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  1. Just to beat the next ten posters to the punch: Joye ego with a low res atty or low res carto! Or You could try a variable voltage mod like the tekk or joker so you can dial in the sweet spot to suit your taste. Dang Brian beat me too it again roflmao
    2 points
  2. I would go with the eGo and some LR510 attys. I would stay with the 510 atty, either regular or LR, but you'll need bigger batteries (like the eGo) to use the LR atty. The LR atty has a lower resistance than the regular 510 so it heat up faster and hits harder. It's suppose to simulate the 5V experience without an expensive 5V mod. If you want to go a step further, check into a variable voltage mod such as the Joker AV or the Buzz.
    2 points
  3. Welcome and yes they can be refilled but with a warning. DO NOT OVERFILL! the Blu batteries are not sealed so juice dripping in it can fry it. You just pull ot the clear plastic container inside which holds the filler. Soak them both in hot water and remove as much of the foil on the edges as possible. When the filler is dry drip 2 drops into the container and carefully replace the filler, then drop by drop wet the filler. If you overfill you will get juice in your mouth! then put filled container back into cart and place atty on, I use a straightened paperclip to push up the cart through the hole in mouth piece, not hard just gentle push. I use this method when I want to try a new juice, I use my 510 they work together, and voila. With the Blu be very careful as the battery can be damaged by liquid. The attys on the Blu are really nice little units and work hard but you need to use Blu carts on them. It can be done and I have done it but remember not to overfill, if you have a puddle on top you will get juice in your mouth.
    2 points
  4. Lily

    Anyone Vaping Constantly?

    Hi, I think all kinds of analyses can be made regarding what, why, how and when we vape. I believe someone posted here on the forum that when we vape we're taking in less nic than when we smoked analogs. Idk the science behind that. However, in the beginning, vaping was new and exciting, for me. I couldn't put my pv down. I still have my eGo in my hand a lot of the time. It goes where I go. Am I vaping less after five months? Idk, I haven't monitored myself. I think the best argument to be made is the one elDuderino expressed. What an analog smoker is ingesting is a crime against humanity. And the known carcinogens that are in them to keep people smoking all over the world? Shame, shame, shame on the tobacco companies!!! Everyone has their personal goals. Some want to wean, some vape all day and night on 0mg, some vape very high levels of nicotine. I put in a vote for being grateful that I have this technology available to me. Vaping will certainly help no matter what decision I make in the future! Right now tho, 'Preacher Lily' loves to vape! So many choices in what pv's to buy, so many e-liquid flavors, so very much fun!
    2 points
  5. Well I am new to vaping and just got my new ecig 2 days ago. At first I was loving it. It was from a company called joycig (not joye). I didn't do my research and was just going off a recommendation from a friend. He said joye but I ended up ordering from the wrong company. Sneaky bastards! Well they have a 30 day return policy, which is great cause the unit sucks (and not in a good way). It is almost identical to the blucig starter pack. I noticed right off the bat that the batteries only lasted an hr that's till one of the batteries completely died on me yesterday. It'll say it's charging and when it's done I plug it into my atty and nothing.The cartridges are way overfilled too; as soon as you plug it in starts leaking from the sides and the first 10-15 drags I get juice in my mouth. Not to mention they use the same annoying foil covers blu does. It also got so hot yesterday that I had to put it down for fear of burning myself. Five minutes later I smell a weird almost hair burning smell so I pick it up and its still red hot to the touch. After that the battery was shot. Now on to the good news. After reading a lot of positive reviews I ordered the eGo from awesomevapor. I also ordered the monster atty for it too. I'm excited to get it. I like the idea of vaping (when it worked)and won't let one bad experience define what vaping is. It works for me. I'm not completely off the analogs yet but I know I will be. Hey going from a pack and a half a day to 3 analogs day one should tell ya something. Off topic but do you guys enjoy vaping more than you did smoking or do you still crave an analog from time to time?
    1 point
  6. Mark

    Shocking Pass Through

    Sounds like your troubleshooting skills are right on track- I don't think there is anything wrong with your pt, It sounds like you have a shorted usb at the computer end. I would avoid plugging anything else into that usb port as it can damage anything pluged into it. Is your ego charger still working at an ac outlet or at your x-box? If they haven't been damaged by the computer, they should still be ok.
    1 point
  7. I'm diggin' my ENS LR cartos! And mine are 2.0 as well. No issues as of yet... hope you get that figured out. Do you let them sit and soak in good before you start vapin' on it? It helps... I let mine sit for at least 30 minutes prior to using.
    1 point
  8. nana

    Anyone Vaping Constantly?

