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  1. noXious

    Leaking Atty

    Hi Aimee. Gurgling probably means you have a flooded atty. Flooding your atty from time to time is inevitable. I am more prone to flooding when DD vs using carts, yet prefer DD. Have you tried blowing through from the battery end? Like Schizo I have a couple of things I can't live without: My vape rags are dark brown washcloths - never confused with any others used in the home My travel box of q-tips 1. wipe the bottom of the atty 2. q-tip the inside of the battery connector well 3. check that the battery end has cooled then blow through from the battery end toward the mouth into my vape rag - slowly twist (ie: clockwise) the atty and continue to blow really hard - some say wear goggles when doing this 4. reattach to battery and vape gently to see whether or not you need to add juice; I typically do not - I picture the liquid resaturating the coil/bridge/wick (if you leave yours in tact) from the bottom up as I blow through. I can vape on that several times before needing to redrip. * note: I know it seems like a lot. This took me at least a couple of minutes, if not more, when I first started but I'm now able to do it all in mere seconds. I've found that dd'ing into a hot or very warm atty immediately warms (thins) the juice and that will almost always cause a flood. In this case it's not necessarily about over dripping. Also if you remove the cone for a while you may be able to better gauge how many drops your atomizer can handle without leaking. With the cone on you don't always know when you've leaked. If you remove it then you'll figure it out pretty quickly. Another thing to consider is how thick liquid is. VG will vape longer because it requires more heat (I think I said that right). This means that it sits in your atty longer. Sooo .. if you're vaping PG or more PG than VG, etc., then you may have to drip more often or stave off redripping as often for higher VG. Again it's easier for me to gauge this without the cone. Ok I hope I didn't overwhelm! Good luck though. I like the experience of DD'ing but it does require more .. um .. TLC
    2 points
  2. Schizophretard

    Leaking Atty

    I bought bags of white hankies. A clean hankie everyday is a necessary vaping accessory for me. I recommend hankies over napkins for leaking atties and cleaning atty battery connections. Sometimes when using napkins to clean atty battery connections you can get little parts of napkin stuck. Also, hankies absorb the juice better so cleaning is less messy and sticky. Anyway, as long as your eGo is vaping and not clogged I wouldn't worry to much about the gurgling. I only clean the juice off of my atty and inside the cone when I change batteries. When doing that the atty seems pretty soaked in juice but it seems like a lot less juice than leaks out on my other units. I suspect that the cone holding in the leaked juice and the air flow from the top of the cone causes most of the juice to be sucked back in. The gurgling might be juice being sucked back in. That's one of the big things I like about the cone. It is less messy and seems to save juice. Other than the gurgling sound annoying you it isn't much of a problem. I'm gurgling my atty right now. Now if your having a problem with a lot of juice coming out of the top of the cone then you are probably over dripping. I haven't tried one but one of those cone shaped eGo atties might help with the gurgling but by their design it looks like the air flow comes from the bottom of the cone which would cause juice to leak on your unit.
    2 points
  3. Haha .. I second that motion!
    1 point
  4. Uma

    Vaping And Cataracts

    Mine get crazy blurry at times too, but I'm blaming mine on the backlights of my pc and especially cell phone. Both of which are on the lowest brightness settings, and still too bright. The days I refrain from either one, are good days, without any blurr at all. The eCig has me constantly researching one thing or another from new supplies to new toys, and when I'm not on the pc I'm walking all over the land like a treasure hunter with a metal detector searching for 3g service and then surfing from there. Our eyes are used to the lightbulb overhead or behind us, not directed straight at us. It's like looking into the sun all day long. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! It's not my ego it's not my ego it'snotmyego itsnotmyego
    1 point
  5. Jeffb

    Vaping And Cataracts

    I went to the optometrist a couple of weeks ago for a check up. I stated that my vision up close seems to not be as good as it once was. After the check up he was looking at my chart and said "I found the problem" . He then shows me the chart and points at my birthdate. Ha ha, just what I need a comedian for an optometrist.
    1 point
  6. Brian

    Leaking Atty

    I blow my atty out at least once a day (normally) from the open end (the mouth piece end). Then roll up a little piece of paper towel (about 1" x 1") and insert it into the atty and let it set several minutes. Repeat the paper towel thing 2-3 times. After doing that, it usually takes 5-6 drops to prime the atty. I have had some atty that just seem more prone to leaking though. I use paper towels because of the durability. As mentioned above, napkins and tissues tend to come apart leaving little pieces behind.
    1 point
  7. Schizophretard

    Leaking Atty

    noXious, What is the purpose of the clockwise twist? I used to blow the juice into the hankie but I got tired of watching that beautiful juice go to waste. Now when I have a flooded atty I lean my head back, close my eyes, and blow the juice up into the atty instead of blowing it down and out. That blows out the flood but keeps the juice in the atty. I put the atty back on and vape before all the juice runs back down and floods again. Good point about the thickness of the juice. VG is thicker so it leaks slower and floods less. I can flood an atty fast with 100% PG but ever since I started using a mix I rarely flood my atties.
    1 point
  8. Moved to health and safety. Am I hired?
    1 point
  9. Shel

    1St Day Without Analogs

    Good luck to both of you! My tip... I generally use juice with 18mg of nicotine, but I also keep a bottle of 24mg nic on hand. I've also using an eGo, and you can simply drip three drops of the stronger juice into the atty, if/when you really have a craving for a cig. this has helped me a lot. Good luck to both of you guys!
    1 point
  10. I am surprised that your health insurance is applying this policy. I wonder how this will fit into the new government healthcare bill. Part of that bill states that you can not be turned down for insurance if you have pre-existing conditions. Wouldn't smoking or nicotine dependency be a pre-existing condition? As for your question about how long nicotine stays in your system, I truly do not know the answer. Somewhere on this forum a member posted that nicotine has a half life and will leave your system in 1 to 2 hours after your last cigarette. However, I do not think this applies to continine because it is a by product of nicotine left over in the body. See this link My link I found it with a quick google search. Maybe this will shed some light on your question. You may want to do a google search for a detox solution. I found a couple sites, but I will not post them here on the forum. Good luck and I hope it all works out in your favor.
    1 point
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