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  1. Welcome to Vapor Talk! If you're wanting a battery to last all day, go with the eGo. Most report battery life of 8+ hours (8-12 is common) and a kit comes with two batteries. As you'll find out, vaping is a little different than smoking and it's hard to give an answer to "how may cigs is a cart the same as" questions. Carts generally don't last long, maybe 3-5 cigs at best. Many find carts don't work that well and turn to direct dripping (vid posted below). For on-the-go use, I'd get some cartomizers with your order and some eliquid. You can use bottles of eliquid to refill carts and cartomizers. Cartomizers will hold about 30 drops of juice and will last a while before needing refilled. You'll probably find that there's no eliquid that is going to taste like your Marlboro. I smoked about 1 1/2 packs of Marlboro lights per day for 20 years and the eliquid that worked for me was Vapor Talk Tobacco in 24mg. I would suggest getting at least 3-4 different flavors when you buy your kit. Feel free to ask any questions. I'm sure others will be along to fill in any gaps I may have left out - there's a lot of info out there. LOL! What is direct dripping
    2 points
  2. OK I am just gonna touch on these cause I am not ready to do a big production of a video review or anyhting like that yet... Grape Soda at 24 mg. I will say some things here that may not sound flattering if ya don't know me and my family (esp. my older brother) Grape soda tastes very good. Please understand that i am trying to compliment the liquid as it is wonderful and my bottle is already half empty and I just got it Saturday at 6 or so in the evening. So it tastes like Grape Kool Aid powder, yeah, especially at first...like yer sucking into yer mouth and sucking on the powder. Now this was the part that I thought might throw some people off... well hold yer horses cause I used to eat Kool Aid powder b/c of my big brother who used to make sandwiches with it though now he tells me he has graduated to pixi stix...yep, cheese, peanut butter, and pixi stix but it used to be kool aid powder. OK so I think it is a good thing. Now it does not taste like grape soda. It does mix well with VT cola though so there is yer grape soda (it's awesome mixed so go do it now). I would suggest too that you drink something complimentary to grape kool aid while you vape it cause (inevitable) whatever you drink will have a taste of grape since it stays in yer mouth. It could be that I just couldna' stop vaping it all weekend. Throat hit is nice! Not harsh and warm with these VT cartos! Vapor production is nice( I have no scale but maybe an 8) I have nothing else to say because I am quite pleased with the Throat hit and the Vapor Prod. is satisfying. I do want to say again it is primarily at first that I taste kool aid powder; then it's much more subtle a grape flavor but VERY good, like every VT liquid that I have tried. Wanna know what has the grape soda beat? well keep reading then (man!) Vapor Talk Dulcis 24 mg. Oh My...I am weakened to think about Dulcis and not get to Vape it right now...there; better now. I thought VT Sweet Dawn or Cola was my favorite of the VTs but I believe I was wrong ... I LOVE this Dulcis. I explained it last night to my brothers girlfriend, "It's like tobacco with a little caramel and a lot of heaven." There is a hint of caramel but it is a heavy, thoughtful flavor added to a tranquility inducing tobacco flavor and there is I believe some element of the supernatural involved... I don't know but flavor(s) that is(are) seducing and enthralling while it is(they are) at peace with you and whispering sweetly into your lungs. A contradiction; yes it is at once heavy and light. You will feel this vapor and recognize the power. Throat hit is great! I think I coughed a little once (which I have done only once b4 with Tasty Vapor's Atomic cyanide) Vapor production about the same as GSoda. Maybe a bit better. I get more vape prod. from....well, Ok Butter Rum from Mad Vapes... I am sure it is a PG vs. VG thing...but I am just trying to give ya some solid comparison... plus now ya can get VG from VT huh... honestly the Vapor production is vary satisfying. I LOVE the DULCIS!!!!!! You will too I promise....(if ya don't I will buy it from You) One more thing about drinking and vaping..."I don't know a man, woman, or child alive today that does not enjoy a good beverage" (David Letterman) I love to drink...no no I drink alcohol maybe once every month or two. No I mean water, cola, juices, coffee, teas...oh man I love tea. I think vaping and drinking go together as well as... well cigarettes and beer. (which is now Beer and tobacco or Dulcis flavor vaping!)So yeah pick a beverage that yu like to compliment whatever flavor you are vaping and it will be that much better an experience! At least I think so. Thank you for reading and have fun... a lot of fun.
