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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/18/2010 in all areas

  1. Brian

    Ok...i'll Bite.

    Welcome to Vapor Talk! If you're leaning towards a 510 you're headed in the right direction IMO. Yes, a lot of the 510s are identical, just rebranded, but some are made by different manufacturers. The Joye 510 and Janty Dura are both made by JoyeTech and are the same thing. Personally, I prefer the Joye products. 1. With a smaller models (cigarette size) you won't get great battery life. The standard Joye 510 battery will last about 2 hours (that was the max for me) between charges. Of coure, that will depend on how much you use it. A 510 starter kit will run you in the $40-$50 range. The Joye eGo, which uses the same 510 attomizer, will run between $60-$80. For the extra $20-$30 you get a battery that will last 8+ hours between charges. The standard 510 is a great model and many people use it happily, just giving you something to think about and many people start with the 510 kit and upgrade to an eGo down the road. 3. The problem with automatic batteries is that there is a small hole in the end so that the censor can detect when you take a drag and activate the battery. If any eliquid leaks into the battery (and the atty will leak from time to time), it will ruin it. That's why most prefer the manual battery. It may seem odd to push a button, but it's really not - you get use to it. Good luck and feel free to ask any questions you have.
    2 points
  2. ronpage25

    I Love Vaping!

    I am absolutely in love with vaping! I posted a topic last week having a problem with drinking and I was mistaken! Drinking and vaping go together very well! It's amazing! By the way, I know it's a shameless plug but check out our video on the revolver ecig contest website! It's the one called THE COPS! Vote for us it would be much appreciated! Also if you want to participate do so!!!!!!!!!!! Go to www.revolvercigs.com. I think! I am not working for themnor do I promote their product However it's a fun contest!
    1 point
  3. I was being somewhat facetious about this, but nowadays, I guess we can't put anything past our govt. and it's cronies. A new off-subject forum may be the answer if it comes down to it. Chris has our contact info to invite us to it, I would think And I will help do what I can.
    1 point
  4. Chris--You do know--we would do anything necessary to help you.... right?? This is the only place I love to come and hang out--you have worked your A** off the give us such a fantastic forum
    1 point
  5. kitsune

    Ok...i'll Bite.

    As you have already noticed--most of us now prefer the ego. But for me it has been an evolutionary process. I started with 510--nice and slim. as stated already, the problem is the battery life, only a couple hours. will need some extra batteries and maybe a PCC (charging case). Most suppliers carry 510's, you can look through the VT supplier list and see what deals are out there. While you are shopping, look at the ego's-- I know, a bit bigger, but the batter life is much, much longer. If budget allows--extra batteries, atomizers and liquids are good to have. You will go with which ever model you think will work for you--No matter where you start--you will eventually own more than one model. We just really want you to succeed. keep asking, we will try to help
    1 point
  6. Jkimbo

    Ok...i'll Bite.

    Brian has already provided good advice. I would just like to add to the battery and drag issues. I would not be afraid of the auto if that's what you think you preferred. I actually started out that way and never had any failures. About the only thing I noticed was some times the cut off was premature but that's nothing a second drag can't solve. The nice thing about the smaller auto ecigs are they are lighter and you can keep them in your mouth and still take drags. I did go with the ego and love it. What I do like about the manual battery style is I can take as long of a drag as I want. It is a heavier battery but the ego is a lot smaller then it looks in pictures and fits easily in a shirt pocket and I can keep it in my mouth for short periods of time to free my hands when needed. One other thing I would like to address about ecigs because a lot of people I know try them and either don't like them or still smoke analogs. The reason I believe for that is because the expectations of the nicotine amount is different between analogs and ejuice. For example, Newport 100's analog are 18-19 mgs, that's about 1mg per cigarette. When you inhale smoke from tobacco it goes directly in to your blood! If you then switched to vaping and tried 18mg juice you would think you were smoking LIGHTS and would need to go to 24mgs before you satisfy your nicotine craving. The problem is most of these starter kits come with ridiculously low nic 8 to 16mgs which just aint gonna cut it coming from analogs. These are my observations and opinion of course
    1 point
  7. Brian