    I'm obsessed with vaping, too. Gotta have my backups. And then more backups. In the beginning, I had to try a whole bunch of different PV devices, all the juices, etc. Over time I slowed down on that. I found the devices and juices and attys that work best for me and I'm quite content where I'm at right now. But that's about all I've slowed down on. I still vape a lot. Almost never put my PV down. If I'm doing something that I need both hands for, it will be in my pocket - very near my hand. LOL Like mastiffmom said, it is like a security blanket. Or a pacifier. And having the supplies handy and batteries charged is like being sure you have that extra pack of cigarettes. I'd never really thought of that way before, but I always made sure I had a carton of cigarettes in the house if we were expecting a snowstorm. There was no way I wanted to be snowed in and not able to get out for more cigarettes. So I've always been obsessed about backups - even before I'd heard of vaping.
    1 point
  9. Epic fail!!! kidding, sorry... Ego, great battery, mods have their place, but since you have 510 equipment already, outlay is only about $25 to try an ego...a little more if you don't have a USB charger. Nice thing about the ego is it will have a little more punch voltage wise than a regular 510. Combine with an LR atty and is very nice.
    1 point
  10. actor92191

    Realistic Robot

    That's amazing. If she will clean my house I will buy one regardless of the price tag!
    1 point
  11. O,O Holy cow five drops!!!How can they say that equals a pack of analogs ?I drip three drops for five or six drags.I would spend all my time filling those things.
    1 point
  12. FTJoe

    Anyone Vaping Constantly?

    I started at 24mg and kept to my regular smoking schedule (no more than once an hour, not indoors, not in the car, etc) as I was unsure how I was going to react. I was committed to getting to 0mg so after a while I started cutting down around 2mg ever two weeks or so. Then I started vaping constantly, indoors, in the car, at work inside (stealth). I thought it was lack of nicotine but now I'm pretty convinced as I felt better, I was simply doing what I wanted to do all along, "smoke" all the time. Since I was feeling better and better each day, why not? Anyway, got to zero and the urge kind of went away after a few weeks. Don't even "have to" while drinking (though I like to). I think my ego is somewhere around the house, haven't seen it for a few days. And I'm the guy who would roll the dice at the airport just before boarding by going back through security to get one more smoke in. So I think normal, your decision and I always recommend trying to cut down, you might be surprised. Of course, if you find yourself just staring at the knife in the kitchen while your better half yells at you, bring the level back up a little!! ;-)
    1 point
  13. Burn

    Super-T Juice Feeder

    Not all that bad but certainly doesnt look all that portable. I have seen worse designs for feeders but I like this one alot better. When it is finished it will be same width as device. oh and it is automatic and tunable for more/less. Airflow triggers the release of the juice.
    1 point
  14. Burn

    Boiling A Carto

    At less than $2 each, I find the best place to clean those is the bottom of my trashcan. =)
    1 point
  15. Burn

    The Joker - Av

    I received the updated Joker - AV (adjustable voltage) a week and a half ago. I have been using it exclusively ever since. Vitals: Mod Name - The Joker-AV Vendor link - VaprLife: The Joker-AV Price - $99.00 for e-cig mod, $129.00 for Kit (see site for details) Batteries - 2 X cr123 size 3.7V or 3.0V Supported Atomizers - choice of 501 or 801 sitting Appearance: The Joker-AV is a long and slender tube style design. The diameter is just slightly larger than the CR123a battery type making for a nice fit for the batteries, there is not any battery shake with this mod. It is a little bit (approx 1/4") longer than most mods in this class (The Buzz, Silver Bullet, Omega) and also quite a bit lighter. When I opened the package, what I noticed first was that the mod was so light. I thought for sure the tube would be not be solid. I tried to squeeze the center of the tube with my fingers to see if it had any give as I expected aluminum to have (like an aluminum can) an it does not, I am still surprised by this. This aluminum tube must have been machined from a solid block and not die cast. As it is a tube, there is not a lot of creativity available in the design but the beveled top rising to the atty connector and the overall finish is very sleek and professional. The beveled cut does look good holding the atty connector but it should be noted that there is not any reservoir for atty spills/atty leaks and it will go right down the side. The voltage controller area is a silver band under the button and looks very good with black. there is a small hole to access the blade style screw head to adjust the voltage. The atty connector, which is at the top of the tube and not sunk into the tube so it is flush looks terrific when it is silver/nickel. When received, there was a very thin plating of gold that clashed with the silver. This plating wore off in a few days and now the entire look is black/silver and very sharp. The button is the customary ball in socket design that many of the Vaprlife products feature. The button is very responsive and while it is a mechanical and CAN go off accidentally in your pocket, the small button face makes this unlikely. the end cap is also silver with the joker logo and is vented for safety. This is a very comfortable unit to hold, looks great and while is too long for a shirt pocket, does fit well in a suit jacket and has been just fine carrying in loose fitting pants. Features: Safety has been a consistent feature set of VaprLife products and this model is another example of that standard. Saftey features include; short circuit protection, output limit protection, dropout protection, reverse polarity (battery) protection and even thermal protection has been built into the unit. The unit delivers regulated voltage to the atomizer. What this means is that the output voltage is fixed and less than the total battery output (6.0 or 7.4v combined battery voltage). This ensures consistent performance throughout the charge cycle of the battery. A non regulated battery will start out at a certain voltage and then begin to diminish over the charge cycle. Regulated devices will deliver the same performance until the battery runs out of charge. In addition, you can change the voltage of the device to a setting you prefer. The device ships at 5.0V and by using the supplied screwdriver you can lower and raise the voltage. This device can now be any voltage you prefer/require. It can be a standard volt (3.7/4.2v) or a high volt 6.0 or anything in between. The device has an activation LED that looks very good and is shaped like a diamond. This LED falls under features and not appearance because the LED is also a low battery indicator. It should be noted that the low battery indicator comes on by changing colors when the battery voltage goes below 5V. this is fine if you are using 3.0V batteries, because the 2 batteries will reach that low of a voltage. I did find that when using 3.7 V batteries, they shut off when the combined voltage hits 5.2 (Li-ion battery protection). From my tests with 4 sets of batteries, only the 3.0 volts turned the low indicator on and the 3.7 did not. Is this a big deal? No, not really to me. 3.7 volts are lasting almost twice as long as the 3.0 I have and the lack of indicator really doesn't bother me at all as I always have a second set of batteries charged and ready. I was concerned at first when the power ran out and the device seemed to stop working. Replacing the batteries got my joker back up and vaping. The performance is what I have come to expect from an AV device, very consistent and customizable. I have run standard atties from 4.2v to 5.0v, cartomizers at 4.5v and 6.0v and even used an adapter for some 901 styles at 5.5 volts. All performed very well and exactly as I expected. Variable voltage allows you to experience several different battery configurations in one device.
    1 point
  16. Burn

