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  1. Some have probably read this from another forum I posted it on, but wanted to share it here as well for those who do not travel around to other sites. First. let me say that I am in NO way afiliated with Evolv. The review and information here is from my own personal experience. Some of the technical info was re-worded by me, from a post made by the manufacturer, but the review is my own. I was one of the lucky ones to receive a pre-production Darwin to test. If you havent heard of it, The Darwin will be the first power regulated mod. This is not a variable voltage device, but a true power regulated device. What does this mean? In a typical vv device, the user can adjust the voltage output of the device, usually from a relatively low voltage up to whatever to manufacturer sets the limit at. The Darwin controls both the voltage and the amps, giving the user a steady wattage reading. And steady wattage equals steady heat, and steady heat equals consistent vaping. I am not a tech head when it comes to electronics, so let me speak in layman's terms here. If you take ANY high voltage mod on the market or homemade, screw on a LR atty, what usually happens? You pop your atty right? Now take the same device, an take 4-5 consecutive drags off of it, what happens? Usually the tip gets extremely hot, the vapor becomes weaker. Why is this? Because as the atty heats up, the resistance of the atty changes, but the device doesnt make any adjustments and just keeps blasting power to the atty. This is where the darwin differs from anything on the market today. Its actually a smart mod. You can take ANY atty, ANY carto and screw it to the Darwin, set your wattage and it actually reads the resistance, adjusts the amps and voltage, to give the user a steady wattage. Everytime you push the button, the darwin is constantly reading your atty/carto, 1000 times per second, and making slight adjustments to give off a steady power reading. Adjusting the wattage on the Darwin is simple. Simply rotate the dial to your desired setting. There is an LCD screen that shows you what wattage you are vapping at. Thats pretty much it. No screwdrivers, no pushing and holding buttons down, simply turn the dial. Now let me give a quick review of the product: Keep in mind that the unit I received is a pre-production model so the looks are more than likely going to change. What is not going to change is the electrical workings of the device. Performance wise, the steady power supply makes this device incredible. Never before have I had 100% consistent vape from a device. Every time you push the button, its the same. I can take an LR atty, an 808 carto, a regular 510 atty or whatever else is available, set the watts to 10, and no matter which atty or carto i screw into it, the Darwin delivers a 10 watt vape. Period. Batteries- The great thing about the Darwin, is there is no more need to buy rechargeable batteries. This device comes with the batteries built in. The manufacturer states that the battery life is good for over 1000 charges, or roughly 3-5 YEARS. When I first got this, I started using it on a high wattage rating, usually 12.4-12.8 watts and on 1 charge it lasted 13 hours! Thats 13 hours of 100% consistent vaping. No sag in the power, no dropping performance as the battery gets weaker. 13 straight hours of perfect vaping. The unit uses a standard mini usb to charge, so you can use it as a passthru while charging, you can charge and use it while driving with a car charger. The Darwin for as advanced as it is, is actually extremely user friendly. You have a charge port, a button to make it fire and a rotating dial to adjust the wattage. Thats it. You dont need to be electronically informed to use it, just rotate the dial to the setting that you like best, and push the button to vape. You can adjust the wattage as you are vaping to dial in the perfect sweet spot. I think that once anyone actually uses this device, sees the difference that being able to have steady power makes, they will have a hard time going back to the run of the mill high voltage device. Variable voltage or not, the same old devices just will not measure up to the Darwin. I just want to say thanks again to Brandon and Evolv for letting me be one of the lucky to test this unit. When the finished unit becomes available, I will definitely be one of the first in line to pick one of these bad boys up. Now, lets post a couple pictures of the pre-production model:
    1 point
  2. Jeffb

    Ask A Chemist

    sk8sno, sorry for the hijacking of your topic. I am going to lock this thread. Please feel free to start your topic again.
    1 point
  3. nana

    Diy Recipes

    That is weird. I know we all like different tastes, but since I've had such a terrible time tasting any flavorings at all over the last year and the only one I've really been able to taste is Lorann's and you don't think it's that "potent"...amazing. But that's why we have to be careful and let new vapers know how individual tastes are.
    1 point
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDg7CiHAPqg&feature=player_embedded
    1 point
  5. ddavelarsen

    Electronics 101

    Um - nox, that's not just a ladies thing! I support kits too. That said, this thread has really helped me to understand the differences I've noted just pushing about in the dark. Thanks to all of you for a great thread.
    1 point
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