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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/08/2010 in all areas

  1. PsychoMaster

    Fda Loses Woot Woot

    And here I thought I'd be on the naughty list for sure. Thank you Lord! This truly is a blessing! Christmas miracles exist! I am now a believer in good ol' St. Nick. Btw Chris love the code. FDA sucks indeed! So...does this mean that tax might need to be implemented on electronic cigarette equipment? I'm cool with it, just wondering. I pay tax on everything else, why not something that truly makes me happy?
    1 point
  2. snubber

    Joye 510 Vs Ego

    If you get extra 510 atty's and some cartomizers, they will work on the eGo when you get around to ordering one. But until then you will still want to have some back-ups for your 510. There's nothing wrong with the 510 or the 520 other than the fact that the battery life is short and you have to keep recharging so often. They are a fine little device and will serve well until you're ready to move on to bigger and better things. And then they will be great little back-ups also. If your kit comes with 2 complete units then that should hold you for now as far as batteries go until you see how it is working out for you. Then later if you decide to keep using it I would suggest getting a few extra batteries. Good luck and happy vaping.
    1 point
  3. Ironic that this should come down on December 7th, which since 1941 was marked as a day remembered in infamy. This time the american people get to be happy winners, instead of blown up survivors.
    1 point
  4. Uma

    Joye 510 Vs Ego

    I agree with all the other posters. The eGo offers a ton of options for individualistic preferences. It also has a cone that fits over the atty/cart and helps to warm the eliquid for a notch better vapor and flavor than a regular 510 offers. The cone also acts as a leak catcher. The cone doesn't fit over the mega attys and some other fancy smancy new options, but it's a wonderful gadget to have nonetheless, especially for regular attys and perhaps the LR attys as well. I would get the XL size eGo batteries... they handle the LR atties better than the regular ego batteries do. You can even get the USB eGo batteries which charge while vaping and vape while unplugged as well, for take and go. It plugs into your computer easily or into a nice portable battery charger or even your car charger doodad. (get a 2 amp one if you buy a car charger thingie). The eGo batteries will last a good 5-8 hrs between charges. They even have a pcc now for campers or winter storms. (the /USB is like a PassThrough PT) The regular Joye 510 is a wonderful pv as well. It has a colorful LED light at the end, it's lightweight for an ecig, and you can decorate it with fingernail stickers and whatnot very easily. The batteries will last a good 2 hrs between charges. It makes a great backup kit, or starter kit either one. It used to be first choice starter kit before the eGo came onto the market. Look on the bright side. When you buy a carton of cigs, you have nothing to show for it except nasty ashtrays and empty packs waiting to be disposed of properly. With an eCig on the other hand, it will cost roughly the same as a carton or two of cigs, yet it will still be there for you months later down the road. You have something to show for your money. Backups. NANA??? !!!! Where's our backup Lady??? Anyway, if Nana were here, she'd tell you... "Backups!! One can never have enough backups! I have backups for my backups!". and she's so right!! Think about it... would you be caught between paydays without enough cigs? Same here with eCigs. What if your battery dropped and broke or just up and died from the cold or what if your charger quit or your atty pooped? You'll appreciate having a Joye 510 kit at hand even if you decide to try the Joye eGo too. You're set up for at least 6 months of vaping... and it only cost you 1 month of cigs. (perhaps. I don't know how much you spend, so I can only offer a guestimate). The reality is though, not only will your house, car, and self smell prettier, but so will your pocketbook. Long story short. Get both!
    1 point
  5. Christopher

    Ban On E-Cigs

    You know this is a very good question. I can tell you right now, if the day comes and it just might, I will release every bit of information that I have on electronic cigarettes and e Liquid. That includes contacts to order direct from the factories, overstock sources in China and the most effective shipping methods. This should provide enough stock for everyone to survive for quite a while. But of course it's not the ultimate answer. Following a drop in supply (if it's banned on a large scale there will be no reason for the factories to produce product) I have no doubt the market will go underground. At the moment people sort of look at the government like Mom and Dad. But what happens when Mom and Dad become abusive drug addicts? You grow up, move out and you say F' em. While the thought of people mixing their own nicotine makes me shudder, you're all adults. Vapor Talk is a platform for information. If legally or financially we're shut down another site will pop up. And like a weed in a garden for every one you kill 2 more pop up. I've said this before, I create the stage but you put on the show. Ultimately, if the people want something, bad enough, they'll get it. It's the American way. Once the boiler has been lit, there is no telling the amount of power it will produce. heck, if Wikileaks can continue to operate, I'm pretty sure a bunch of Vapers can congregate with very little issue. Some DIY'ers have mastered e liquid mixing to a science (and of course others...not so much) but regardless the information is shared. I say stop asking, start taking. With all that said however, I don't see a ban in the immediate future, perhaps heavy regulation but in some way, ecigs are here to stay. On that note...
    1 point
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