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  1. If you look at the bottom of the carto (the thread end) there is a little notch out that you can turn with a paper clip or with a little screwdriver, some that are DOA need to be turned a bit so that it makes a connection with the battery and the other thing is if they are hard to draw or too hard to draw this can be adjusted. If I remember correctly you turn to the left a bit for easier draw and to the right for a harder draw. HTH
    2 points
  2. (moment of prayer) Most High and Etherial Whispy Godess of all things Vape, In his most trying of times, we ask the following: 1) Allow Hawk to remain calm. 2) Help him avoid aiming his four wheeled mode of transport at innocent furry critters scavaging for nuts in preparation of the winter months that are soon to be upon us. 3. Curb his desire to hurt the things he loves. and 4)LIGHT A DAMN FIRE UNDER THE POSTMAN'S ***. Godess, I feel his pain as I anxiously awaited my Ego this week, however feel blessed and honored that you chose have it delivered a day earlier than I expected. In all things atomized, aaaaaaaa-- mmmeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnn Bahamasboy p.s. Could you tell Santa to bring me a flavor assortment for Christmas???
    2 points
  3. Uma

    Interesting Tidbits

    Way sweet!!! Nothing worse than seeing a nic fit nurse coming at you with a needle or enema eh. Now if we could just get the hospital interested enough to do free tests on the before, during and after smoking/vaping. This is so cool, I'm really happy for them for discovering a great alternative. They're lucky they have such an opened minded and caring person such as yourself to share the alternative method with them.
    2 points
  4. kitsune

    Diy-How To Basics

    DIY Tips and Info I know this is a lot of information, but I hope it helps those looking at trying their hand at DIY. Keep in mind, This is just my own experience. PG- Propylene Glycol : It is a colorless, nearly odorless, clear, viscous liquid with a faintly sweet taste, http://en.wikipedia....ropylene_glycol VG-Vegetable Glycerin(Glycerol): In foods and beverages, glycerol serves as a humectant, solvent and sweetener, and may help preserve foods. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glycerol PG and/or VG are both used as the base of the E-Liquid. PG/VG can be purchased from most E-Liquid suppliers with or without Nicotine. Unflavored PG or VG with Nicotine can be purchased for the purpose of mixing your own liquids and can be purchased is many strengths. PG/VG without Nicotine is necessary for mixing your own liquids. Glycerin can also be purchased from most pharmacies-over the counter. Humco is one brand of Pharmacy Grade (USP) glycerin. It is sold as a skin protectant. It is a clear, slightly thick liquid and has a sweet taste to it. There is also a Food grade VG- Wiltons- sold at Craft stores in the baking sections. Can sometimes be found at Walmart in the craft section. The information will have to be put into a couple posts--The server doesn't like the long version....
    1 point
  5. CASEACE79


    Just wanted to give Geoff and the people at TV some recognition. I placed my order with them yesterday as usual and when I woke up I had an email saying that I was eligible for a free bottle of my choice because I ordered 2 bottles. They didn't have to let me know that I was eligible and I would have been none the wiser. Now I don't know if you are familiar with TV but they have great flavors ( Geoffs blend and atomic cinnacide are amazing), awesome prices ($15 for a full .oz, not to mention the doublers), and they hand mix every order to ensure it is as fresh as possible when it gets to you. What more could you ask from a company. I am new to vaping but know they will be seeing alot of me. Thank you Geoff and the rest of the TV team.
    1 point
  6. Uma

    Dusty's Story

    Dusty's story, how eCigs ruined his career.
    1 point

    Cartomizer Inconsistancies?

