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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/05/2010 in all areas

  1. You know this is a very good question. I can tell you right now, if the day comes and it just might, I will release every bit of information that I have on electronic cigarettes and e Liquid. That includes contacts to order direct from the factories, overstock sources in China and the most effective shipping methods. This should provide enough stock for everyone to survive for quite a while. But of course it's not the ultimate answer. Following a drop in supply (if it's banned on a large scale there will be no reason for the factories to produce product) I have no doubt the market will go underground. At the moment people sort of look at the government like Mom and Dad. But what happens when Mom and Dad become abusive drug addicts? You grow up, move out and you say F' em. While the thought of people mixing their own nicotine makes me shudder, you're all adults. Vapor Talk is a platform for information. If legally or financially we're shut down another site will pop up. And like a weed in a garden for every one you kill 2 more pop up. I've said this before, I create the stage but you put on the show. Ultimately, if the people want something, bad enough, they'll get it. It's the American way. Once the boiler has been lit, there is no telling the amount of power it will produce. heck, if Wikileaks can continue to operate, I'm pretty sure a bunch of Vapers can congregate with very little issue. Some DIY'ers have mastered e liquid mixing to a science (and of course others...not so much) but regardless the information is shared. I say stop asking, start taking. With all that said however, I don't see a ban in the immediate future, perhaps heavy regulation but in some way, ecigs are here to stay. On that note...
    4 points
  2. cheshyl

    Ban On E-Cigs

    Question: If there ever was a ban on e-cigs like we know them now, God forbid. What happens to us that can't make our on mod and don't make our own juice. I wouldn't know where to begin to diy juice, let alone a mod. Now that I have found vaping I don't want to quit. I enjoy it so much For years I didn't enjoy smoking but was addicted to the nicotine. At least I went outside to smoke and now with cold weather I can stay inside and stay warm. Vape anywhere I want!!! You will have to forgive me because I have a lot of random thoughts and some of them I can't find on the internet so I think from now on I'll come to the forum for help.
    1 point
  3. here are the lyrics that go over "ridin dirty" song at this youtube link I see 'em vapin' I'm hatin Contest, and they be hopin they gona beat me be tryin to get marks woody be tryin to get marks woody be tryin to get marks woody be tryin to get marks woody My nic so high I'm twichin They hopin they gon' win da woody be tryin to get marks woody be tryin to get marks woody be tryin to get marks woody be tryin to get marks woody
    1 point
  4. SNJvaper

    My First Review

    Posted my first review on youtube to show off my beautiful Mark Mod. Lemme know what you think!!!!! Enjoy
    1 point
  5. kitsune

    Diy Recipes

    1.25mls of the 48 mg + 3.75mls of the 16mg = 24mg/ml (5mls of 24mg/ml = total of 120mg/5ml)<BR><BR>Should dilute the tobacco flavor just enough.
    1 point
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