    Diy Zero Nicotine

    Yes, they are, but you can buy flavorart at freedomsmokeusa, ecigexpress and libertyflights (and I'm sure some others). FreedomsmokeUSA Liberty-Flights Ecigexpress OnestopDIYshop
    1 point
  8. Burn

    Holy Jesus!

    pfft, thats nuttin, try changing a 2 year olds diaper after wasabi chili night, now that is for the most drugge of thrill seekers (awesome vid btw)
    1 point
  9. Uma

    A Thought I Just Had

    Maybe we can code name a new forum something that never gets banned like bad restaurants or how to make a pipe boomb ... (sp wrong correctly to evade the out of context journalists)
    1 point
  10. FTJoe

    New And Need Advice

    I would normally counsel you in regards to doing too much for the hubby, but having said that, I have cartomizers all over the place with all different flavors for my wife. I have a dedicated atomizer I flush with straight VG so she can try flavors. She told me once she liked a flavor from one supplier so I ordered a ton, I mean a TON. While it was in transit, at dinner, she told me "I don't like this anymore". So filling cartos I think is a good idea. FYI - I use the lazy method, highly recommended. Keep cap on the part that is on the metal threads. Remove cap from other end, remove the white mouth piece. Now stand it up and drip about 10 drops into the top, it will fill up but get sucked up pretty quickly. Drip another 6 or 7 in, wait, drip a little moe, should get about 20 in before it balks. Walk away for a while, come back, still some liquid? Pick it up and shake it down like a thermometer. Should get about 25 drops in using the lazy method. Most important part is, after a hour or so, take the bottom cap off, and over a napkin gently blow through the carto getting the juice out of the tube. DONE!
    1 point
  11. Ok I have had time to experience my new Tornado from "totally wicked". I am VERY happy! I used the medium strength cartridge first, that came with the starter kit. And based on this experience, there was SOMETHING SERIOUSLY WRONG WITH THE ejuice that came from http://www.ecigaretteschoice.com/ (yeah that's right I am calling you out) I had hoped that it wasn't just me, but, when I took the first hit off that ss Micro No.7 filled with the juice they gave me, I came very close to passing out, I had bad headaches, and felt sick as hell! Its OBVIOUS something was wrong with the ejuice they gave me! I should have had it tested and then sued their ***!! Anyway, I love my Tornado, although I need to find a taste that's right for me. I ordered a few flavors from Vaperite.com I haven't been able to smoke them yet, but the Organic tobacco smells decent and the VR4 smells damn good also. As soon as this cartridge is empty, I am going to clean it, then fill it with one of them. Anyway, I am Vaper for life now! I can finnally stop wasting money on outrages Cigarette Prices/taxes, and stop throwing my money away on a product that slowly kills me! I Thank God for showing me this forum, and for the people on here that have helped guide my decision! THANK YOU StOmPeR
    1 point
  12. Im sure you didnt offend anyone, I'll admit too, he sucks! This whole banning of e cigs is going to turn a lot of people into libertarians, RON PAUL FOR PRESIDENT IN 2012! now this guy is standing up for something real!
    1 point
  13. A long time critic of the FDA, Ron Paul continues to fight against this evil unconstitutional div of organized crime. http://www.lewrockwell.com/sardi/sardi72.html He said it best here... Fock the FDA, their days are numbered too
    1 point
  14. The FDA is a unconstitutional Agency of the Federal Government - no where in the constitution does it give authority for such a agency to exist! The duty's assigned to the FDA should, and ought to be, given to the states! That alone would save the federal government billions a year!
    1 point
  15. I'd love to try it, but I looked on the site and I don't see any. Is it hiding somewhere? LOL I haven't used any sweeteners yet. Might have to try that one, too.
    1 point
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