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  1. Jolly

    Noobie Guide To Vaping

    (Please only post questions OR additional noobie info in here to keep this thread clean. ie: no thank you, good post, etc, posts) This is to help you play catch up on what the veterans know. Basic ecig Parts A.) Cartridge - holds the ejuice and is also a mouth piece. this part can be replaced with a drip tip and is what most do B.) Atomizer - has an element that heats up the ejuice and as you pull air threw it vapor is produced. * sub B section - you can also use cartomizers, they are atomizers with filler to hold juice and are a tad shorter in size. C.) battery - these will be 3.7v Lithium Ion batteries, they supply the power to the atomizer. they come in auto (activated by suction) or manual (activated by button) Common Ecigs What's the best ecig This is more dependent on how you vape and your needs for vapor, throat/lung hit, battery life needs and other factors. Most people will advise the ego/tornado/riva as they all have a nice battery life and are built good (ego being the favorite of the three) this is the ego mega and regular batteries with manual buttons Ecig Model Numbers These are based on the atomizer they use when one says 510 kit, they generally are referring to the cigarette shaped ecig. like the first picture of this post. Why we tell you not to get cigarette shaped ecigs A cigarette shaped battery runs $12 for a normal manual 510 9hrs at $20 (ego battery) 540mins 45mins (510 kit battery) 540 ÷ 45 = 12 12 (batteries) x $12 = $144 so for mAh (Milliamp hours), it is a lot less expensive to buy a larger battery. this will also keep you from having to buy more batteries. explained after next set of math. 510 kit batteries needed for 9hrs 9hrs (540mins) ÷ (45min run time + 2hr charge time = 165mins) = 3.272727273 batteries needed to run 9hrs on 510 kit 3 x $12 = $36 - 1 ego battery = $20 = $16 saved. that is initial cost only!! 45min x 2 is what you have ready to go after your first needs charged (90mins). your first battery is going to take 2hrs to charge so by the time you run out the other two the first is done charging. so just to keep going you would need at bare minimum you want two 510 chargers, this means more $$. why you ask? at night when you don't have a single battery to use, you will only be able to charge 1 while you sleep. it would be more ideal to have 3 or one of the larger chargers that do more than one and have no less than 10 batteries ready to go. on top of this when you go out you will have a pocket full of batteries, making this not a very portable device to bring with you. other than that you have to recharge more often and the more you charge the more you replace. batteries have an # of recharges before they start failing to keep their charge. now you may say by logic that you are only charging once on those small batteries in that 9hr time, so there isn't an issue on life, BUT, the smaller the battery the less times you can charge it before the failing starts. also consider that you have 3 batteries that will fail First Order When you get an ecig make sure that you have spares of everything. the atomizers, cartomizers, batteries, and juice are all going to need purchased at some point again. Your first cart should consist of NO LESS than, 5 atomizers, 2 packs of cartomizers (5 in a pack), your kit, 2 extra batteries (i would advise mega batteries), 1 extra charger, and a nice amount of juice. the last thing you want is to have to wait on something you didn't buy enough of to come in. if one thing is missing you will go right back to smoking, nobody wants that. Mods and Why Mods are usually over looked or not even known to noobies of the ecig world. these devices can be anywhere from 3.7v to 8.4v. the point is that some people need one of two things, longer battery life with less cost and/or an aggressive throat hit. as a newbie i wouldn't advise a mod above 3.7v that doesn't have the option to go as low as 4.2v if it is not a variable voltage you are stuck on that till you get something lower if you don't like it. i say 4.2v because any 3.7v battery charges UP TO 4.2v. most people love vaping that initial fresh charged battery. voltage drops after usage to as low as 2.9v Mods will use batteries like these these are all 3.7v batteries with a much longer charge life vs a kit ecig. you can find almost all of these batteries from US suppliers for $5 each. a 3.7v mod using the largest battery (18650) can last you 4+ days @ $8 for the battery. some mods can last up to 4+ days before needing to be recharged. I'm not going to go into mods or pictures of mods. you can do that on your own, also watch youtube videos about the mods before thinking its large. the standard ones people use are silver bullet mako tekk mod (prone to cracking at the top unless you find someone that knows how to make them correctly) some sort of wetbox (check reviews of these missys wetbox fails quite often due to her under rated buttons and cost $15 to fix) (there are a crazy amount of mods out there, this is just a small list of the most talked about) Abbreviations General Noob - Beginner OP - Original Post(er) Analog - Regular Cigarette Mod - Homemade device or a Moderator. Pull - The act of sucking on the mouthpiece to pull the vapor into your mouth TH - Throat Hit (The tingling sensation in the back of your throat) Vapor - the "smoke" emitted from an e-cigarette Vape, Vaping - The use of an e-cigarette (similar to the term "smoking" when referring to an analog) Topping off - Adding drops of e-liquid to your current cartridge. Dripping - Vaping by adding a few drops of e-liquid directly on the atomizer instead of using a cartridge. Dipping - Sticking the bridge of the atomizer in e-liquid. E-Cigarette E-cig or E-cigarette - Electronic Cigarette PV - Personal Vaporizer Atty - Atomizer Cart - Cartridge Bat - Battery Filler - The fiber found inside your cartridge that holds your e-liquid PCC - Personal Charging Case SD - ScrewDriver JS - Janty Stick PT - Passthrough or passthrough battery 2-piece/Disposable - 2 part e-cigarette. The Battery and a "cartomizer". Cartomizer - An atomizer built into the cartridge, marketed as disposable (you throw it away when the e-liquid is used up). 3-piece - 3 part e-cigarette. Battery, Atomizer, and Cartridge. Cutoff - Refers to how long the battery will activate the atomizer before shutting down (safety measure to protect the atomizer). E-Liquid E-juice, e-liquid, juice - the liquid nicotine that you fill your cartridges with. DIY - Do it yourself (homemade e-liquid mixture) PG - Propylene Glycol VG - Vegetable Glycerin(Glycerine = glycerin = vegetable glycerin(e) = glycerol) PEG - Polylethylene Glycol Suppliers VT - Vaportalk VG - Vaporgalaxy VB - Vaporbomb ENS - electronicstix JC - Johnson Creek PS - PureSmoker TW - Totally Wicked EST - E-smokeytreats JS - JantyStick SD - ScrewDriver GG - The GG! Miscellaneous FDA - Food and Drug Administration ECA - Electronic Cigarette Association NRT - Nicotine Replacement Therapy (patch, gum, e-cig) PH - Public Health BP - Big Pharmaceutical Companies BT - Big Tobacco Companies ALF - American Legacy Foundation 'Anti's - Anti-smoking people who do not acknowledge that vaping is a viable alternative to smoking analogs. RYO - Roll your own (tobacco) Universal Forum Lingo AFAIK - As Far As I Know BTW - By The Way DOA - Dead On Arrival (didn't work from the moment I got it) FWIW- For What It's Worth FYI - For Your Information IDK - I Don't Know IIRC - If I Recall/Remember Correctly IMO or IMHO - In My Opinion or In My Humble Opinion (some mean 'H' to be Honest) IOW - In Other Words JK or JJ - Just Kidding or Just Joking JS - Just Saying OMG or OMFG - Oh My God and it's adult extension PITA - Pain In The *** PWN - Own or "dominate" ROTFLOL - Rolling On The Floor Laughing Out Loud ROTFLMFAO - ^ Adult Extension of above SOL - (can't be helped or fixed) (SP?) - Used when unsure of the spelling of the previous word TIA - Thanks In Advance TMI - Too Much Information (too personal) TOS - Terms Of Service ("the rules") TROLL - A person that posts in a forum/thread with the sole intention of provoking an argument (can sometimes also imply a "spy") TY - Thank You WOOT - Exclamation, as in Hooray! (Sometimes: Want One Of Those) WTF - Same As below WTH - What/Where/Who The Hell YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary (your experience may differ from mine)
    7 points
  2. nana

