Hi there!
I'm still new to vaping (going into my 3rd week now) but from what I have seen all over this board, EVERYONE does it a little bit differently. For me, I BEGAN with smoking about 3-5 analogs a day. But I wanted to get it down to ONLY 2 every day (one with coffee in the morning and one after dinner at night). I was getting tripped up during the day when I would get on phone calls. I wanted the ecig to use during those phone calls. I never intended to quit smoking all together. I love it too much.
But without even trying, that's exactly what happened. (still freaks me out). I have not had an analog in 2 weeks now. I tried one last week and OMG I sputtered and choked it was so nasty. Threw the rest away.
However, that's but just one outcome. I have seen plenty of others on this board who have smoked for many years, sometimes 2-3 packs a day who have now cut down to 5 or so a day and they are just fine with that. Some quit analogs all together but use vaping at the same nic strength as when they smoked. Some have managed to get their nic down to 0 and STILL vape because it's just fun. (that's where I want to get to now).
I think rather than thinking of it as a "smoking cessation" product, thinking of it as a "smoking REPLACEMENT" product makes more sense. Smoking cessation has one goal: quit smoking. Smoking replacement has so many more options and variations available to you, therefore, more chance of "success" because YOU are in control of what the goal is.
The bottom line is about what YOU want to achieve, not what you think you are "supposed" to achieve by vaping. That's freedom!