    1 point
  3. Hey hows it going guys/girls Here are a few ghost stories, some that have been told by my grandparents, parents and some that have happened to me, Enjoy! ALL OF THE STORIES ARE TRUE!!!!!! SORT OF LONG, BUT WORTH THE READ!! The first story comes from my grandmother on my fathers side.......... 1. It happened sometime around the 1950's my Great Grandfather was dyeing and in the hospital (in Chicago, this was way before my time so I know little of the actual year and location). My Grandmother had gone to visit him (her father) in the hospital which was on the 6th floor of the building, he was nearing the end so she figured she would be there to comfort him. My Grandmother had spent a few days in the hospital, as my Great Grandfather's condition deteriorated. On this certain night my Great Grandfather was sleeping in the hospital bed as my Grandmother read a book to herself by his side. (as she says) All of a sudden she heard a tapping on the window, TAP TAP TAP, as she describes it, "it was not a "light tap" but more of a deliberate tap, as in to get someones attention". (Keep in mind that my Great Grandfathers room was on the 6th floor, with no trees anywhere near the window, according to my Grandmother). Just as my Grandmother lifted her head, diverting her attention from her book to the window, from which the tapping came, my Great Grandfather, who was sleeping soundly, sat strait up in bed and pointed at the window, and SCREAMED! "Hes here, Hes here to take me!". My Grandmother then turned to the window and noticed that there was a black shadowy figured outside of the window, (as she puts it) "it blocked the lamps in the street, that could be seen from the window, and then vanished". According to my grandmother, she was very frightened, not only because her Dyeing father had practically jumped from the bed, but also from the figure that she had seen out the window. My Great Grandfather died within an hour of this happening. My Grandmother swears that it was Death (The Grimm Reaper) coming to escort his soul to the afterlife. And here is another story told by my Mother about her Grandparents (my Great grandparents) I don't know too many of the details of this story but I will relay what information I have, (I will talk to my mother soon to seen if she can give me anymore info) 2. As the story goes (told to me by my mother) This story takes place sometime in the 1930's or 40's My Great Grandparents on my mother side (not sure if they were my grandmothers parents or my grandfathers parents), once owned a table (not sure how they came about this table, I have no idea if was an err loom or something they purchased, but it definitely was not new) This table was placed in the Dining room, to be used as a place that all the family could sit at and have dinner. The children in the family would often play at the table (jacks or card games and what not). As my mother tells it " when all of the children would put there hands on the table, it would start to dance" "not just rocking on the floor, as if the children were tipping it from side to side" "it would actually lift off of the ground, and make motions back and forth as if it were dancing". Apparently this happened numerous times, the kids in the family told there father (my great grandfather) what would happen when they put all of their hands on the table, he would say "NON SENSE!". According to my mother he was a very stern and serious person, and did not have anytime for "fun and games". One day while the whole family was in the Dining room all of the children put their hands on the table, to show their father that what they had said was true, and the table began to dance. Apparently my Great grandfather walked over to the table saw what was happening and then gently placed his hands on the table, and the table dropped to the ground and stopped "dancing" As my mother tells it, anytime the children would put their hands on the table it would dance, if, while it was dancing, my Great Grandfather put his hands on the table, it would stop immediately! According to my mother this happened over and over again, I will have to ask her what ever happened to the table (it would be interesting to have now) My next few stories involve the house that my parents live in now. Purchased new in 1990, in a nice newly developing neighborhood, near the base of a 1500ft mountain. (I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it) but the area where the house stands now, was once occupied by Indians and early settlers to California (around the 1800's) I lived in this house from 1990 till the mid 2000's before moving into my own place (Im only 28, so I moved out when I was about 23) (a little background info on the house) Since moving into this house we have always had strange things happen, it first started with slamming of cabinets, lights and appliances turning on and off by themselves. Most nights it would sound as if someone was walking down the hallway, as verified by my mother father and brothers. It got to the point where if me or my brothers were sick we would not want to stay home alone, we would end up just going to school anyways because we didn't want to stay in the house alone. I remember one night, it was raining outside with lightening and thunder, when cabinets started to slam open and shut with no one near them. (we never saw them slam, but could definitely hear them!) My brothers and I ran outside (I was 12 as was my twin, and my older brother was 15). We stood outside in the rain for about 3 hours till my parents came home, we did not want to go back inside. This happened many many times to everyone in the family. (all 5 of us) During the period while all of this was still happening in our house......... 