    The Joker - Av

    Opinion: This is a mature device that was well developed and it is apparent that a lot of thought went into the design and safety of the device. I was surprised that an adapter to connect to my multimeter (voltage reader) was not available for the device. I already had one that worked on the device so I could tune it but without that you really didn't know the exact voltage. Some atomizers I would not want to run at particularly high voltages so this is important to me. However, once you have it set, you really don't need to touch it at all. Vaprlife is now advertising a voltmeter that screws on the top of the device. This will be great for those that don't already have a voltmeter. This is not currently available at the time of this writing but is expected to be released soon according to the current home page of VaprLife Another surprise was lack of manual and documentation. There isn't any instructions on how to control the voltage. Even a rough guide (one complete turn = .2 volts approx) would be helpful for the uninitiated. When I received my first AV unit, prior to The Joker-AV, I fiddled with it for a few days running experiments and tests. If this doesn't sound like you, then the above really wont bother you at all. Getting the best performance really is simple, if it is too cold, turn to the right, if it is too hot, turn to the left. Get it where you like it and forget about adjusting, it will be the same every time. With the quality of the craftsmanship and professional touches, it is easy to forget that VaprLife is actually a small shop and not a large manufacturer like Janty or Joye. I can understand why this was released before the documentation and volt adapter/meter was delivered but as this is still true at the time of this writing, I feel it must be noted. Summary I have been vocal about 2 issues I had with VaprLife and the release of the original (non av) Joker. 1) The description of the voltage rating for the device. I believe it should be the battery rating for the battery(s) used in the device. VaprLife believes it is the voltage under load. I think that because the load does change not only between different makes and styles of atomizers but even within the lifespan of the atomizer the battery rating should be used. We will agree to disagree on that point but the av/regulator makes renders that subject moot. The other issue I had was the price. The original $170 price was far too high, in my opinion and now VaprLife has come back with a very affordable price of $99 for the unit (with screwdriver) and $129 for the kit (4batteries, charger and holster case) which is also very reasonable. This has gone from one of the more expensive devices to one of the better values for a custom e-cig. VaprLife removed both of my complaints and what is now left is a fantastic device. It feels comfortable to hold, has excellent safety features, dependable and customizable performance, looks terrific and my bank account appreciated the value as well. If you are looking for a regulated or adjustable voltage device, you can not go wrong with the joker-av. Final Thought As I also own what I believe to be the first variable voltage device (not selective voltage), The Buzz, inevitably I expect to be asked which of these do I prefer or think is better. I think they are both very good devices. They are well made and the performance is identical. The size and appearance is what really separates these units and those attributes are very subjective. I would recommend either of these devices and I would suggest that everyone consider a regulated device such as these as they really are to me, the best vaping experience. If you just cant stop annoying your wife/husband/friend or cat with your constant spending on e-cigs, do what I did....buy one of each!
    1 point
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