalefS@assembly.state.ny.us, GuntheA@assembly.state.ny.us, HevesiA@assembly.state.ny.us, JacobsR@assembly.state.ny.us, LavineC@assembly.state.ny.us, MagnarW@assembly.state.ny.us, MayersN@assembly.state.ny.us, McDonoD@assembly.state.ny.us, MillerJ@assembly.state.ny.us, PaulinA@assembly.state.ny.us, PeopleC@assembly.state.ny.us, RiveraN@assembly.state.ny.us, RosentL@assembly.state.ny.us, SchimmR@assembly.state.ny.us, TobaccoL@assembly.state.ny.us, TownsD@assembly.state.ny.us Copy the following and paste it into the “Subject:” line of your email… OPPOSE A1468: Electronic Cigarettes/ Nicotine Vaporizers Then copy the following and paste it into the body on your email and then sign your name … New York Legislator, After many years of smoking, I now use an electronic cigarette/nicotine vaporizer instead of smoking. Section 2 of proposed legislation A1468 would ban the sale of electronic cigarettes/nicotine vaporizers to adults and I would no longer be able to purchase them in New York State. I am sure that you would not want your constituents to start smoking tobacco cigarettes again, but this will be the unintended consequence of the proposed bill. These devices are the one thing that finally helped me stop smoking after trying so many other ways. Tobacco cigarettes deliver many dangerous chemicals, but electronic cigarettes deliver nicotine without those dangerous chemicals. I can breathe better and I feel better. I don’t cough and I don’t smell awful anymore. I know that you have been told that e-cigarettes contain dangerous chemicals, but this is not true. The information you have been given has been proven incorrect many times and in the past 12 months additional research (for example http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/centers-institutes/population-development/files/article.jphp.pdf) has shown these products to be a safer alternative to smoking and effective for hundreds of thousands of people as a substitute for traditional tobacco cigarettes. Two federal courts have already told the FDA that the e-cigarette may not be regulated as a smoking cessation product/drug delivery device. I would ask you to please get more current information on the product and to educate yourself before voting on this bill. I am a member of National Vapers Club and while we support bans on sales to minors we cannot support this bill without an amendment striking section 2 of the bill. There is a short 8 minute video and a webpage that we can send to our legislators so that they may educate themselves before they vote on such an important issue. Here is a link. http://www.vapetube.com/video/519/Legislator-Educational-Video-on-electronic-cigarettes This is the information packet with the studies referred to in the video. http://vapersclub.com/legislaturepacket.html We hope that you will take the time to educate yourself so that you can help protect the health of your constituents who use this product as a safer alternative to smoking tobacco cigarettes. Thank you for your time.
    1 point
  46. The link opens up outlook express, rather than MY email client. Is there a more user friendly way if you don't use outlook ex?
    1 point
  47. Well that was easy... Email Sent. Thanks for the heads up.
    1 point
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