    One suggestion is to stick a paperclip all of the way through, wiggle around, and make sure the hole is nice a free for air. Sometimes people think they are junk when really they just need to be "adjusted" for max airflow.... or the juice/filler will burn right away.
    1 point
  8. To me, the mailbox is a magical inigma. Thats why we love it(internet shopping) so much sometimes. The anticipation; a gift to yourself; the moment of arrival. My favorite is when I dont know if the mailman has come. One minute the box is empty - the next - BAM! a package! Magic! - You walk out to the road, big black rubbermaid bat-proof wonder in your eyes; mind aloof as you look around and notice that the world around you is slowly becoming completely wrapped in plastic, and, as you march the seemingly endless path toward the box, the excitement building with each step, thinking to yourself, "did it come? will it be in there? oh god please let it be there!" This is your third time to the magic box today and each time - empty - your desperation intensifying with each fruitless trip, but maybe, just maybe it'll be there this time. Oooh, can you picture it? It's gonna be there this time, you can feel it. And there you are standing at the precipice of glory. The only thing seperating you from massive clouds of glorious vapor is that little black plastic door. You reach for it. !@#$ watch the car! as some maniacal youngster screeches past trying to beat the mailman home in case a signature is needed for a package. "PUNK!" Forget him, back to the box - your hearts really pumping now, your pulse is racing, palms sweaty; the handle feels cold as pause before opening it - as if taking your time might allow it a few more seconds to somehow magically appear. Wait. What's this? Could it be? Your actions quickening now as you begin to see the rough corner of a white cardboard box coming into view. It is! It finally came! Indeed, there it is crammed inside upon piles of wasted trees and political garbage. "But wait!" you think to yourself. "Is this some sort of practical joke?!?!" "How in the @#$! did that ***hole get it in there?!?!" you say aloud as you pull and tug at the mangled package. Ripping and shredding away at the useless pile of junk that seems to be holding everying back. "OOOOH they're gonna hear about this one! You grunt and curse and pull and twist so hard the plastic mailbox begins to lose its grip on the ground. And all of a sudden - POP - there you are, a** down in the road parcel in hand; shedded paper still drifting peacefully to the ground like confetti on New Years Day. You finally have what you've been waiting for - your precious; your eGo. Then again, maybe your mailman will just set the damn thing on the porch! GL and hang in there, it'll come!!! Happy Vaping! Dude.
    1 point
  9. BirdDog

    Ron Paul Responds To Tsa

    Ron Paul made some really valid points. I have not traveled by air in a very long while. I don't mind having to go through the detectors, remove my shoes or be double checked by a wand. I do feel the government is really over stepping with the x-ray and pat down securities measures. The pilots have guns, the doors are locked and air marshals are on most flights now. They should be stepping up on the ground security. That is one thing I think they have neglected. They should be more thorough with whom is on the ground loading the planes and what exactly is going in the cargo hold. That should have happened years ago when the plane exploded over Lockerbie in Scotland.
    1 point
  10. mastiffmom

    Interesting Tidbits

    Yesterday I contact my employer's benefits office to make sure they had received my fax about my choices. I don't take their ins. but do take a few suppliments, anyway they are starting a smoking penalty so I wanted to make sure they knew I was a non-smoker. Lady tells me I don't have to worry as I have other coverage, I say you don't understand I am 101 days smoke-free I just want that known(ok pretty happy about this). She asked how I did it, I explained, she was very excited and said she is going to pass this along to others. I explained it isn't a smoking cessation device, LOL, but for me I didn't want to smoke anymore. She was very excited anyway. Then my director stopped in office, asked how I was doing with my electric thingy, I told her. She has been recommending this to other smokers in our network. Then I find out that one of our cardiology nurses is using ecig and having the same success as I am. I have had several people stop me in the halls or call me to inquire where to get these. Small steps I know but like a ripple in pond it can grow. Just wanted to put my 2 cents in about medical community using or recommending vaping.
    1 point
  11. kitsune

