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  1. kitsune

    Diy-How To Basics

    DIY Tips and Info I know this is a lot of information, but I hope it helps those looking at trying their hand at DIY. Keep in mind, This is just my own experience. PG- Propylene Glycol : It is a colorless, nearly odorless, clear, viscous liquid with a faintly sweet taste, http://en.wikipedia....ropylene_glycol VG-Vegetable Glycerin(Glycerol): In foods and beverages, glycerol serves as a humectant, solvent and sweetener, and may help preserve foods. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glycerol PG and/or VG are both used as the base of the E-Liquid. PG/VG can be purchased from most E-Liquid suppliers with or without Nicotine. Unflavored PG or VG with Nicotine can be purchased for the purpose of mixing your own liquids and can be purchased is many strengths. PG/VG without Nicotine is necessary for mixing your own liquids. Glycerin can also be purchased from most pharmacies-over the counter. Humco is one brand of Pharmacy Grade (USP) glycerin. It is sold as a skin protectant. It is a clear, slightly thick liquid and has a sweet taste to it. There is also a Food grade VG- Wiltons- sold at Craft stores in the baking sections. Can sometimes be found at Walmart in the craft section. The information will have to be put into a couple posts--The server doesn't like the long version....
    3 points
  2. mastiffmom

    Interesting Tidbits

    Yesterday I contact my employer's benefits office to make sure they had received my fax about my choices. I don't take their ins. but do take a few suppliments, anyway they are starting a smoking penalty so I wanted to make sure they knew I was a non-smoker. Lady tells me I don't have to worry as I have other coverage, I say you don't understand I am 101 days smoke-free I just want that known(ok pretty happy about this). She asked how I did it, I explained, she was very excited and said she is going to pass this along to others. I explained it isn't a smoking cessation device, LOL, but for me I didn't want to smoke anymore. She was very excited anyway. Then my director stopped in office, asked how I was doing with my electric thingy, I told her. She has been recommending this to other smokers in our network. Then I find out that one of our cardiology nurses is using ecig and having the same success as I am. I have had several people stop me in the halls or call me to inquire where to get these. Small steps I know but like a ripple in pond it can grow. Just wanted to put my 2 cents in about medical community using or recommending vaping.
    3 points
  3. kitsune

