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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/23/2010 in all areas

  1. ronpage25

    The Ecig Cops!

    Now this is cool! Someone reposted the video we made!!!!! Just awesome! LOL! I'm the dealer by the way! Vape On!!!!!!!!
    2 points
  2. I thought it would be fun to do a thread where you list your, bar none, absolute favorite juices. The isnt for juices that you thought were decent or even good. This is for juice that were absolutely fantastic, the juice you would recommend to anyone, the juices you climbed to the mountain top and screamed out to the whole world that you love them. Ok, maybe that is a little overboard, but lets hear about the best juices. Please limit your list to 5 or less, most people will only have a couple. I'll start. 1. Madvapes TopVapor Butter Rum 2. DIYflavorshack Fried Spiced Apple Both vaped on an ego, regular resistance 510 atty. How about you?
    1 point
  3. actor92191

    The Ecig Cops!

    This is what could happen if E-cigs are banned!
    1 point
  4. Jolly

    Blog About Fda Case

    what i find funny is that last year fda was blocking ecigs and was told it couldn't by a court. so what makes them think they can do it now? ie: why are they taking peoples packages like they have done to chris? i say its time to sue the fda for wrongful seizure and violating a court ruling.
    1 point
  5. Well I dunno about best but I do really love that butter rum from madvapes! I got several from them that I am working on to review and that is one of the first and best of the bunch! Also i am diggin' the french toast from Indy vapor and of course most of the VT liquids...I haven't finished studying them esp. the Midnight which needs close examination. My fav. right now is either(and these don't go together at all so??) VT cola, Indy Vaps French toast...or...I dunno there are a couple of tobacco flavs I really enjoy right now from Indy and VT. OK so they could go together...1st i eat some french toast, wash it down with some cola, and then have some tobacco. HA!
    1 point
  6. FTJoe

    E Liquid Vs. Analogs

    I never got a head rush, low resistance helps with TH as does a good menthol (which is what I smoked). But if you look back, I sure was scrambling for ideas on how to get a TH, my wife wanted it more than I did, I think the rush as well. Being a weekend smoker she probably got the rush from oxygen deprivation not TH off the first cig of the week. I tried higher voltage but the ego with a low resistance carto or atty is pretty good. I did 0mg for health reasons (also have to remember to apply for non-smoker status on insurance, I think it's half the cost). In retrospect it certainly makes the FDA stuff a little less stressful to me. I'm pretty sure even if I lose all my hardware, I wouldn't need to go back to analogues. The burning urge to smoke/vape at least every hour disappeared after I went to 0mg. Now triggered only by stress and drinking, and even then sometimes the battery is not charged and its no big deal not being able to. Some peoples brains are just wired differently, what worked for me may not for someone else but I always suggest folks give it a whirl. There was zero stress for me while I did it, dropped about 2mg every week or two and lost the urge after two weeks or so at 0mg. Around 5 or 6 mg/ml is where we lost the TH and that was nasty, we kept going, wife complaining all the way. Once low resistance showed up I saw a big smile on the wife's face.
    1 point
  7. I wouldn't vape any thing under 18mgs at any price, be like vaping air. I know many are trying to cut out the nic all together and working their way down, I am not. I see no reason to smoke or vape if there is no nic, th or head rush.
    1 point
  8. Brian

    E Liquid Vs. Analogs

    I think there is some concern about what else "could" get in the juice. There are a lot of suppliers popping up and I doubt very many of them have sterile labs. You just don't know who they are or what the mixing conditions are. I think it's a valid concern. The person mixing the juice could have a serious drooling problem and you'd never know. LOL! Or they could be a cat lover and have a few cats rubbing around them while mixing. You just don't know. So really, for me, it's not about the price, it's about not knowing who's making it. However, you can say the same thing about any juice supplier, USA, China or otherwise.
    1 point
  9. Looks more like a FDA training video to me....
    1 point
  10. StOmPeR

    The Ecig Cops!

    lol f*** the government - if they aint got their hands in something, they aint happy, how else are they gonna rob us with their taxes
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. that is great!
    1 point
  13. LoriHNC

    Blog About Fda Case

    http://legaltimes.typepad.com/blt/2010/09/fda-continues-fight-to-regulate-electronic-cigarettes.html Did the FDA win? I think I may have read this wrong.
    0 points
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