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  1. BLUEMIST VAPING sweet deal! Hypermint Base Liquid: PG 80% / VG 20% Size: 150ml-PROMO PRICE! $20.00
    2 points
  2. I have ordered from both Indy Vapor and Mad Vapes now and it was because of their prices...and the impending doom that hangs over us like a pall. I can say that I am quite pleased with what I got from both of these stores! I plan to elaborate soon on a post of my own but I ordered a wide variety and for the most part they are really good. It helped me get like 200 MLs now. Also Mad Vapes took like a day to get to my house. I guess cause I am in SC and they are in NC.
    2 points
  3. Im Posting this HERE because this is important to people who want to continue vaping after the fda bs! Hopefully after the court case only the 5 suppliers that got letters are done (witch sucks) and the rest of them will be running business as usual, but we don't know whats going to happen until it happens *fingers crossed* OK, alot of vapers are looking to stock up B4 the **** hits the fan at the end of this month and if you are not made of money like myself and want to stock up for the next 2 years with some quality liquids at a great price I hope this thread helps, SO with the little research I have done thru this forum and just randomly checking supplier sites, Ive found thanks to bobthesalesclerk, Bluemistvaping has 150ml for $25, now thats .16cents a ml, and Madvapes has 50ml for $10.99, now thats .22cents a ml, I suck at math but I think these are accurate numbers, now I found 2 suppliers with some insane prices bcuz alot of places sell it at or around .50cents a ml witch is good if your buying a couple little bottles, ANYWAY **I would appreciate if other members who know of any other DEALS on liquids can post it here** bcuz this will help me and alot of other people to stock up in the next couple of days, so if you know of some other suppliers with some good deals like the 2 listed PLEASE POST THEM HERE to help us stock up for the E Liquid Apocalapse coming real soon. Thank You VT staff and ALL its members!
    1 point
  4. OK...I have not been on here all weekend for a couple of reasons. It was my birthday last week as some of you may know;I've been playing all weekend. (and) I got a lot of liquids from 3 different places. I will be taking some time with some of these b/c they really need to be studied in my mouth (like midnight) I will post reviews after I know what to say and figure out my own little rating scale. Just to let you know I got; From VT store: all at high nic. choco java, sweet dawn, cola, ex. tobacco, mignight from Mad Vapes: butter rum, roasted butternut, maple cream, virginia blend tobac, amaretto, grandpa's mix, vanutla from Indy vapor: French toast, blueberry cheescake, crispy cola, chocolate, cream, granny's apple pie, camel Now that is a lot but the mad vapes only cost me like 30 bones w/ shipping and a pack of cartos (most disappointing of entire order) plus they are in NC and I am in SC so I think that caused the shipping to be cheaper and faster; like next day fast. Indy vapor was all on sale (cheap) and hardly cost me a thing cause a friend paid for most of it for my bday. I will say that nobody sent me any free samples and I keep hearing how people get free samples all the time and I guess its just cause I am a jerk and nobody likes me! So stay tuned to the same bat channel, same bat time, or whenever I get around to it! Plus not this channel I guess cause I will put them in the liquid review area, at any rate just check out my reviews coming soon!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  5. Yeah, I like that idea
    1 point
  6. Dunno yet... just ordered it! I hope it is.
    1 point
  7. Whoa...that's cheap...any good? any other flavors that cheap cause I am not a menthol fan wait I just reread and saw base...no nic huh...I am not quite ready for the DYI world
    1 point
  8. I have tried chocolate from a few places and none seem to be great. Better when mixed with cream and/or honey and/or green tea(I know that sounds weird but I think its cause the tea flavor is not too strong but it carries flavors well) I mixed in some choco java from VT into some choc(1) and cream(2 different flavors there) from Indy vapor and got a better choc. thanks to VT's choco java flavor but still like fake chocolate...like in count chocula cereal or other creals flav. w/ choc. which is fine but not heaven.
    1 point
  9. Yeah QT I gotta try Dulcis from VT, It sounds good and i've seen a few reviews on it and it sounds like a great tobacco type flavor, 8bucks for 10ml is high but you have to remember that it helps support this forum to keep it running, I'd be charging the same if I was in Chris's shoes.
    1 point
  10. For some of the tobacco flavs i've tried are marlboro from thevaporroom, good for cutting menthol, also honey flu cured tobacco also sweet caroline from iVape and a few different RY4's from various sites, I still want to try bobas bounty from alien vision, I heard they have great flavs and prices.
    1 point
  11. RE: Schizo and lightbringer, Yeah Mike at IVPS is awesome and he's definatly getting a order from me within the next week, Thanks Schizo for the recommendation about the bulk liquid, Im comprising a list of a few suppliers with certain flavors of liquid to stock up on, I appreciate all the POSITIVE feedback, keep it up guys, your all awesome!
    1 point
  12. Mike at Indy Vapor Shop is over stocked with juice. That is why he has them on sale. He wants to go down to a lower stock and only keep the best flavors. I bet he will be willing to negotiate on bigger ml or price. You might be able to get him to sale a gallon of something. I have seen his gallons before he puts them in the little bottles. I bet he has a lot he needs to get rid of before they expire. I could be wrong but I have a feeling it is something like that. He is a good guy so, if you can negotiate a way for him to be happy then he will make you happy.
    1 point
  13. I personally talked to the guy on the phone at the place for .16cents a ml, and its NOT like hes mixing in his bathtub, he seemed very professional works out of a studio, older guy, and is really overstocked and just wants to have a sale to help people stock up, Ive already seen various good reviews on his liquid and everything is good with him, everything isnt always about money cant someone be nice, dont come on my topics and try to BASH them, send me a pm if you want to cross that line.
    1 point
  14. That's what I am afraid of too, higher costs. Take Johnson Creek for example, fine juices well packaged and provide the contents on their labels. In addition I'm sure they provide a clean quality environment for producing their juices, As should be yes. But look at their prices even now, $10 for 15ml and $20 for 30ml. If prices are this high before the FDA gets in the game, imagine what they might be like after and that is not even factoring in any additional taxes which I'm sure would follow. We could end up paying $25 for 15ml and $50 for 30ml. I am in favor of some sort of guidelines and regulations, but I do not want to force these companies to adhere to ridiculously strict testing and production which would increase the prices beyond the need to! And as for the tax, it better not be as criminal as the tobacco taxes!
    1 point
  15. Myfreedomsmokes has 500ml for 129-ish Great thread!
    1 point
  16. Jkimbo

