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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/11/2011 in all areas

  1. Brian

    First Ecig

    Hi Christina - Welcome to the forum. Everyone means well. Just try to understand that we hate to see someone make the same mistake we made many years ago. Most of us have spent years trying to figure out a way to quit smoking are are very thankful for ecigs, but we view it as an alternative to smoking. I wouldn't encourage anyone to start vaping any more than I would encourage them to start smoking.
    3 points
  2. BirdDog

    First Ecig

    Welcome to the forum Christina. I am happy that you have an interest in ecigs. But I am not too clear why someone that has never smoked would want to take up smoking or the ecig. If you have no addiction to nicotine, then I suggest that you do not invest in ecigs. If you do choose to continue with this quest I am highly suggesting that you use non nicotine liquids. I am not familiar with the model prosmoke. The 510 is a good model. Good luck and please make your decision very carefully before choosing to start with the ecig.
    2 points
  3. juliery

    Terrible Terrible Day...

    I am soooooo sorry you had such a terrible day. I learned the same lesson a LONG time ago with a landlord. YOU NEVER EVER leave the walkthrough without a signed document, signed by BOTH parties as to EXACTLY what the condition of any damage or problems are, or something saying everything was fine. THAT would have prevented this entire thing. But of course that does no good now. It is a he said she said type thing and unfortunately many tenants do trash properties. My sister once had a landlord, when she moved out, she had a list from him, that literally listed how many nail holes per room he had to patch and he was charging a two bucks a hole. He found HUNDREDS of holes, of course she can't prove that she did or didn't put them all there, which she said she didn't, but she can't prove it, so it sucks. SO it is equally important that when you rent a place you go through with the landlord and get a SIGNED itemized list of EVERY single issue, no matter how idiotic or minor you might think it is, and have PROOF of damage that existed when you got there. The whole thing just really sucks and I really feel bad for you. On the upside I am sure it will never happen again because I am pretty sure you will never walk away without having signed documents after a walk through. I am really glad you didn't give in and smoke.....honestly I don't know if I would have or not. I have been vaping almost a year, BUT I have taken a drag off a friend's cig here and there just to see how awful it was, LOL. Yeah, tasted nasty, BUT every time I started smoking again in the past 30 years it tasted nasty, but you keep doing it and become immune to the nastiness again. SO good for you that you didn't smoke!!! Things will get better, and yes, there is always someone who is in a worse situation than we are. Sometimes when things suck it is hard to remember that, at least you recognized that. I hope things start looking up for you VERY SOON!!!!
    1 point
  4. Prouddad

    I Don't Like My Juice

    This is the reason I realy think I love vaping it's because all of you ! Thanks to all
    1 point
  5. Jeffb

    I Don't Like My Juice

    +1 on KaYoTiic's recommendations. Those two flavors are my daily vapes. If avejuice has any Gorilla Juice in stock, give that one a try also. If you're looking for a fruity flavor try Vapor Talk's Sweet Dawn. PS.... Prouddad I merged this topic with the other one you created with the same content.
    1 point
  6. snubber

    First Ecig

    Welcome to VT. Can't say I've ever heard of those..but my gut feeling is that if they are really cheap then they probably wont last very long and you wont be getting the true experience of vaping. My suggestion....save that money and put it towards a good and dependable e-cig that will give you the kind of vaping that will really be more to your liking. Sometimes the saying really is true....you get what you pay for.....so if you're serious about getting an e-cig check into buying one that is worth the extra couple of dollars and really enjoy vaping. Just my 2c worth. Good luck and happy vaping.
    1 point
  7. uhh i meant yeah... i totally checked there... hehe thanks found my LR!
    1 point
  8. snubber

    First Ecig

    Welcome to Vapor Talk. Sorry, but I have to throw my 2cents worth in here and agree with BirdDog. If you don't smoke or have never been addicted to the evil nicotine, there is really no reason to start vaping. This is just not a smart move. Those of us on here have all been smokers for many years and are doing this as an alternative to our habit of so long a time. This really isn't something just to play with. Keep your lungs clean and enjoy other ways to get flavor like fruits or a good bottle of wine. The habit of smoking or vaping is not something we want to encourage to people that have never done so. If you are serious about starting and are hell-bent on vaping then I will have to pass you on to someone else because I just can't suggest anything that will get you started. I hope that you will seriously re-think this out and consider other means of enjoyment. Good luck on your decision.
    1 point
  9. aww Thanks guys She's doing a bit better today. Holding her food better than yesterday. I've been playing Mom and Dad today
    1 point
  10. Think about the process like this. There is a coil that is at the center of every e-cig. It heats up the liquid and produces the vapor. IF you increase the power(wattage) of the coil you increase the heat which will change the output of the vapor. How it changes it can be a little subjective but higher voltage typically produces greater vapor volume and can diminish the flavor. Once again this is subjective but it is important to recognize that the variable that I am discussing is the heat of the coil. A higher voltage battery will increase the power, therefore the heat of the coil. You also must realize that there is another factor of the equation and that is the resistance of the coil/atomizer. If you were to use 3.7v of power with a standard atomizer that has a resistance level (ohm) of 2.2 your wattage output would be 6.22 watts, this is the amount of power that is being applied to the coil. Let's say you were to use a 5.0 V power source, with the same atomizer, the wattage would be 11.36 watts, almost twice as much as a 3.7 power source. Another approach is the use of a lower resistance atomizer, usually rated around 1.5 ohm. a 3.7 power source would them produce a wattage of 9.12 This allows you to produce power that is close to a 5v power source without needing a new device or batteries. These are pretty easy to get and not very expensive, many suppliers offer these, including the Vapor Talk store. In both of these examples, what we are effectively doing is increasing the power to the coil, elevating the heat of the coil to manipulate the vapor that is being produced. A couple of notes: a LR atomizer will not work on the standard 510 battery as it does not have enough battery capacity for the output. Also a LR atomizer should not be used on a 5v power supply as it will overload the coil and break it, similar to a power surge on a light bulb. I hope this is not too complicated but in essence, this is exactly what the power discussions are all about, end wattage. It can be easy to lose this principle as everyone talks about devicess, atomizers, batteries, passthroughs, etc. At the end of the day, the end wattage is what heats the coil and will produce more or less vapor/flavor. Power is calculated through Joule's law. You can find an easy to use calculator here: http://thelocust.net/ohm/ A wiki post with a good explanation is here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joule%27s_laws One option that is available to you that was not to me a few months ago when I was starting was variable voltage devices. These allow you to adjust the end wattage through the use of a variable regulator. It can give you 3.7v up to 6V and everything in between. However, it does require batteries and sizes. I did a review of one of these that can be found here (includes size comparisons). http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/forum/topic/6307-the-buzz-final-review-update/ The eGo is a tremendous device, one that I used and it works well with a LR atomizer. There is no shortage of eGo or eGo similar devices. I strongly recommend that you read all the reviews and discussions you can before you buy. You may also want to stop into the video chat room where you will never find a shortage of people to discuss this with you. I know there is a lot of info in this post and I hope it was helpful. I bought 6 devices until I found the one for me (and I am probably still not done... ) and I hope that this post will help you avoid having to go through the typical progression of devices that most go through to find out what is best for their needs. Remember, evaluate what your needs are and what is important to you. Just because a device works well for me (or anyone else) does not ensure it is a good fit for you. Find out why people like the devices and match that up with your requirements. Good Luck.
    1 point
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