    Diy-How To Basics

    Hopefully Last but not least...... Supplies: 1.Empty dropper bottles- 3ml, 5ml, 10ml sizes are great for mixing. 2. Pipette or syringe with blunt needle. Personally, I prefer using a syringe for mixing--More accurate. 3. paper towel or rag for handling any spills or messes 4. Labels are good for identifying your new mixes. If using paper labels I have found that applying scotch tape over the label keeps the label legible. 5. mixing calculator helps with acheiving the correct nicotine strength. There are other calculators out there, but I like Todd Muellers: http://www.todmuller.com/ejuice/ejuice.php . I usually put my flavor at 30 - 40%. I like lots of flavor. Mixing -can be simple (combining premixed liquids to create a new flavor) or more complicated, mixing from scratch. Or somewhere in between. 1. Always start your mixing or experimentation with small amounts. Its much easier to throw out a small amount of liquid if it turns out bad. The 3ml bottles are great for experimenting. 2. Its a good idea to keep track of what and how much you have added to your mix--just in case you want to make more. **It is easy enough to mix 2 or more premixed liquids together to get a new flavor. This is easiest if you are using the same nicotine strength. i.e.- Tobacco 18mg/Watermelon 18mg/menthol 18mg/pina colada 18mg. The amounts would depend on taste. Start with 5 drops of each in a 3ml bottle, shake and vape--can adjust the flavor as you want by adding more of one of the flavors. with the menthol--using just 1-2 drops/3ml will give a nice cool throat hit without tasting like menthol. ** Can use PG/VG or both to cut a higher strength liquid. i.e.- 24mg premixed liquid 1ml can be mixed with 1ml PG or VG to make 12mg/ml liquid. If cutting a premixed flavor, keep in mind, it will also decrease the flavor. If you don’t want the flavor loss you can cut with 0 nicotine strength in the same or a different flavor. You can also use flavorings to boost the flavor. use the calculator to determine how much PG/VG to use to achieve the desired strength. Just put 0 in the water and flavor boxes. ** Adding Flavoring to premixed liquids This is actually one of the easiest forms of mixing and is a great place to start the DIY journey. We all have flavors we don’t really care for, but by adding flavoring you can create a flavor you like. Keep in mind--when adding flavoring it will dilute the nicotine strength of the premixed liquid. one way around this is to get some unflavored higher nicotine liquid- i.e. 36mg that can be added to your mix to keep the nicotine strength at your desired level. My preferred nicotine level is 12mg/ml--so I will use that dose for mixing examples. i.e.-- cappuccino 36mg/ml, 1.7ml + FlavourArt apple pie flavoring 1.5ml + VG 1.8ml for a total of 5ml 12mg/ml. This is where the calculator comes in handy. Just put in the numbers, hit enter and the calculations are done for you. This is where having a syringe is helpful. However if you are using drops, I have found that 30 drops of PG = 1ml and 20 drops of VG = 1ml. You can use more than one flavoring: cappuccino 1.7ml + apple pie flavoring 1ml + Vanilla 1ml + VG 1.3 ml = 5ml 12mg/ml Don’t be afraid to mix more than one flavor. When cooking, most dishes require more than one flavor to get the right taste. ** mixing from scratch You will need PG and/or VG Unflavored Nicotine liquid ( I usually use 36mg/ml) Flavorings of choice i.e. Easy Watermelon 12mg/ml 3 ml PG or VG 1 ml Lorann Watermelon flavoring 2 drops Menthol flavoring (Flavourart) 2 ml 36mg/ml Unflavored liquid i.e. using multiple flavors: Apple Pie (6ml) 18mg/ml 3 ml 36/mg unflavored 1 ml FlavourArt(FA) Apple Pie 6 drops (Flavourart) Irish Cream 2 drops (FA) perique black (tobacco) 3 drops (FA) menthol .5ml PG .5ml VG 3 drops hazelnut 6 drops vanilla ** Misc Notes Tobacco Flavorings are very, very strong--a little goes a very long way. A couple drops to 5ml will give a nice background flavor. If using more, add a drop or 2 at a time to taste. Lorann flavorings are very concentrated. You would use less Lorann than you would with other flavorings. Avoid flavorings with oils or sugars--both can damage your atomizer. If you find your mix needs to be sweeter there are a couple of options: 1. Loranns cotton candy or Marshmallow flavorings are great for adding sweetness. 2. DIY flavor shack carrys Eythol Malto which is a sweetener. 3. I actually prefer the Lorann--overall sweeter tasting. 4. I add a few drops of Menthol to all my mixes-adds a cool throat hit and enhances the flavor. Just a little does not taste like menthol. If you like menthol, just add more. 5. always start mixing with small amounts and keep track of what and how much. 6. For taste testing--dripping works best. Mixing is a lot of trial and error in the beginning. Add flavoring a little at a time until you find the balance you like will help keep waste to a minimum. I am hoping others will be able to add their tips and ideas. the above is just my own opinion and my own experience. If all or part of this is confusing please let me know-writing documents is not my strong suit !!!! Merry Mixing
    3 points
  4. I'm with Mark (that's hard to say). Why waste perfectly good booze on an atty when hot water will do the same thing. My suggestion...put the atty's in very hot water...drink the everclear....sit back and say "the hell with the atty's let's just get drunk".
    2 points
  5. Greetings Vape-O-Holics, I just had to report that you've done it (probably again)! After initially buying a Greensmoke before finding this site, I have just purchased and am anxiously looking forward to the delivery of my EGO! Thanks to the 30 day Money Back Guarantee, Greensmoke will be receiving their less than efficient product back in the mail which will return 1 1/2 times the money I paid for the amazing product I am thankfully about to receive. <yes, it's a bit of a prayer!!!~ This forum, Christopher, and ALL OF YOU rock!!! thank you, THANK you! THANK YOU!!!
    1 point
  6. elDuderino