    Interesting Tidbits

    With all the no smoking band wagons out there, more and more people are looking at alternatives. Was talking to one of our security guards at work--apparently, they are implementing a new policy that they are not smoke at all during work hours, they are not to bring cigarettes with them to work at all. needless to say--I think I may finally be able to convert him. I have even loaned a spare unit to an occasional patient that is climbing the walls. even the die hard non smokers I work with have no problems with my e-cig and vaping. still keep it a bit on the DL while at work.
    1 point
  12. and so the mail box sits along patiently waiting...
    1 point
  13. seaspine

    Interesting Tidbits

    I'm a home health nurse,I tell all my smoking patients about it,even carry a few empty carts around so they can give it a try if the want to,I've had several patients buy units. today my boss caled me and asked me to do a visit on another nurse's patient just so I could teach that patient about vaping! It suprised me to see that the boss approved of me telling the patients about this(she always gives me funny looks when I vape in the office) I think that the health care industry as a whole needs to learn about and encourage this "healthier alternative to smoking"
    1 point
  14. BirdDog

    How To Shower A Mastiff

    My dog is quite good. I never had any problems with chewing or destroying anything, even as a puppy. She still has stuffed toys from puppy hood that look used but not beaten. Now my brother's dog is another story, he chewed a hole in my carpet. My dog is pretty good in the tub. But getting her in the tub is a different story. I have to drag her out from under the table and then she slinks with her head hung really low. Makes me feel really guilty. Now I am not exempt from pet destruction. I have a 2 year old cat that will destroy anything that will shred. She destroys papers, books, toilet paper, paper towels and plastic grocery bags. She will even chew holes in the dog food bag. God forbid if I leave the garbage container out. The only saving grace is that she has not taken to destruction of my furniture yet. She really likes the big scratching post for that one. I am holding my breath on the no furniture thing, I am just waiting for the day I really make her mad and she takes it out on the couch in retribution. That will be a sad day. Edit - I should also add that this crazy cat climbs up on a two story condo building and cries at the top of her lungs. I can't explain the number of times I had to explain to neighbors that she is not trapped and only does it to annoy me.
    1 point
  15. I have found that when you start to get that mustard gas taste it's time to drip some more. Also, if you over heat your atty you can semi-permanently embed this flavor i.e. "hot-boxing" the atty. I'm not 100% on this yet, but, I believe this is caused by charring the wick or other part of the element. To remove this seemingly permanent flavor try this: 1. get a shot glass; hold the atty mouth side up, and slowly pour isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol through it until the shot glass is full enough that when you set the atty into it it will cover the bridge completely. 1a. set the atty down into the alcohol making sure the element is completely submerged. 2. Allow it to soak 24 hrs then, 3. remove and run water, as hot as you can stand, through it - mouth side first for a min or two. 4. Prime with 5-6 drops, spin juice around to ensure the wick and bridge are saturated, and, 5. vape EASY for a few puffs. 6. Add 3 more drops and repeat. If, at this point, you still notice the funk: 7. Repeat steps 1 - 7, this time soaking 48 hrs but change the alcohol after 24 hrs. At first you'll notice the funk come on sooner, just keep adding a few more drops to keep the atty wet and after about 1-2 ml your atty will be back to normal. This works for me. Hope it'll work for you too! Dude.
    1 point
  16. Certainly I understand the purpose of posting your story. And I too am glad your daughter is ok. Nicotine this deluted will only cause discomfort and slight irritation. Had it been pure nicotine it would have been more serious. I don't even vape in front of my kids because they are only 6 and I don't want them to try copying me. As they get older it will become a different story. Sorry if I sounded preachy. I am just so freaking pissed at the FDA and critics and including some from our own community preaching. I just got banned from a vapor forum simply for speaking up for free speech and freedom. The hypocrisy runs high on both sides of the river. The forum I got banned from ridiculed the FDA for it's power struggle and for strangling our freedom and then they turn around and censor posts LMAO. I simply tell it like it is. Peace
    1 point
  17. My LR attys came in today. Thank god! I've never used LR's before as I am new to vaping. What a difference. I don't think I'll ever go back.
    -1 points
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