3. One Night me and my mother (I was about 17) followed my dad down stairs.... We started on the 2nd story of our house, from the main living room, where the couch and TV are. Down the hallway (20ft), down the first flight of stairs (8ft), down the second flight of stairs (8ft), down the first level hallway (10ft), down another hallway (5ft) to the house/garage door entrance and into the laundry room Me and my mother followed my father all the way from the upstairs to the down stairs a total, of at least 41ft, if not more. Keep in mind that we were two steps behind him the whole time, all the way from the upstairs room to the laundry room (down stairs), prob about 3 ft away from him the whole time. (if I would have taken a "double step" I could have touched him in the back) Each time my dad turned a corner, 1 sec later, me and my mother turned the corner, with my dad in sight for 98% of the journey (from upstairs to downstairs) when we turned the corner down the last stretch of (downstairs) hallway, ending in the Laundry room, we froze.......my dad was nowhere to be found. I paused......said "what the hell" turned to look at my mom, (she gave me a weird look) and we both started calling for my dad. Who happened to be sitting upstairs where we started the journey. My question is, WHO THE HELL DID WE FOLLOW INTO THE LAUNDRY ROOM IF IT WASN'T MY DAD???????? WE HAD OUR EYES ON WHATEVER IT WAS THE WHOLE TIME, AS WE FOLLOWED IT DOWNSTAIRS!!!!!!!! And this leads me to my next ghost story, this happened last year (2009), around Thanksgiving. 4. I was visiting my parents for the holiday, staying in my old room I have always had, since my parents have never changed it since I left. I was sleeping in bed and woke up around 4 in the morning and was super thirsty, I decided to go back to sleep because if I got up to get some water I would probably never get back to sleep. I woke up a few hours later because I had gotten a phone call (it was about 7:45am according to my cell phone), I answered, but nobody replied so I hung up , by this time I REALLY needed some water, so I had to get up. I had a cup next to my bed so I grabbed it and headed toward the bathroom to fill it up (which is just across the hall from my room, about 8 ft away) As I opened my door, I noticed my dad standing in his robe messing with the TV (which is normal, as he normally will wake up and turn the TV on so he can watch it while getting ready for work) I said "good morning" and proceeded to walk to the bathroom to fill my cup with water and head back to bed. As I was walking to the bathroom my father followed me, and proceeded to talk to me as I was filling my cup with water....... I was half asleep at this point, and really couldn't comprehend anything that he had said to me, it was just all "gibberish" at the time. He kept talking to me as I was heading back to my room, when I finally got to the door of my room, I said "DAD! I don't know what the hell your talking about , I'm going back to sleep!" Then proceeded to walk into my room. When I woke up a few hours later I remembered that my dad was talking to me when I went to get some water, a few hours before. All I could remember was that my dad was telling me that the house was a mess and to clean it up before he came home, I also remembered that I yelled at him. Feeling super bad for yelling at my dad, as soon as I woke up I straightened everything in the house, cleaned the dishes, vacuumed the floors, basically I did everything to make the house look "spik and span",before he came home, it was perfect! I waited around the house till about 6pm, still feeling bad for talking that way to my dad. As soon as my dad walked in the door, I was there to meet him, I told him that I was sorry for talking that way to him early this morning. He looked puzzled......and said what?..........what are you talking about? So I went over what had happened early in the morning and once again told him that I was sorry. He then said "I didn't see you this morning" I said yeah, it was at.....(looking at my phone, to check the time when the person who had called me had woken me up).....7:45am.......... My dad then proceeded to tell me that he had to leave early for work that morning because the alarm at work had gone off. He said that he left the house sometime around 3am in the morning and was no where near the house at or around 7:45am in the morning............. ONCE AGAIN!!!!!!!! WHO THE HELL DID I TALK TOO EARLY THAT MORNING!!!!!!! And sorry to make this post so long, here is my last story................... (I hope they have been interesting!) This story happened just earlier this year in Tombstone Arizona, at the Best Western hotel called Lookout Lodge. 