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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/07/2010 in all areas

  1. Jodie

    Different Styles

    Hi there! I'm still new to vaping (going into my 3rd week now) but from what I have seen all over this board, EVERYONE does it a little bit differently. For me, I BEGAN with smoking about 3-5 analogs a day. But I wanted to get it down to ONLY 2 every day (one with coffee in the morning and one after dinner at night). I was getting tripped up during the day when I would get on phone calls. I wanted the ecig to use during those phone calls. I never intended to quit smoking all together. I love it too much. But without even trying, that's exactly what happened. (still freaks me out). I have not had an analog in 2 weeks now. I tried one last week and OMG I sputtered and choked it was so nasty. Threw the rest away. However, that's but just one outcome. I have seen plenty of others on this board who have smoked for many years, sometimes 2-3 packs a day who have now cut down to 5 or so a day and they are just fine with that. Some quit analogs all together but use vaping at the same nic strength as when they smoked. Some have managed to get their nic down to 0 and STILL vape because it's just fun. (that's where I want to get to now). I think rather than thinking of it as a "smoking cessation" product, thinking of it as a "smoking REPLACEMENT" product makes more sense. Smoking cessation has one goal: quit smoking. Smoking replacement has so many more options and variations available to you, therefore, more chance of "success" because YOU are in control of what the goal is. The bottom line is about what YOU want to achieve, not what you think you are "supposed" to achieve by vaping. That's freedom! Jodie
    3 points
  2. After reading all of your comments, I apologize for broaching this subject on this forum. You can be assured that I will live the way I live and not take offense to anything that is said. Life is just too short to woryy about these kinds of things. In the future i will refrain from any mention of this subject regardless of what choices myself or my wife decide is comfortable for our lives together. I was after all looking for input and you all have told me how strongly you feel about a subject such as this. I will continue to visit this forum and I will continue to post, but I will censure my input to my own personal experiences and questions that relate only to me and my use of cigarettes and or e-cigarettes. I thank you all for your comments and I apologize for broaching such a sensitive and controversial topic.
    2 points
  3. 1. I work out regularly doing Yoga and Pilate's. How odd but how freakishly cool it was today to finish a workout and sit down and vape a bit before hitting the shower. 2. My 11 year old daughter came home from school today and just came over and gave me a huge hug and said "Mom, I am sooooooo proud of you. If you can just keep doing this vaping thing and never have a cigarette again, that would be totally alright by me." (I'm on day 12 of no analogs today). 3. Tonight after dinner I took my last 1/2 pack of cigs I had left and ceremoniously threw them in the garbage witnessed by my husband and my 2 girls (11, 17). Life. Is. Gooooood. Jodie
    1 point
  4. Jodie

    Information Overload

    Hi Trice, Ohhhh...that is a good question. I am beginning week 3 of my venture into vaping and I was not a heavy smoker either (3-5 cigs a day). I quit all analogs (regular cigs) almost within a few days of vaping. It does seem I vape more than I smoke but I heard that's because you are getting far less nicotine on a vape than on a cig. 3 drops of juice on an ecig gives you about 10-15 drags which is still about 1/2 (or less) the nicotine you'd get in 10-15 drags on an analog. But it's sooooo much more fun. And, like you, I initially wanted an ecig that "looked" like a real cig....I got over that real fast and went right with the eGo and haven't looked back. It rocks in every way. Jodie
    1 point
  5. thisbetterwork

    Joker Question

    How do you tell what voltage it's set on? What's the position of the screw for each? Thanks.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Hey everyone!!! I know that I said like 3 weeks ago that I had a lot of liquids that I would be reviewing soon and I really do want to I just want to do them well and on video and I kinda have something in mind that is taking a little longer to set up and If it doesn't work I will just throw sumthin' together.... Besides...most of what I have gotten I have based on yer reviews and comments...like everybody doesn't already know how awesome VT Sweet Dawn is...see? (really awesome by the way) Anyhoo, I do have to give a shout out to Indy Vapor real fast... I needed some new attys and will only buy Joye tech attys until someone convinces me a lesser brand is OK cuz lesser brand cartos do not work well for me so I don't want ta take the chances! Anyway(again) I also ordered some more of their French Toast...which I keep calling "What the French...Toast" (b/c of some chewing gum commercial) So this French Toast is really awesome!! but that's not the reason for the thanks... I mean I originally got the french toast b/c of the price and Indy Vapor has a really crazy sale goin' on which they still do as I write. when I ordered my attys I ordered from IV b/c they carry Joye tech and so I could get some more French Toast and I ordered 20 Mls but they sent me 30 Mls! That's right, me! I, State yer name, got something FREE! I never get free stuff! 10 Mls. more brings me up to 30 mls. which should last me a while...except that I keep vapin' it away! So thank you Indy Vapor! and the attys seem OK too. I have only used 2 so far but they seem great!
    1 point
  8. You know, almost all of your post have said the exact same thing in one form or another. You want to vape and you want your wife to vape, who doesn't. I'm not sure what point your trying to make on the forum or where your going with this, but members have already given you their input, many times over. I personally think it's idiotic to start vaping if you don't smoke. Why bother? To relax? Have a cup of tea, exercise or read a book. Either way it's your choice, but please, stop posting the same topic/post over and over again.
    1 point
  9. I will not encourage a non-smoker to try vaping. I just don't think it is a good idea, especially if they have never had the addiction to cigarettes. If it is stress she wants to tackle, I think she should find something else to calm it. I do see the attraction she might have with you picking up this new hobby and becoming very interested in it herself. This is a decision you should make with your wife. But please try and keep her to stay with the zero nic.
    1 point
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