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  1. I agree with all the posters here. Liquid cannot be resold. Flavors can change and/or your tastes change. Adding some additional menthol may be the trick. You could also add some menthol or other flavoring (in very small increments) to your other liquids .. OR you could pass them in a PIF (pay it forward) fashion, barter or sell. There are so many options when it comes to vaping that it's very much about experimenting. Never buy large amounts of anything unless you've tried it before, including hardware. That's not to say the product isn't any good, but it may not be right for you. It can be frustrating from time to time but remember this .. you're not smoking anymore, or at least you've cut back and THAT is almost a miracle. Whatever little bits you spend sampling flavors you don't like will more than be made up for, monetarily and otherwise, when you do find what you do like and what works best for you. Ultimately it's a win/win situation but with hurdles along the way. Anything worth having is worth the effort, is it not? So if ever you have questions, concerns or anything else you need help with please don't hesitate to post. We're all here to help one another not only make the transition but to continue to be successful. I'd like to add that this site has the best group of people dedicated to one another that I've had the pleasure of participating in, benefiting from and contributing to. Good luck!
    1 point
  2. Brian is right flavor is really subjective. You and your girlfriend have been vaping for a little over a month now, is that correct? I know you are hooked on finding that perfect menthol flavor, but you should really give whirl at some other flavors if you have not done so. The only menthol I have tried was a sample from Awesome Vapor. I am not a menthol person. I have to say, it was strong, it was so strong that it opened up my airway. I was quite pleased at the flavor, but menthol is not for me. I finally passed it on to a menthol person. They really seemed to like it. When I first started, there were flavors that I bought that were just horrible. I stuck them in the corner for emergencies or to pass on to someone else. But after revisiting those flavors a few months later, I found that the flavor really wasn't that bad and I have actually reordered some of them. Maybe it was steeping but I doubt it. Most the of the liquid available when I started was Dekang, I am sure it had ample time to steep between here and China. I really think that my sense of smell and taste took longer to change. I also find that certain flavors taste better at different times of the day. Your flavor choices and habits may change the longer you vape. It doesn't hurt to contact Jeffrey. Good luck.
    1 point
  3. Like Aimmee has stated... I think you will be surprised after it has "steeped" for a time. I find that the menthols especially tend to need to do this for sure. I know I've had some fresh juices that tasted WACK at first... then after I came back to it later it was much better. Might try that....
    1 point
  4. I have found, and I believe others have, too, that liquid from wordup needs a bit of time to sit to fully flavor up. They make it to order, so your order was made shortly after you ordered it. I have some lime that I ordered in my first order from them back in August that has quite an impact now. It's like it mellowed and settled into what it was supposed to be. I'd say this difference was at least two weeks from when I first tried it. I know it's tough to wait. But it might be worth it. And at the end, like Brian said, you can trade or sell it here. You also might try getting some menthol crystals or DIY no nic menthol liquid. Some people find that when used very sparingly in any flavor they get, it adds to the throat hit without overpowering the flavor, say at like two drops per 10ml bottle. You could add much more than that, of course, to get that menthol you're really looking for. Do contact Jeffrey at wordup. I'm sure he'll have some advice for you. But, I agree with Brian, vendors don't typically do returns. You'll find something that works, soon I hope!
    1 point
  5. Brian

    Dissapointed Big Time...

    Most vendors will not allow eliquid to be returned. They cannot sell eliquid that has been used (they could, but it would be bad for business if anyone found out). And since taste is subjective, they can't allow people to return eliquid just because they don't like it (they would probably get lots of returns). I would recommend going forward that you always try smaller bottles first until you know if you like it. Again, taste is subjective so even if you see a good review on eliquid, that doesn't mean you'll like it. I've had tons of eliquid that I didn't like and it's piled up in a box. I gave away a lot of it here on the forum, and still have quite a bit left. You could put it up for sale (or trade) in the classifieds. In your case, where you ordered menthol but don't taste any menthol, I see no harm in contacting Jeffrey and letting him know you're disappointed with the taste. I don't know if he'll do anything for you, but no harm in asking.
    1 point
  6. A big thank you to all of you guys on this forum. I have been on other forums (sports mainly...and maybe an elfing foru.....sorry disregard that ) and for the most part it doesn't take long before some a-hole starts spouting off. That's why for the most part I usually just lurk and read. I lurked here for really quite a while before I posted, But from the git-go I felt really comfortable here on this site. Everybody seems very nice and the regulars on this site that help all of us vapingly challenged are really a testament to what a great site this is. Nana...You are always so cheerful and supportive of people on this site. Must be that good wholesome midwest thing that people outside of the midwest just don't get or believe really exists. Christopher....that 10 hits on the button thing....never heard that before....someone should really put together an ego manual because the one that came with mine was really lacking, but I understand why. NoXious...your appreciation of my "missletoe" comment has surely warmed the cockuls of my heart. A thousand thank yous. That has virtually nullified a thousand wifely eye rolls. Thank you.
    1 point
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