5. Me and my family took a trip to Tombstone Arizona, we stayed at the Best Western (Lookout Lodge) just outside town. (which happens to be about a half mile away from boot hill) It was a birthday present for my twin brother who wanted to check out Tombstone so all of my family went (all 5 of us). We ended up getting to Tombstone pretty late in the night maybe around 10 pm... we checked in and them headed to our room, (I can't remember what room it was but if I saw a layout of the hotel I could tell you what room we were in). There were five of us staying in the room all together, with only two beds, it really didn't matter, because my parents could sleep in the same bed, my two brothers in the other bed, I would sleep on the floor (I didn't mind). As we were unpacking all of are stuff, my brother notice a dead scorpion on the floor.........well..........that was it.............I wasn't going to sleep on the floor with scorpions. So me and my brothers had to sleep in one bed together (3 in one bed, great!) since there wasn't enough room in the bed for us to sleep the "normal" way, we ended up sleeping like the 3 stooges, one sleeping at the head of the bed, one in the middle and one at the foot of the bed. (with our heads and feet hanging off each side of the bed) Eventually we fell asleep................ Sometime in the middle of the night I remember waking up to someone shaking me, and this wasn't just a little nudge to "wake up" kind of shake. This felt like someone was actually using the full force of there body to physically push me down into the bed and release, this happened at least 10 times in a row (as if someone were violently shaking me)............ I woke up screaming.............. nobody else woke up. Being freaked out by now I started pushing my brothers and trying to wake them up, but still nobody woke up, so I just ended up putting the covers over my head, and "sweating" myself to sleep. (I had noticed that the time on the clock when this happened was 3:16am) A short while after this, I was still freaked out trying to fall back asleep, I heard my dad start to murmur/sort of cry in his sleep.....and I thought to myself "OH GOD! its attacking DAD!" I soon fell asleep, still scared to death! Early the next morning, everyone was already up when I awoke, I proceeded to tell my family what had happened the night before, and how freaked out I was and that nobody would wake up. My brothers then mentioned how they both woke up around 3 am (independently), and pulled there legs closer to their bodies (because they were hanging off the edge of the bed) after getting a creepy feeling. Later, during breakfast (free breakfast at the hotel) my dad asked the lady behind the counter if anyone had reported anything weird happening in the hotel, and she had mentioned the a lot of people reported weird things happening in the room next to us but not in our room. So this hotel is definitely haunted............... SORRY FOR MAKING THE STORIES SO LONG, I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THEM HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!! ALL OF THESE STORIES ARE TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  4. I would stop using that method! Remember whatever you put in it you will not be able to rinse it completely out. The reason you started using an E-cig was to get rid of 4000 chemicals that are present in cigarettes. I would hate for you to have a health problem down the road because you just didn't know better. Best cleaning method is using a bulb syringe and plain water. There is a video on this forum.
    1 point
  5. The filler in the carts can be a pain. Most people give up and go with direct dripping. The drip tips do not have filler, they have a wide bore hole that allows you to drip on the atomizer without the hassle of removing the cart. See this section My link, there is a video there that talks about direct dripping. If dripping is not for you, you may want to pick up some cartomizers. They are a cart/atomizer all in one unit. There is also another video in that same section that talks about cartomizers.
    1 point
  6. Mark

    Got My New Ego...

    The chaeger blinking green temporarily means it is testing the voltage of the battery to see if it is charged (perfectly normal). Sorry to hear about the other battery but the one on your charger now sounds like it is doing what it should.
    1 point
  7. http://dailycaller.com/2010/10/16/whats-so-ridiculous-about-katherine-heigls-e-cigarette-habit/
    1 point
  8. Hi Onqun, everyone here is most definately right about the eGo. I have one myself and it was the only thing that kept me vaping. I would also like to add that getting a kit with just the XL batteries would also be something to think about. They are not a necessity however. The normal eGo batteries which you found are great, and that kit comes with a XL battery anyways so that is a good find. One last thing I would like to say is definately shop around. You can find the eGo kits in all shapes sizes and colors. Just make sure they are made by Joye, or Janty. Or a sure fire way to get everything you want and great service is to buy it here at the vapor talk store. I myself have not ordered from here yet (shame on me) but everyone RAVES about the service. I hope I helped and didnt confuse you. If I did just listen to Brian or Lily. Everyone is great here and you certainly found IMHO the best forum for Vapers! Welcome to Vapor Talk and welcome to Vaping. Good luck and we are here for support and information.
