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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/24/2010 in all areas

  1. Jeffb

    I Hate Usps!

    Hey CASE, I'll send you a bottle of Bobas for your dad. PM me the address of where you will be and I'll send it out today.
    5 points
  2. Well it's coming to the end of another year. A time when we try to get together with relatives and loved ones. . It's hard to believe that I've been on this forum for over a year now. I've made a lot of new friends, met a lot of new and interesting people. Most of them great...and a few that were not so great, but those that were not have come and gone. We have a very close kind of family feeling in the forum that isn't found in any of the others I've checked out. That's one of the reasons for me staying and I'm sure why a lot of others stay also. We don't bicker or fight like so many of the others do. We respect each other and each others opinions. We help out newbies and answer every question even if it's been asked a dozen times before. There's no name calling like I've noticed other places and we seem to genuinely like each other, even if we disagree. Chris and the staff go out of their way to make this forum something we can enjoy and their efforts are greatly appreciated. ECF may have more members, but they certainly don't have the caring and devotion that the staff and members of this forum displays. I guess what I'm really trying to say in all this is Thank You. Thank you to Chris and each and every one of you for making this past year a fun and pleasant time. And I hope this holiday finds you well and in great spirits. So to each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas....Happy Holidays....and a Happy New Year. Thank you so much. Larry
    2 points
  3. Jeffb

    I Hate Usps!

    No need to send me yours. Just pay it forward to someone else in need. That is the way of the vapers.
    1 point
  4. I said it before and I'll say it again. I am pleasantly surprised at how welcoming and kind everyone here has been. I am a member of other forums as I have many interests and I have all but abandoned all of them because of all the drama.It's nice to come somewhere where people know how to act like mature adults. We may not agree on everything but we can have an adult debate without lowering ourselves to name calling (except for in jest). It's the reason I come here every day. I wish everyone here a Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year.
    1 point
  5. mcquinn

    Slight Relapse

    Some of us snuck a few analogs for a while.Eventually you will find the perfect flavor liquid that you look forward to more than a smoke and you will lose interest.Unfortunately as long as you smoke your sense of taste and smell will remain degraded and you might have a harder time recognising the perfect flavor liquid.I am really liking some liquids now I discounted early on as having no flavor.Now I vape them just for the flavor,I use low nic and would use no nic if I could find them from Dekang.
    1 point
  6. What a great gift you got for him!! A variety of juices would probably be a big bonus for him - even if most of them are tobacco flavors. A lot of the fun of vaping is trying different flavors. My advice would be to tell him to take long, slow drags...to fill his mouth with vapor before inhaling. Also, tell him not to give up if he feels like it isn't working. The best thing to do is to give it a chance. Even if he still smokes for awhile, every cigarette he doesn't have is a good thing. If every time he wants a cigarette he'll vape first, he might cut down on a lot of the cigarettes. If after vaping for awhile he still wants a cigarette, he can have one. That alone might help him not be anxious about it. If he just relaxes and gives the eGo a try, he'll soon be vaping more than he is smoking without working too hard at it and would probably completely replace the cigarettes with the eGo. He doesn't have to push himself at all. And he might even find (like I did) that he loves vaping more than smoking and he'll make the switch quickly. But he needs to know that he doesn't have to. I smoked for 34 years and didn't have any problems whatsoever switching over...some people have taken longer. But from what I've seen, most people do eventually make the switch. There are quite a few of us here that have smoked for more than 20 years, so he would be in good company if he'd join the forum. We'll give him all the encouragement he could ever ask for. Let him know that we all wish him the best of luck and would love to have him here.
    1 point
  7. TruLove's Video of the Provari:
    1 point
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