    Thanks For The Support

    When I first heard about e-cigs, I had a feeling this would be the thing that would help me quit. From the very first drag, I was convinced. I loved it so much more than smoking. It took no effort on my part at all. It was truly amazing to me. After smoking for 34 years and trying everything to quit (only because I thought I should and not because I really wanted to), this was just the answer for me. I simply vaped the same amount, the same way, the same times, etc., as I did smoking and it was easy. That doesn't mean it works that well for everyone. I agree with what was said here...just relax and let the vaping take over. I really think that's what happened with me...just happened faster for me than some others. I've been smoke free for just over a year now and couldn't be happier about it. The other thing that helped me was this wonderful group of people here. It's really great to have a support system. Hearing about everyone's success stories, everyone's enthusiasm, learning about all the different PVs and juices and attys and batteries, etc., is very contagious and I believe helped propel me forward into finding the perfect setup for me. Stick around here and you just might get the same benefit. Good luck!!
    3 points
  3. Brian

    Thanks For The Support

    Just keep vaping. When I got my 510 kit last December (on a Tuesday) I vaped in the evening only and smoked by day at work. By Thurdsay I found myself missing my vape while I was at work. On Satuday morning I woke up and smoked my last analog with my coffee and then started vaping. For the first couple of months I continued to go out to the "smoke shack" at work to vape, but eventually ended up just vaping at my desk. Best advice is that when you get a craving, vape heavily. I did quite well early on, but found I got some killer cravings a few months down the road. The weren't often, but when they hit - oh man. I was able to vape through them and get through it. I'm pushing a year now and can say that over the past few months I don't recall having any cravings at all. I'll just add - don't beat yourself up if you need a cigarette once in a while. It's not a big deal.
    2 points
  4. Uma

    First Day Without Analogs...