    Additives In E Liquid

    We really are becoming a nanny state and a nation of whiners! The same kind of uproar went over Alcohol Energy drinks too. Targeting kids, what's in it, whats the effects, dangerous, ban, ban, ban.
    1 point
  17. I only know one supplier that still offers such additives, ginseng, vit c. We may be thinking of the same one, it sounds like it lol. Any way my thoughts on it are pretty Libertarian. So what, mind your own business and yes, FDA please, fock off and get a real job. I am more upset with the freaking flood of candy, fruit and food flavor juices out there and lack of tobacco flavors which I feel borders criminal lol. I don't think the FDA has a problem with ginseng and vitamin c, it's other additives such as dietary additives and or poisonous ones. They also have a problem with the form of advertising and claims made. But for some reason are not overly concerned with the 4000 additives in tobacco or the claim that "light cigarettes are less dangerous or better for you." They really are a bunch of retards. I tried the ginseng, it's orderless, tasteless and honestly the percentage of it added is so minute to have any effect at all. You already hit on a bigger problem in another thread regarding the flood of candy and desert flavors out there. Critics can point to that and say they are targeting kids. Here is what i would like to see however. More consistency in rating and producing these juices with the ingredients listed on labels. Lets all get on the same page. One supplier considers 16mg HIGH and another considers it Medium. The different variations of the same flavor would also be easily detectable if the ingredients were labeled. I would also like to see the freedom to be able to purchase what ever nic dose I want. And finally I want a freaking WARNING LABEL on every juice bottle that reads: WARNING: The FDA may be hazardous to your health and freedom! and before the end of the month too!
    1 point
  18. MaryAnn

    Children Say Funny Things

    I told my daughter to do a chore and she got distracted. I said to her that she needs to try to stop forgetting to do things that I tell her. She said "But I am a good forgetter!!"
    1 point
  19. I think that seized shipments are going to be a bigger issue than targeted suppliers. Suppliers are losing a lot of $$$ at the border. If juice didnt have such a high margin, we may have already seen it in the price tag. This is what will likely drive the prices up and suppliers out. I would caution anyone who is buying in bulk to get samples first. There is a lot of crappy juice out there and I really wonder WTF is going on where some suppliers are selling it for under $0.25 per ML. That is ridiculously low, IMHO and I can't help but think that there is something up to sell it for what are essentially the best DIY prices
    0 points
  20. AfghanHound

    Xpower Compared To Ego

    Yes, all orders from China will spend two to four days in customs. They prefer to use more expensive faster shipping, but if you're not in a hurry, I've used their cheaper, slower shipping method. Here are just some places you can order from: http://www.topproductssale.com/proInfo.aspx?id=46 (I ordered from here because you can often ask for and get some freebies - like a free extra cone to be using two at once) http://www.bonanzle.com/booths/vapes_supplies/items/X_POWER_900c_E_cig_Starter_Kit http://e-cigarette-supplier.com/Xpower+Series-china/Xpower+Series-E-cigarette+Xpower+900-99/ USA: http://www.litecigusa.net/LitecigUSA_X_Power_900c_Personal_Vaporizer_p/xpower900ckit.htm
    -1 points
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