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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/19/2010 in all areas

  1. Im Posting this HERE because this is important to people who want to continue vaping after the fda bs! Hopefully after the court case only the 5 suppliers that got letters are done (witch sucks) and the rest of them will be running business as usual, but we don't know whats going to happen until it happens *fingers crossed* OK, alot of vapers are looking to stock up B4 the **** hits the fan at the end of this month and if you are not made of money like myself and want to stock up for the next 2 years with some quality liquids at a great price I hope this thread helps, SO with the little research I have done thru this forum and just randomly checking supplier sites, Ive found thanks to bobthesalesclerk, Bluemistvaping has 150ml for $25, now thats .16cents a ml, and Madvapes has 50ml for $10.99, now thats .22cents a ml, I suck at math but I think these are accurate numbers, now I found 2 suppliers with some insane prices bcuz alot of places sell it at or around .50cents a ml witch is good if your buying a couple little bottles, ANYWAY **I would appreciate if other members who know of any other DEALS on liquids can post it here** bcuz this will help me and alot of other people to stock up in the next couple of days, so if you know of some other suppliers with some good deals like the 2 listed PLEASE POST THEM HERE to help us stock up for the E Liquid Apocalapse coming real soon. Thank You VT staff and ALL its members!
    1 point
  2. I suspect that is a crock of ****! I find it hard to believe more people all over the place have requested various candy flavors, they have like hundreds of ridiculous flavors, and only a few tobacco or handful at best. That's hard to believe IMHO Also I find it ridiculous how some suppliers rate their nic levels at lo medium and high. High issually only 16mg-18mg lol I know a lot of people that tried ecigs but quickly ran back to analogs because they were lead to believe 4mg is Low 8mg is medium and 16 mg is High. A lot of starter kits come with only 8mg! Like vaping air! I was ready to go back to analogs until I tried 24 mg which is a Light or Medium for me. 36mg is more true to a real full flavor analog for TH and head buzz. So these people try the usual starter kits with 8 to 16mg and think vaping is a joke. They never realize the potential of vaping at all! Pity. And the flood of candy flavors, dont get me started on that again lol
    1 point
  3. Brian

    Where To Buy Ego

    Welcome to Vapor Talk! You can buy a drip tip when you order, or you can pull the filler out of the carts, remove the cart to drip. You've made a good choice in the eGo. Below are just a few places you can order from... there are many more. Check out the supporting suppliers (bottom of the forum) and the certified supplier list (link at top of forum). Electronicstix ($70 Full eGo Kit - Use VTALK10 for 10% discount) Vaporgalaxy ($70 Full eGo Kit - Use VTALK for 10% discount) Cignot ($69 Full kit) Puresmoker ($60 Full eGo Kit)
    1 point
  4. Brian

    The Joker - Av

    Those are the ones. The batteries are $3.95 each if you buy them seperately. Looks like a good deal to me, with charger. I would add two additional batteries... you'll want at least 4.
    1 point
  5. I would also vote for the eGo or Tornado. Same thing just named differently. Great battery life and just an all around great device. A lot of the kits you will find, will come with 2 attys. Attys are a crap shoot. They can last days or months, no matter the brand. It is just the way it is. I have been lucky and I have not had 1 atty go bad on its own. I have screwed up one myself. Cartomizers are great also. As has been said, cartos are the cartridge and atty built into 1 piece. Whereas an atty can cost around $9, you can get a 5 pack of cartos for that price. If you are a smoker that really needs a great throat hit, you may want to look into some Low Resistance attys or cartomizers. They take the 3.7v eGo and somewhat make it mimic a 5v device. Much greater throat hit which is what I need. I have attached a link to the low res cartos I have been using, and they are fantastic. http://www.electronicstix.com/BLANK-510-18-OHM-LOW-RESISTANCE-CARTOMIZERS-BLACK-510ENSLRCARTOS.htm
    1 point
  6. Brian

    Newbie Info And Advice Needed

    Ran across this today - thought you may be interested. Liquidxpress
    1 point
  7. Just went and grabbed this off of Jolly today. I love it. Works great and it is really well built $25 bucks...shoot him a PM if you want one p.s. Everyone remember to remove your brick and widge lol
    1 point
  8. Hey Silent...... The 510 or Ego vs Blu---no contest. The 510-- is much, much better than the blu. Better throat hit and vapor production. is thin like the blue and has the LED at the tip. The biggest draw back is battery life (compared to the ego). Any of the slimmer units will have short battery life. But other than battery life, it is a great unit if you need something that looks more like a cigarette. The Ego--uses the 510 atomizers and is still 3.7 V (same power as the 510)--but the battery life is significantly longer than the standard 510 batteries. the 650mah will last 6-8 hours (for me) and the 900mah (bit bigger battery) will last me all day. No LED. The Ego is the best overall if you don't have to have something that looks like a cigarette. I highly recommend the ego as a great place to start !!! I love my Ego. as far as liquid strength goes--it really depends on how many mgs you are using. for me I use 18 mg-- PG liquid = 3 drops=.1mg (30 drops/ml)---3 drops = 1.8mg. VG liquid = 2 drops/.1ml (20 drops/ml). However, I don't really worry about it any more--I use anywhere between 8mg and 18mg liquids-- I figure I use about 1.5 -2 mls/day = 27-36 mg/day. I smoked at least 30 cigarettes/day. I am using about the same amount of nicotine as when I smoked. Personally, I vote for the Ego... Happy vaping
    1 point
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