I agree with all the other posters. The eGo offers a ton of options for individualistic preferences. It also has a cone that fits over the atty/cart and helps to warm the eliquid for a notch better vapor and flavor than a regular 510 offers. The cone also acts as a leak catcher. The cone doesn't fit over the mega attys and some other fancy smancy new options, but it's a wonderful gadget to have nonetheless, especially for regular attys and perhaps the LR attys as well.
I would get the XL size eGo batteries... they handle the LR atties better than the regular ego batteries do. You can even get the USB eGo batteries which charge while vaping and vape while unplugged as well, for take and go. It plugs into your computer easily or into a nice portable battery charger or even your car charger doodad. (get a 2 amp one if you buy a car charger thingie).
The eGo batteries will last a good 5-8 hrs between charges. They even have a pcc now for campers or winter storms. (the /USB is like a PassThrough PT)
The regular Joye 510 is a wonderful pv as well. It has a colorful LED light at the end, it's lightweight for an ecig, and you can decorate it with fingernail stickers and whatnot very easily. The batteries will last a good 2 hrs between charges. It makes a great backup kit, or starter kit either one. It used to be first choice starter kit before the eGo came onto the market.
Look on the bright side. When you buy a carton of cigs, you have nothing to show for it except nasty ashtrays and empty packs waiting to be disposed of properly. With an eCig on the other hand, it will cost roughly the same as a carton or two of cigs, yet it will still be there for you months later down the road. You have something to show for your money.
Backups. NANA??? !!!! Where's our backup Lady??? Anyway, if Nana were here, she'd tell you... "Backups!! One can never have enough backups! I have backups for my backups!". and she's so right!! Think about it... would you be caught between paydays without enough cigs? Same here with eCigs. What if your battery dropped and broke or just up and died from the cold or what if your charger quit or your atty pooped? You'll appreciate having a Joye 510 kit at hand even if you decide to try the Joye eGo too.
You're set up for at least 6 months of vaping... and it only cost you 1 month of cigs. (perhaps. I don't know how much you spend, so I can only offer a guestimate). The reality is though, not only will your house, car, and self smell prettier, but so will your pocketbook.
Long story short. Get both!