    1 point
  9. nana

    Got My New Ego...

    My eGo batteries don't get hot at all when I'm charging. I'm not the battery expert here, so I have no idea why your battery would be doing that. Also, I've never had to charge an eGo battery for 8 hours. Only about 2 hours. Even when new. Hopefully someone who actually knows the answer will comment soon.
    1 point
  10. Vaping has erased two evils from my life: analogs and too much vodka. It is so relaxing now to drive to and from work with Dulcis, to be home and taste some Midnight, and to get up on a weekend and vape whatever I want all day ... all with only water in my other hand. I drank myself fat last school year (I'm a teacher) and I did P90X and trained for a half-marathon all summer, so I am super pleased to not add unneeded calories and unneeded chemicals to ruin it now. But to be real, I do still have an adult beverage on a Friday night. Vape on and great reviews!
    1 point
  11. Brian

    Got My New Ego...

    The mega attys do not have a seperate cone - it's all one piece. You can use a regular 510 on the battery, with or without a cone (so yes, if you want a cone, you'd need to buy one). Where did you get your kit? I haven't seen any kits that some with the mega attys instead of the regular atty and cone. Oh - BTW - Glad you're liking it!
    1 point
  12. Hi, welcome to the Vapor Talk Forum! Nice to have you! If you are looking at an all-day battery, most of us will recommend an eGo preferably manufactured by Joye. Depending upon how much you will vape, the eGo battery will last anywhere from 6-12 hours between charges. The eGo uses 510 atomizers. I suggest ordering a kit where you will receive two batteries, two atomizers, and the chargers, either a USB or wall charger. You will want to purchase at least a 10ml bottle of e-liquid to start to refill the pre-filled cartridges that come with the unit. Or you direct dip (e-liquid is applied directly into the atomizer) or purchase cartomizers which have an atomizer (heating coil) and filler in one. There are vendors who claim that a pre-filled cartridge is equivalent to so many analogs (cigarettes). This really is not true. It depends on how much you will be vaping. I hope this helps a bit. There are How Do I videos on this forum, and many e-cigarette videos online. Don't hesitate to ask questions here. We are only willing to help you along the way!
    1 point
  13. Lily

    Got My New Ego...

    Hi Dude, I'm sure the vapers who use an eGo xl will chime in eventually. I can't help you there. Regarding your charging battery, I would say a too hot battery is not normal. I've been charging 510 and eGo batteries for several months now, and have never noticed that they are too hot. Are you getting an odor of any kind? Idk, by this time I hope it has worked out for you. Let us know otherwise, tho.
    1 point
  14. What ticks me off is that ecigs have to be "formally proven" on paper to say they work to quit smoking, yet cigarettes are accepted and ap-proved to knowingly kill you. I would like to think that the FDA has a war on their hands if they ban ecigs, because it would clearly make NO SENSE! Thanks for posting that article. Maybe we can sign up Katherine Heigl to join us in our fight
    1 point
  15. Right on, great find!! Dr. Elizabeth M. Whelan is president of the American Council on Science and Health. Hopefully more and more Dr.'s will start being more vocal now too.
