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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/2011 in all areas

  1. mwsmith1778

    The Real Deal

    I received my Joye Ego today from VTS. Wow, can't even say enough about it. Fantastic throat hit (even made me cough a little bit). I see the beginning of a beautiful relationship. For any noobs who are hesitating on making a purchase because you're not sure it's gonna work for you (like I was), you can't go wrong with these things. Just awesome.
    1 point
  2. Breaktru

    New Toys

    There is no end to the buying, just maybe a lull.
    1 point
  3. ripple

    Vt Store Question

    My pleasure, look at me 2nd day as a member and I am adding value to the community! I see it all working proper now.....now to pick some flavors, this is exciting!
    1 point
  4. Those are a little trickier to refill,I think you have to poke the filler out of the cart with a paper clip .It is in a little cup ,if you try to drip the liquid into it and you miss it goes around the cup of filler and into your mouth.They are like the Joye 306 carts .There also is condensation that forms in the chamber behind the filler and you might be getting that.I would think you could blow through the cart and into a tissue to get the liquid and ondensation out from where it is not sposed to be.Here is a video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gxi-W9l_T1w
    1 point
  5. Brian

    The Real Deal

    Glad to hear you're enjoying the eGo. It's a great unit, for beginners and long time users.
    1 point
  6. CASEACE79

    Can Taste Be Objective?

    I happened on this question while reading a juice review and got upset that everyone was giving the original poster a hard time for their opinion. Is there an objectivity to taste? This idea nearly drove me crazy! I have come to the conclusion that taste is both subjective and objective. If taste was completely subjective then why do juice reviews??? If our opinion carries no weight then why do it? To further compound the issue how would you rate or grade a juice if it was completely subjective? Something that is a 5 out of 10 to you might be a 2 out of 10 for someone else. The idea of pure subjectivity doesn't give any of those numbers substantial meaning or worth. How is anyone supposed to decide if a juice is for them if it is purely subjective? Is taste purely objective? Of course not! We all know that. Otherwise we would all love the same thing. So taste has to be subjective then right? Lets use food as an example since when describing taste that's what everyone has in common. Is it fair to say that the majority of us like pizza? Then wouldn't it be a safe bet to say that we could recommend pizza to anyone who hasn't tried it with a 99% certainty that they would enjoy it? Now lets take a burnt cheeseburger. When I say burnt I mean charcoal. I mean it could break a window. Could you tell someone with confidence that they will not like it with 99% certainty? With that said we now have a system where we can be objective about taste. You can say that yes that is true but there is such a wide range between the two. Yeah but the middle is much smaller. When we really like a juice its safe to say that the majority will like it? When we really dislike a juice it's safe to say that the majority will also hate it. That's why our grading system of juices works.It's the same reason we have cooking schools or restaurants that have month long reservation lists. If taste was completely subjective we wouldn't have the ry4's,Atomic Cinnacide's,Dulcis',and Bobas Bounty at the top of so many lists. Science even proves that taste does have a level of objectivity. To understand what tastes good something must taste bad. Otherwise we have no point of reference which to base what good is. It is defined by what it is not. Which leads me to Honey Beez debate. Yes I'm going there! Every once in awhile there comes a flavor people either love or hate. Same goes for food. Best example I can think of is sushi. Very rarely do you meet anyone that says it's just ok. So why bring all this up? What was the point other than to make a point? To give value to our reviews and if we really like something that it is ok not to preface it with taste is completely subjective because it isn't. More importantly this message was to JUICE SUPPLIERS!!!! I have seen a trend lately of quantity over quality and honestly I'm tired of buying juices that taste nothing like their name or description. We wouldn't except this in food and shouldn't have to in vaping.Think of it like running a restaurant and if you couldn't put it on a menu with a description that is true or couldn't put it on the menu because it doesn't meet your expectations then don't put it on the menu at all. Some suppliers understand this and have very few but very tasty juices. Vaportalk, Tasty Vapor, Alien Visions, and Vaperite should be applauded for understanding that putting out a quality product will bring people back time and time again. So while taste can be subjective it is only subjective to a point. Without an understanding of objectivity in taste we wouldn't be able to rate juices or even be able to differentiate the difference between what tastes good or bad. Reviewers take pride in your preferences! They do mean something.I'll keep watching and trusting in what you do. Lastly to suppliers STOP making sub par juices that even you wouldn't vape. Take pride in the flavors you create. It's what defines who you are. Those who do will get my business over and over again!
    1 point

    Hey Dayvape

    I doubt I'm capable of 'earning my keep'... but I will tell you how I use them. Do you treat these like an atty in that you "fire" it up momentarily before actually "hitting" it or will that put undo stress on it? Personally, I don't bother with this... it just isn't necessary in my opinion. But I know others that do just the opposite. What kind of draw do you put on these...2...3..6.seconds. Since we are talkin' about the LR cartos here... I normally hit it for 4-5 seconds if I know it's good and full. Otherwise, the longer I use one... the shorter the hit gets for me! How often do you top it off? It's pretty obvious when the top layer of filler becomes dry, but don't want to "overfill" either. I'm one of those people that tops off my carto quite often! I normally will vape a good 10 times or so and be ready to set it down till next time. Before the next "session"... I top off with 6 drops or so, give or take, until I have that nice slurpy look on top. As far as cleaning what do you recommend? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! I typically use a carto for about a week... depending on the juice I'm vaping in it. After a few days the juice will begin to darken each time you add juice, etc... yet I don't find it tastes bad until it gets really dark and burnt. I just don't push one past that point... nor do I waste time cleaning them. Not worth the hassle in my opinion. The one thing I always have handy is a large paperclip with the end bent out on it so I can stick through the center hole of the carto and give it a good wiggle around. This really helps to clean the airway and prolong the use! As cheap as these things are, and for the consistancy they give me, I have not found anything else to replace them as of yet. Hope this helps at least a little!
    1 point
  8. Welcome! Two to three drops for direct dripping will get you about five to seven hits. How many drips in a bottle? How many licks to the center of a tootsie pop? I dunno, maybe 200 drops in a 10ml bottle? Assuming 20/ml. Get two or three flavors to start, that's my recommendation. I mean, you don't just like one flavor of tootsie pop, do you?
    1 point
  9. Try remixing all bottles and shake vigorously and then resplit. I bought mg and 4oz doubler and didn't shake well before mixing one and it had no flavor. Guessing sugars settle to bottom because sugar tends to be heavier. Now I shake till I see bubbles and have better consistency. Cheers!
    1 point
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