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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/30/2010 in all areas

  1. To add on to the eGo bandwagon here.... I stopped smoking analogs in September. That means I also stopped smoking them in my car. I vape in the car though, on an eGo with cartomizers. So when I went to pick up my cousin last week, with whom I've spent countless hours smoking in the car during summer months, she said, "I can't smoke in here, can I?" I said, "Nope!" and handed her a second eGo battery with a cartomizer on it. We vaped all the way to lunch. I knew after lunch would be hard for her, but she said, "Can we have that smoky thingy in your car again?" I, of course, agreed, because nicotine after Chili's is a must! LOL We get to our next destination, and she just wants to hang in the car for a bit and vape. No problem. On Christmas day, when we usually sneak out and have a smoke in the car to get "gas" (yeah, right!), we just went in her room instead an used the "smoky thingies" again, this time with drip tips each. Unfortunately, she loses everything, so I didn't get her one as a gift, but I did give her this site to peruse. In other words, if it worked for my 18 year old cousin (who's been smoking since she's 15), it'll work for you. Not once did she complain about the size or that it didn't look like a cigarette. Not once did she wish she had something that tasted like Newports. I had a sampling to use from here at VT for her on Christmas, and she loved it all! Good luck, Joy! We are all here for you!
    2 points
  2. DevilDucky


    If it keeps up you could also be sensitive to PG you may want to look into a reduced PG liquid or a VG based liquid. But I would wait before doing that until your body gets adjusted to vaping versus analogs so you can see if it clears up on it's own. I know my lungs went through a cleaning cycle of their own when a made the switch! Edit: Almost forgot make sure you drink plenty of water that will also help a lot of the left over stuff from the analogs get flushed out of your system!
    1 point
  3. KSully

    510 Vs. 808

    thank you all for the info!! Very helpful! I will def. keep you all informed. So, far I haven't had an analog since 12pm. I gave them to my mother...haha! And then told her that she needs an ecig! I'm excited to experiment and try new things with this and I'll, of course, come here first. You have all been so helpful! Oh, and I'm singing the praises of vaping to everyone and posting all about it on Fb!!
    1 point
  4. Ok the Blu sucks! Sorry, but it does. I bought one of those back in July because it looks like an analog and it just didn't do it for me either. It has a separate atomizer and the carts along with a very weak battery. And yes, the juice does leak. The throat hit is barely there. I hate to say it, but you got pretty much the lowest end e-cig out there. (Sorry for knocking Blu, but I was really disappointed for the money I spent!) I did what others are suggesting. RESEARCH. I know it's hard to research when E-cigs are a new concept to you, but really it does pay! Anything sold in malls is crap also. I will tell you why. It is so sub-par to what they have out there now and WAY overpriced! So Research is the key. I happened upon the Joye EGo mainly because it sells itself because of the long battery life. They aren't kidding! I was very skeptical to get something like looked almost like a pipe, but I tried it anyway. I, like most people, wanted to get off of analog cigs. I was a slave to them and I knew my health was being jeopardized in the process. Not to mention the cost! I did try one other e-cig before the EGo. It was the Revolver Elite. The throat hit was MUCH better then the Blu, but the batteries were awful...which is what got me interested in the EGo. So in a way, that e-cig got me more curious about what ELSE there was out there. The EGO is awesome. I cannot rave enough about it. I was a 2 pack a day smoker and after purchasing my EGO kit and some Menthol e-juice in 18mg nicotine, I was very impressed. NO, it's not like an analog AT ALL. It's simliar, but without the nasty burning smell or taste. It's much smoother. It also helps my cravings for cigs immensely! Within two days, seriously, I was over analogs. I was vaping on this device the first night I got it and had an analog the next day and it made me realize how NASTY analogs are! So, I put my pack of analogs away and decided vaping was gonna be my new thing. A week later I gave that same pack of analogs away. Didn't need them anymore and that says a lot because in the past, I would panic if I didn't have a pack on me at all times. I can proudly say I am still analog free. My counter at the bottom is 100% accurate. Once in a blue moon I do get a craving for an analog...but then I remember how nasty it tasted the very last time I had one and it turns me off to analogs all together. So I just reach for my EGo and it does the job. Yes, it would be nice to be able to run to the store to buy e-juice, batteries, or atomizers, but I buy in bulk. VT is reputable and there are other very reputable vendors out there that ship pretty darn fast! If you like it, just buy in bulk so you have enough to last for awhile. It is SO NICE not to have to worry about running out to buy cigs because I am almost out. (I even went out in a few snow storms for those darn things!) I have it all here with me and I am SET! It's wonderful. Seriously do not judge all e-cigs because of your experience with BLU. I almost did and I am so glad that I looked into it further and did not give up on e-cigs. So give it a try if you are seriously looking to change your habit. Also I want to stress how much better I feel! I can taste things and I also can breathe better. You will notice a difference. It's awesome! Plus no smell and you can smoke it pretty much anywhere without smelling like an ashtray!
    1 point
  5. Asking Phillip Morris to create an e cigarette is like asking an assassin that was trying to kill you, to patch up your bullet wound. But really, I think what your looking for is probably a cartomizer model. I'm not sure if the Blu model you where using was cartomizer model or not but cartomizers are much less likely to leak than standard atomizer models. As for the taste of a cigarette, I'll tell you right now you're never going to duplicate the taste 100%. The primary reason for this is simple, nothing burns. The majority of your cigarettes flavor comes from the burning tobacco. It's near impossible for electronic cigarette makers to re create this taste. In all honesty though, if you give it enough time and we're not talking much, you'll actually prefer the none cigarette type flavors anyway. It's not until your taste buds come back that you realize just how bad the cigarette tasted
    1 point
  6. Really excited to give this a try! Good going, Chris! From a humble forum founder to an e-cig innovator and advocate, you are truly a renaissance man! Wishing you, your family and your staff a very Merry Christmas!
    1 point
  7. How sweet could this possibly be!?! This could really change the way we vape... and the carts/attys/etc that are needed to work with vapor-gel would obviously be designed different than they are now. Wow, amazing advancements in the whole e-cig world huh?
    1 point
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