    1 point
  16. great stories everyone!!! I have a few, but one in particular reaaaally got me interested!! Abouta year ago, it was 2 or 3 am, I got a text from my upstairs neighbor, JJ. It said something like "im so scared can you come up here" and I thought it was something going on between her and her boyfriend, so I went up. She answered the door and the first thing I noticed was how pale she was, and how dark the apartment was. She said she has a touch lamp that was responding to questions. I was like whaaaat, and her bf had actually caught it on video. She was standing there naked, because they had just got nasty, and she had her hands up by her face, and she was talking to this little lamp on the table. She asked "are you here to visit me?" Light turned on for a sec, then off. A minute later she asked "are you here to see me on my birthday?" light turned on. She asked a few more questions, and continued to get responses. After the video was over, she sat in a chair at the table where the lamp was sitting, and she continued to ask questions. She said, "Are you my family?" Lamp turned on. "Are you my aunt?" no response "Are you my grandma?" Lamp turned on. She asked, "Are you here to see me on my birthday?" again, and the lamp turned on. She continued to ask the same questions, and the lamp kept turning on and off. I remember having chills the entire time i was up there, and my arms had really visible goosebumps. Eventually the entity seemed to get annoyed with her asking the same questions, so I tried to ask a few, with no response. We tried to unplug it, checked for shorts in the wire to make sure it wasnt something happening with the mechanics, and plugged it in somewhere else. She asked it "Do you love me?" it turned on. She showed me that tapping the lamp with things did not turn it on, so it wasnt vibrations, it is turned on by heat, but the apartment was super cold. Again, "Do you love me?" on it went I told her, it may be a good idea to ask something different, and I dont remember what she asked but it didnt respond, so I asked "Do you want me to leave?" because I had a really creepy feeling. The lamp turned on. I started shaking, because it scared the crap out of me, the thing hadnt responded to anything else I asked, so JJ asked again, "Do you want heather to leave?" On. I said to her that she should probably spend some time trying to talk to it in case it is her grandma, and to let her know she is doing well, and left. It never happened again. My best guess, is that her grandmother really did come to visit her! JJ told me later that she had spent a lot of time with her grandmother and that they were close when she was alive. Oh, and when I lived with my dad in St. Helens, Oregon, I would go to sleep with my bedroom door locked with no blankets on, and wake up in the middle of the night to a warm breeze on my face, like somebody was watching me sleep, and I was tucked in with my hair pushed behind my ear, which is weird since when i sleep my hair goes everywhere. I was also woke up late one night to the feeling of someong grabbing my foot hard, and pulling, then letting go. I now have a fear of leaving my feet uncovered while I sleep, and I sleep close to the wall always so my feet never hang off the bed. I guess I lied, one more. haha This story was told to me by my grandma, shortly after my grandfather died of lung cancer. She was with him at his final moments, and he was looking up at her, as if he had just fell in love with her all over again, and he said "Mary, you have wings!" and fell asleep. A few hours later he passed away in his sleep, in his own bed in caldwell, ID. A few days later, she said, he came to her while she was getting dressed down for the night and he looked young like when they met, and she cried and said her goodbyes to him, and he smiled, kissed her cheek, and walked into a fade until he was gone. She said she may have dreamed it, but I think it was him coming to tell her he loves her. I guess I better tell this one too, it may not be a visit, but I like to think it is. September 6th my big brother passed. He never met my husband, and I hadnt seen him in years because he always lived so far away. When I heard he had passed on I cried and cried, still do sometimes. Well, about a week or two ago I had a dream that Tommy had come to visit me here in PA, and him and EJ hit it off right away and got along. He was here, sleeping eating and using the bathroom, in my home and it felt so wonderful to me, and it was really vivid. I even remember him smiling with approval once he had sat down with us and saw us together. He smiled a lot, and made us laugh a lot. When I woke up from this dream, I felt so good. I had energy, I felt happy, and when I thought about him for that day I didnt cry. I think this was his way of coming and saying goodbye. If not, it still made me feel great, and it helped comfort me a little. So I figure, wherever he is, he's happy
    1 point
  17. I worked midnights for years in an ER and several times thought I saw a man standing outside of one of the exam rooms, it always looked like he was reflected in the glass and he was just there then image gone. This room was visible from nurses station and had a wall across from it, one night I looked up and I could clearly see a tall elderly African-American man wearing a suit standing there. He was so real looking I got up to see who he was and he just disappeared. I looked down the hall into a couple of rooms and figured I was just tired. I walk back to nurses station and the doc says what were you doing Sis, I say oh I thought I saw someone standing by room 6 but I didn't. He says an older black man wearing a suit? I nearly fell over since I never said a word about this, one of the other girls pipes up yeah I've seen him a few times. One of the old-timers walks by and says oh he won't bother you I've been seeing him for about 10 years. I think he's the same ghost that's in the back elevator, you know the little car you don't like to get in. I freaked, I always had the willies in that elevator car and at times had thought I saw a reflection of someone in there with me in the windows across the hall. I have never felt comfortable in that car and still don't. Neither do a lot of the other employees none of whom I have shared this with.