    Congrats on purchasing the eGo, it's quite a remarkable pv which will make the switch over to vaping from analogs a delicious endeavor. (been there, done that!). It took me a week of vaping before the analogs were history. I had accidentally quit smoking analogs, like many others. All except 4 of those stinky little pestery cancer sticks. I had to make mental effort to rid myself of those... but my heart, tastebuds, satisfaction, and mind won that war as well. I counted the analogs I DIDN'T smoke and added one more to the list each day until VOILA... no more analogs! Give yourself some leeway and a plan. Don't try to quit smoking... just relax, start vaping, and see what happens. You'll be pleasantly surprised. (and then go kick butt with any remainders lol). Good Luck and Happy Vaping!
    2 points
  5. Today is the day! Ive tried cold turkey, switching to chewing tobacco and chewing enormous amounts of gum but for some reason i keep going back. Ive smoked for 19 years and I am getting tired of the smell and my lungs hurting when I wake up in the morning. First thing this morning I woke up took a puff off the e cig and was amazed. The taste and feel of the vapor was almost like having that first puff of the day. Really hope this works. Im getting tired of feeling like an addict and throwing my money away. Thank you for all the videos that have been posted. They are very helpful. Wish me luck
    1 point
  6. Shihzam


    Just want to give David at Madvapes.com a thumb up. I've ordered several thing in the past and have always received fast accurate service. But last week I had ordered some batteries and liquid and Friday received my package with 2 30 (Banana Bread and Blueberry)and 2 5mil (Cotton Candy and Cola)e-liquids. I know stuff happens so I sent a e-mail offering to send it back. Got a e-mail from David yesterday telling me to keep the liquids and my order would be reshipped. That to me is great customer service and just wanted to recommend Madvapes.com as a great supplier for our quest! P.M. I always wanted to try the Banana Bread but never even thought of trying the Blueberry or Cotton Candy and now I really like them too!
    1 point
  7. lightbringer


    YEAH. the Mad Chai tastes like a combo of suntan lotion and shampoo. Seriously!!!! The pumpkin gingerbread tatses like dried leaves. I am giving them a week or so to sit before I try them one last time to be sure that they seriously are horrible. Once again though the Irish Mintz!!!!!!!! even better then the Butter rum Michael Prater...did I write that correctly? Anyway I know you love the Butter Rum like I do.
    1 point
  8. Shihzam


    The Cotton Candy is a good "once in a while" vape. I wouldn't have it in my "all day" line up but it's good desert vape. I also use it in some of my DIY mixes and it add just enough sweetness to my mixed concoctions. The blueberry was such a big surprise to me, had never even thought of vaping it, but it's another one of those desert vapes, not all day, but a good evening vape. Butter Rum I go though like crazy, and the Irish Mintz has caught my eye too, will order it soon. I order regular from Mad Vapes,yesterday as a matter of fact, I think you like them well!
    1 point
  9. michealprater


    Butter Rum is the only one I have tried that I really liked. Energy cow is ok. I did not like mad grapes, cherry, fried apple, blueberry, and kick azz carmel. The odds were against me liking another, if I order again it will be a massive bottle of butter rum.
    1 point
  10. lightbringer


    OK so I was about to give Madvapes the big Thumbs Up too when I saw this. So you like their cotton candy? That is one I am scared to try after Viking Vapor's tasted ...not good. And you say their banana bread is good too? Basically please tell me about all these liquids (cola too) cause I plan to order from Madvapes a LOT and want to know if these flavors are good b4 I try them cause the Mad Chai and Pumpkin Ginger Bread are GROSS!!!! but most of what I have tried from them is really good especially my new favorite...Irish Mintz. I will be doing a big review of what I have real soon (like later today or tomorrow) but basically they are all pretty good except for the two aforementioned. And Butter Rum and Irish Mintz RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  11. The 520 is a longer version of the 510. The same atomizers, carts, cartomizers that fit the ego will also fit the 520. you will need a separate charger for the 520 (510 charger) as the ego charger can damage the 520/510 batteries. Congrats to both of you !!! I had completely quit quitting and had no intention to quit when I found vaping--In 30 years I had never managed to quit for more than a week. vaping really has been a miracle for me too.
    1 point
  12. Vape and relax !!! The more you worry about quitting the harder it is to quit. You will find there are times when you really want a cigarette--if its something you really need, go for it--I promise in the end vaping will win out. Its hard to break the smoking habits and routines. many times you can just vape through the craving, sometimes you can't. vape, relax and repeat !!! And absolutely no shivering and freezing for me ( at least not for a cigarette)
    1 point
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