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  1. Firemanvape

    Anyone Up For A Pft?

    I don't know if this has been tried before or if it would even be considered valid but what the hey. Being prior military and a current career firefighter I have been taking PFT's annually for about the last 8 years. (PFT= Pulmonary Function Test= Lung strength and capacity test) Most Dr's offices should have the equipment to perform them and they tell you a lot about your lungs as well as them already having well documented numbers based on age, sex, AND use of tobacco products. Another thing to look into is going down to your local EMS building/ Dr's office and requesting to have your vitals checked getting a base line BP, SPo2 (blood oxygen saturation), and resting pulse rate. If we could get a good number of people to get these tests and numbers documented we could potentially have a study that isn't pro big tobacco. I don't have the time to really handle the workload but I just think it could be very beneficial in the long run. I would suggest that many parameters be recorded for categorizing and also to get as many pro's and con's as possible. a sample format could be Name: Sex: Age: Height/weight: Current tobacco usage/length of use(if applicable): Time since last tobacco usage(if applicable): Current Vaping habits(if applicable): XX/XX/XXXX- XXX/XX BP, XX% SPo2, XX resting PR XX/XX/XXXX- XXX/XX BP, XX% SPo2, XX resting PR XX/XX/XXXX- XXX/XX BP, XX% SPo2, XX resting PR XX/XX/XXXX- XXX/XX BP, XX% SPo2, XX resting PR (recommend having vitals checked on a quarterly basis, as well as recording any other vital checks ie. DR visits, EMT visits, etc.) PFT results(upload image of print-out): PFT results(upload image of print-out): PFT results(upload image of print-out): PFT results(upload image of print-out): Now if it seems like it's a lot of work that's because it is, however besides the potential value to vapers world wide it would also show you any improvements/ degradation, weight gain or loss, etc. associated with vaping. Now I could "probably" get all this information from current smoking and nonsmoking firefighters/emt's I work with for a control and comparison but the real data needed is from vapers. I totally understand if this is "too" much but the potential is massive, if we could prove BP and SPo2 are lower in vapers than smokers of the same demographic or from smokers converting to vape, if we could prove that lung performance is drastically improved, weight is lost, etc. we could have a very solid piece of documented data to confront people with to enlighten, convert, or appease. Anyways if this gets off the ground I will gladly begin gathering the info on the current smokers and non-smokers.
    1 point
  2. kitsune

    The First 24 Hours

    Congrats Watermelon is one of my favorites. you can even try to blend some of the watermelon and orange and see if it helps the orange flavor...... I still vape more frequently than I smoke--but have figured out my nicotine intake, and its no more than when I was smoking. I vape a bit at a time vs smoking a whole cigarette.
    1 point
  3. owutaqt

    Why We Choose To Vape....

    This right here, this is so key! I love this part about vaping more than anything else! Thanks for putting it into words.
    1 point
  4. nana

    To Many To Choose From

    Welcome to Vapor Talk. The eGo and/or tornado are great devices (same thing, different name). They aren't much bigger than a cigarette, fits nicely in your hand or can be carried in a pocket. They use the 510 atomizer which is awesome for vapor production. Although, I do recommend the low resistance atomizers (LR atty) because they produce so much more vapor and I do love my vapor. I use my eGo/tornado for about half of the day and my Black Silver Bullet the other half of the day. The Black Silver Bullet is much bigger and takes an 18650 battery, which holds a charge for about two days. If you want to someday try 6 volt vaping, you can use two RCR123A batteries in it. Plus, you can purchase the pass through for it, plug that into the wall and vape at 5 volt. I use mine all three ways. (be aware that you cannot use a LR atty with either 5 or 6 volt - it would have to be a regular 510 atomizer) I would suggest direct dripping with a drip tip. You can add drops of your e-liquid into the hole of the drip tip and not have to mess with removing a cartridge to drip and there is no refilling the cartridge all the time like when you use the filler that comes in cartridges. All you would need for a day of vaping is your device and a bottle of eliquid and you're good to go. None of the liquids taste just like a cigarette - mainly because you are no longer lighting something on fire and breathing in the burning smoke. Vaping has a much cleaner taste to it. But there are some liquids that do taste somewhat like tobacco. There are many liquids to choose from, so I suggest trying several until you find the one that works best for you. Several places even carry a "marlboro" flavor. You might want to start with those. I also have to tell you about backups. You NEED backups. You need backups for your backups, too. I recommend at least 3 batteries. You don't want to be vaping and have a battery die and be left with only one. You can't vape while the one is charging. That is a very bad thing, because then you will want to smoke while that battery is charging. And you have to wait a few days to get a new battery delivered. If you have 3 and one dies, you're still good to go. Then order some backup batteries. It's not a bad thing to have even more as backups. You'll also need to have several atomizers on hand. They tend to last about a month, but you do get some that would only last a week or so. You need to have LOTS of them on hand so you never have the last one burn out and have none on hand. That's a bad thing because you'll be back to smoking while waiting for new ones to come in the mail. Same thing with liquid. Keep plenty of that on hand, too. And a second charger (as, you guessed it, a backup) is a good idea, too. Just in case. Good luck with whatever you choose. Let us know how it's going and ask any and all questions you have.
    1 point
  5. This is perhaps the most thoughtful and absorbing post I've read here. As a nurse myself I can say this, I have never treated a single person, adult or child, for nicotine poisoning but I have seen scores of smokers die. I was headed down that path myself until I discovered vaping. Addiction is not just about the drug of choice, it also involves the actions leading up to the use of the drug. I have heard addicts say they loved the feel of a torniquet or the sting of a needle. We too enjoy our rituals, the opening of the pack, the feel of an analog in our hand, the flare of the lighter, and most of all the glorious billow of smoke. Remember closing your eyes and just letting that first drag wash through and over you? E cigs come the closest to those feelings, no patch ever soothed me. I never chewed gum or took a pill during a phone conversation or crisis. We need to be careful with our juices, but how many other dangers exist in our homes that we safeguard? Medications, cleaners, the list of our daily toxins could go on and on. We need to be careful and Chris has taken an important step in keeping us aware and kids safe. If I can eliminate this slow suicide path I was heading down then I am willing to do it. I enjoy vaping as much if not more than smoking, I can feel good about this because I am not hurting myself or others. We need to address all the aspects of smoking because face it we are all addicts, and we are addicted to something legal but highly disapproved. I'm tired of being treated with the same disdain as that of a criminal. Now I am free of those glares and I can move ahead improving my health and NOT FEELING GUILTY cause I am harming no one.
    1 point
  6. I will have to agree with Mastiffmom on the Blu. Bought it thru a add and was very excited, then I got it and hardly any vapor and had to really suck on it to get anything out of it. BUT at least it introduced me to vaping and led me to my Joye 510
    1 point
  7. I think I've said this once a long time ago, but this is what I said: I chose to vape so I could avoid the same fate that happened to my dad: he died from a smoking-induced aneurysm at the age of 46. Another factor for choosing to vape is to save some money and let my daughter know that smoking is bad in general.
    1 point
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