    1 point
  18. Great stories!! @2beSmokefree.. yes! Would love to see some pics. Maybe a link to your pb? I don't have any spook stories to share, but I do have sentimental ones. Our place is an old homestead where the rancher raised sheep and cows. Every once in awhile we can hear the sheep baaaaaaing in the barnyard as they await their shearing. Only thing is, there hasn't been any sheep there for over 20 years or more! Second one: I had a great mustang that loved to run, loved to race. Every once in a while we hear his hooves pounding down the dusty dirt road towards us, in greeting. He's been long gone for over 30 years. (even strangers hear him, not just us). third one: We were sitting at the table, trying to enjoy our morning coffee when the leg of my pj depressed from the pressure of our Dobies nose as she gave us her morning greeting. She had died the day before. Hubby and I both not only felt her pressence, we witnessed it.
    1 point
  19. @ bekindtoyerbuds... great stories, I've been facinated by paranormal stuff since the age of 12 or so, (I'm 55 now) I lived in PA growing up, and lived in a house where strange things have happened... also my deceased great aunt, used to live in a historical house called "The Frary House" in Deerfield Mass, had many stories to tell me when we would visit her. The house still stands today, was built in the early 1700's, and has been a museum for many, many years. We went to visit her in 1964, she spoke of music/dancing/party sounds coming from the 2nd floor ballroom, a specter/apparition of a "Lady in white" which would manifest sometimes in the backyard in the early morning hours, that would drift towards the old water well, unexplained footsteps. We spent the night in this amazing historical house, (well, my parents did, me and my brother were forced to sleep in the station wagon outside) months later my mom confided to us that during the night, she woke up, and swore she heard what sounded like a young girl crying, from somewhere in the house, but couldn't identify the location. The bed my parents slept in was complete with the old style canopy, and had the original mattress still stuffed with horse hair! My aunt wouldn't let me and brother sleep in the house for fear of us kids messing something up, breaking artifacts, ect. She was the care keeper for the place while the owners were off on vacation in Europe, they were gone for years. This house was amazing, 2 stories, and quite large, complete with winding staircase to the second floor, with all original furniture, original pewter dishes, cups, it was like going back in time. Part of my aunts daily routine was giving tours of the place to tourists from all over the country. The entire town of Old Deerfield is steeped in history, much if it not very good, it was the site of a terrible massacre in 1704, when Indians and the French raped and pillaged the entire town, setting many of the building on fire, and taking hostages back to Canada, in a harsh New England winter... on foot! Anyways, I always wondered how my aunt could feel comforatable living in such a place completely alone for so long, but it didn't bother her a bit, in fact, she called the spirits "her friends" and got along with them very well... Me, my other aunt on my moms side, went to visit Deerfield just this last Spring, and took the tour of this same house, it was awesome seeing it again after 46 years. Would anyone here be interested in seeing some photos I took? A few years ago, I bought my first digital camera, and decided to take it to the the local bar here in town to learn to use it and take some pics/vids of friends there. And that's when it started... I got some really strange things on some photos! I did some research on the place, it was built in the 1930's, many have died in the place over the years, in fact, about 5 yrs ago, a guy I knew went to the bar with a pistol, and blew his brains out in the place right next to his friends... real nice.. glad I wasn't there that night. It used to be a notorious biker bar as well, with much violence taking place. Armed with the images I've taken there, I've contacted two paranormal ghost hunting teams to do 2 seperate investigations there. I got the owner to let us have the place to ourselves all night starting at 2:00am after the patrons left. We got some interesting results... I've also sent the photos to several ghost web sites. We went to Tombstone AZ as well, in which I have some strange "anomalies" show in some photos, also have strange photos me and my g/f have taken in the Queen Mary Ship in Long Beach CA, the Whaley House in San Diego... Sorry so long... it's just this subject has been a big interest for me all my life, thx for reading Does photobucket work ok here? Let me know...
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