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  1. Im Posting this HERE because this is important to people who want to continue vaping after the fda bs! Hopefully after the court case only the 5 suppliers that got letters are done (witch sucks) and the rest of them will be running business as usual, but we don't know whats going to happen until it happens *fingers crossed* OK, alot of vapers are looking to stock up B4 the **** hits the fan at the end of this month and if you are not made of money like myself and want to stock up for the next 2 years with some quality liquids at a great price I hope this thread helps, SO with the little research I have done thru this forum and just randomly checking supplier sites, Ive found thanks to bobthesalesclerk, Bluemistvaping has 150ml for $25, now thats .16cents a ml, and Madvapes has 50ml for $10.99, now thats .22cents a ml, I suck at math but I think these are accurate numbers, now I found 2 suppliers with some insane prices bcuz alot of places sell it at or around .50cents a ml witch is good if your buying a couple little bottles, ANYWAY **I would appreciate if other members who know of any other DEALS on liquids can post it here** bcuz this will help me and alot of other people to stock up in the next couple of days, so if you know of some other suppliers with some good deals like the 2 listed PLEASE POST THEM HERE to help us stock up for the E Liquid Apocalapse coming real soon. Thank You VT staff and ALL its members!
    1 point
  2. Just about any drip tip is going to work for you as the atty is flush with the cone. Most drip tips line up with the atty rather well and can accommodate removal of the cone. The other option is to remove the drip tip prior to cone removal. That solves the problem of odd shaped drip tips!! I have both metal and delrin drip tips in a few different shapes. The hour glass shaped ones usually have to be removed prior to removing the cone!! But no worries They just pop off anyway!! When you have everything assembled with the drip tip you actually will not have much use for removing the cone (until you have to charge) so there is a plus too!! Happy vaping
    1 point
  3. you are absolutly right, very well said.
    1 point
  4. There lies the problem with the drug delivery device argument and it depends on how far you want to take it. The bottom line is it will cost serious money to fight the FDA. The real problem as I see it was this .. Basically they gave a next to useless agency even more power to be even more useless.
    1 point
  5. Yeah I couldn't watch that whole thing, it's too long lol. I think you should've put "quite possibly the DUMBEST people ever". What are those idiots doing running over train tracks anyway?! And those cars that got stuck in the railroad crossings...they couldn't just wait? Just sayin...lol
    1 point
  6. Thanks JeffB, I know you were thinking of me when you posted that! Watch it from 2:38 to 2:49 "ladies and gentlemen its just jibberish, jibberish of an insane person" LoL!!!! Thanks man! You made me LMAO!!!
    1 point
  7. Uma

    E Liquid Vs. Analogs

    Thank goodness there is such a variety of prices out there in vapeland! Some of the companies can really afford to pass along the savings to us the customer, while others are still struggling to get enough money together to do the same. Eventually the Mom and Pop stores will be able to pass along greater savings as long as they keep being the best of the best in all other regards and we keep supporting them whenever we can afford to. I love having a fortress of cheaper eliquid on hand so I can then buy from my favorite stores or flavors plus try out mew ones. I wish attys were cheaper! I can always make my own eliquid. All in all, we get the best of both worlds, and I appreciate them all.
    1 point
  8. My coffee maker is a drug delivery device.
    1 point
  9. Burn, that may make sense; but, by that same logic, then cigarettes would have to be classified as drug delivery devices as well.
    1 point
  10. I would like this to be true if the worst is coming... can anyone else speculate as to our having a few months at least to stock up cause the start of fall is always a little rough on me financially... I am preparing to buy more attys, cartos, and a few batteries but will not be able to do so until 2nd week of OCT. and then more liquid but I was hoping to have at least till Novemeber to do this. Will I still have time do ya think? I would tend to agree with BURN here but that may be optimism and a lack of faith in the governMANts ability to do anything in a timely fashion. C'MON, REPLY, you can do it!!!!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  11. Honestly, this is a pretty comforting article though. I cannot hope more that the case will be postponed. Good find, man!
    1 point
  12. Jeffb

    E Liquid Vs. Analogs

    I would spend $30 for 10ml over my old Marlboro lights.
    1 point
  13. I'm sorry but this thread brought to mind this movie LOL. No offense intended to anyone. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHL-9zK8i0Q
    1 point
  14. Panic and haste often leads to regret. There is plenty of time to prepare and put a plan together. Let's say for instance that liquid is hard to find by end of year. How much would you need? How much could you store? What flavors or types? In my opinion, that is the phase we should be in right now. Planning and preparing. Placing small orders from suppliers you may want to buy in bulk and formulating a written plan and examining it frequently. I placed an order with Health Cabin today (Chinese supplier) to get some extras and try some flavorings I may want to use. I dunno, I think it is far too early to panic and start buying stuff. Even if a cease notice was issued tomorrow, suppliers would still need to get rid of their stock. I don't think it is possible for it all to dry up in a few days/weeks. With that being said, I do personally believe that a day will come where it will become very difficult or expensive to obtain. Then the government will come out with their approved and taxed devices and it will become plentiful again yet still expensive. :/
    1 point
  15. Uma

    E Liquid Vs. Analogs

    Definitely the eliquid for me! I can always add some flavoring to it...
    1 point
  16. liquid--hands down !!!!!
    1 point
  17. Since I'm still fighting the craving for analogs even after 8 months....I'd go for the e-liquid. It's getting better everyday. And I think I have some new converts at work!!!!
    1 point
  18. I would vape an eliquid that was 10.00 for 10 ml. over analogs!
    1 point
  19. WHAT!!!! 20cents for 15ml, yeah there is something fishy in china about that, I just ordered all mine at My Freedom Smokes USA, there I know nothing is messed with its mixed right after ordered, I ended up paying like .26cents a ml.
    1 point
  20. I agree. I don't really see juice drying up soon but I do see it regulated and taxed. Which really means we will just have to pay more to fuel our habit. Personally, I am not really trying to cut my addiction, but am looking for something safer. And if the costs rise I won't be happy but will probably pay it. I am not totally against regulation though, you want things you order to be somewhat safe. Personally I think they should legalize and tax pot. A heck of a lot safer than smokes, not into it but I can at least see that Have some juice on hand and will order more, not because I think it won't be available but I do think costs will rise I comend suppliers like VT that are at least doing what they can to label juice snd package in child proof caps Perception will carry a lot when the FDA decides on who to go after.
    1 point
  21. Im sure you didnt offend anyone, I'll admit too, he sucks! This whole banning of e cigs is going to turn a lot of people into libertarians, RON PAUL FOR PRESIDENT IN 2012! now this guy is standing up for something real!
    1 point
  22. I just read the new rules re: discussions of nicotine liquid strengths and wanted to share a story with you all. Nicotine is indeed a poison (yes-we all know) We are all human (again we know right?) Well-I have 3 small children and even though I would never purchase liquid at any higher dose than 36mgs (really it's enough of a savings for me as I like 12-18mgs) Anyway, last night I got my new mega cartomizers and was filling them on the counter-I had some major spillage and cleaned it up with my paper towel, my kids then 4 hours later got out some ice cream to eat and all of the sudden my daughter said "my tongue is burning" and she went and rinsed her mouth out, she still felt burning after and I had been thinking WTH is going on, and remembered that I had filled my carto there. My oldest son had set the big spoon down on the counter (where I had filled the carto and wiped it up with a papertowel) and my daughter had picked up the spoon and licked it. The point is-we love our nicotine-but it's strong, and now I will wipe up all my spills with a dish cloth and soap, AND thank goodness it was only 11 mgs.
    1 point
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