    Regular 510 Vs. Mega Atty

    Thanks for the tips on the drips I did end up getting another mega atty. I just didnt feel like ordering everything else I needed to use the regular 510's. This new one, however, works alot better than the 2 that came in my kit. It's funny though, how long it takes to get em going at first. Seems like it was loaded with whatever that primer fluid is they use from the factory. This atty will take 3 drops and vape well for sometimes up to 10 hits - Amazing the variances in these products. Even the "I'm running dry" taste in this one is different that the other two. Note: I remove the wicks from all my attys - this, i feel, helps avoid the "mustard gas" flavor of burnt wick when they run dry. Again, thanks for your input. Dude.
    1 point
  7. MY EGO ARRIVED TODAY!!!!!! Ok, I've always had AN ego, but today I got THE EGO!!! OMG, what a difference from the piece of crap that will be returned in the mail tomorrow morning!!!! The Fla-vah, the billows of vape, and the BATTERY LIFE!!! Sha-DAMN!!!!! I must say it again... Thank you all for all your input and help on these forums! Without the time that you've all spent, I would be stuck returning to analogs because it just would NOT have cut it for me! Your suggestions on equipment and the cart mods.... the PTB cart mod is going to save me during the day when I can't drip while I'm in the process of buying cartomizers!! Oh and dripping, What a rush!!!!! In a previous post, I mentioned that my brain had gone back to analog mode while I waited for the Ego to arrive.... well, I haven't even thought about an analog in the past 5 hours, which is something that did NOT happen over the past week. Now I'm on the flavor quest, searching for MY all day vape and then the "special moments" vape. Can you tell I'm a bit excited?? Thanks again, Bahamasvape....
    1 point
  8. I just used Everclear on my last batch of cleaning. I soaked the cartos and my 2 attys for about a hour, then used a modified nasal syringe (snot sucker)to swish the Everclear through and my cartos and attys were cleaner than I ever seen them. Blew them out with lung power and let them dry overnight. A couple still had the bad taste like they were burnt but most came out great and tasted like new. I am still on the fence whether its worth it or not, cost of Everclear here is $10 for a small bottle, but I guess if I get a week more out of a carto it might be worth it on the long run. I had been boiling my cartos,and not getting the filler near as clean but our water here is really bad and I was tasting the chlorine even after 48 hours of drying. Just my 2 cents worth.
    1 point
  9. I use Vodka every now and again. It only takes a little bit in a little glass. Within 6 hrs, they're sparkling clean. I don't trust my tap water, so I then rinse with distilled water. So far so good. I've lost paint from the eliquid itself, but not the booze. Try it with a dead atty/carto first tho. Different proofs and whatnot. EverClear is like totally buzzed
    1 point
  10. i soak mine in water for about a week, changing the water every morning and night.. sometimes mid day. using hot tap water. then run hot water direct threw them, blow them out threw both ends using lung power. let them dry behind my xbox while i play games or set them on the side of my computer that expels heat. i'm sure a week isn't needed, but i have a nice stock pile of cartos so.. from doing all the other tricks out there i have found no difference in the vapor, taste, or life by doing any other methods. for attys i usually just don't clean them unless they have a very strong taste that will not come out.
    1 point
  11. Why waste perfectly good everclear? I've found that just using hot water and then blowing the attys out w/my air compressor works well. I know that not everyone has an air compressor but just letting the attys dry completely should be enough.
    1 point
  12. Uma

    Regular 510 Vs. Mega Atty

    Oh gosh, I really like the Mega Atty for Direct Dripping. I'm just the opposite from CaSea. It takes awhile to get used to one for DD, but once you do it's fantastic. The trick to it is: Once you've gotten it past the "too wet" or "too dry" stages and are now getting great vapor, ... stop and add Just One Drip... Take One or maybe 2 hits depending on how hard/long you hit it... and repeat the ONE drip. That will keep the Full vapor going for a long time, by doing the one drip/vape vape/repeat. Eventually you can skip a drip and add a vape... the longer you break it in, the better it gets. (getting there is a p.i.a. but so worth that full force vapor). (I'm not talking regular 510 fullness, it's fuller than a regular)
    1 point
  13. And the Ego battery---LOL
    1 point
  14. oooohh you'll be back... Probably sunday when it blows out on you! let me know how long they last for ya plz. Dude.
    0 points
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