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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/15/2010 in all areas

  1. kitsune

    Just A Thought

    The problem is when they were first coming out you wanted smokers to identify with the products and now its too late, we don't want the rest of the world to identify them with cigarettes. the term PV (personal vaporizer) has been around for a while. I think PV sounds better anyway. I think a different universal term would have helped us for a while, but in the end--somebody wants their cut.......
    2 points
  2. kitsune

    Diy Zero Nicotine

    So I have finally taken a step into the 0 nic territory. for me throat hit is mandatory and I have always heard that 0 nic provides much less throat hit. Im pretty sure I can live without nicotine, but I can't live without throat hit. 2mls of VG (wordup) .5mls of Raspberry (Lorann) 3 drops of menthol (Flavorart) All I can say is that I am very, very happy with this flavor and of course the throat hit. The throat hit is a little less than when i vape my 18mg, but I actually have to be concentrating to notice the difference. I have used it with my VP/PT and my Ego and it workded great with both devices. I think the key is the little bit of menthol..... hopefully later today I will be trying some 0 nic Tiramisu !!!
    1 point
  3. OK. so I just put in my first order from Vapor Talk!!!! good news and bad news though....No Dulcis or Grape soda in high strength... I did get; Choco Java, Midnight, sweet dawn, exotic tobacco, and...wait for it...COLA! Now everybody keeps sayin how fast VT is and how their liquid is the best...ya got me so excited 'bout these liquids I just canna' stand it!! I hope they are as good as you say!! If they are then I am sure to order more cola at least. Does anyone know how soon will they get more grape soda and dulcis at high strength?? or will they at all???(FDA ) I may have to try low nic. level just to taste these flavors... I will post again when they get here and I have tasted them...I have never done a real review and am sure everybody here knows these liquids (see Kitsune I am trying not to use the word juice too) PEACE be wit' ya'
    1 point
  4. When you load a new cart(ego mega for me) only put a little juice in for the first fill and test it before you fill all the way. That way if it's a DOA you know before you waste 2+ml of juice. I learned the hard way today and won't make that mistake again(hopefully).
    1 point
  5. All of our order usually ship within 12 hours and often times faster
    1 point
  6. Happy Birthday! Sounds like you purchased a wide choice of flavors! Be sure and let us know how they taste! They sound awesome! I've never tried any of them. So far! LOL
    1 point
  7. Vermonster13

    Just A Thought

    Do you think that if a different name had been put on E-Cigs from the beginning some of the connotaions we deal with would be less of an issue? The cig name was bound to bring them negative attention/associations and a lot of time is spent differentiating them from analogs. If a different name had been used from the start perhaps FDA notice and such wouldn't have been as strong. Just an early morning thought.
    1 point
  8. If you really think about it what were the people who invented the first e cig going to call it other than electronic cigarette because thats exactly what was invented a electrical device that looked like a real cig....idk maybe wrong but I think the first ones to hit the market in china looked like real cigs, you know, white battery and atty, tan cart and red LED with grey looking plastic ash on the end, idk did the penstyle come before this model? I remember seeing a youtube video I think from the fall of 07' in china and they were using a real cig looking one, for the question I also think in the end it dosen't matter anyway, THEY will always want money of off anything whether its saving lives or killing us.
    1 point

    Just A Thought

    In the end... I don't know that it would matter.
    1 point
  10. LOL Light !!!! You will love the liquids Happy Vaping
    1 point
  11. Happy Birthday! Glad you got the cola I hope you rocks for ya!
    1 point
  12. I just read the new rules re: discussions of nicotine liquid strengths and wanted to share a story with you all. Nicotine is indeed a poison (yes-we all know) We are all human (again we know right?) Well-I have 3 small children and even though I would never purchase liquid at any higher dose than 36mgs (really it's enough of a savings for me as I like 12-18mgs) Anyway, last night I got my new mega cartomizers and was filling them on the counter-I had some major spillage and cleaned it up with my paper towel, my kids then 4 hours later got out some ice cream to eat and all of the sudden my daughter said "my tongue is burning" and she went and rinsed her mouth out, she still felt burning after and I had been thinking WTH is going on, and remembered that I had filled my carto there. My oldest son had set the big spoon down on the counter (where I had filled the carto and wiped it up with a papertowel) and my daughter had picked up the spoon and licked it. The point is-we love our nicotine-but it's strong, and now I will wipe up all my spills with a dish cloth and soap, AND thank goodness it was only 11 mgs.
    1 point
  13. mmseng

    Fda Very Bad News

    Hmm, duly noted, and changed in my sig ;]
    1 point
  14. LoriHNC

    The Revolution

    Perhaps when the time comes, a protest would be a good idea?!?! Or numerous ones in different parts of the country. I have Charlotte, NC covered, and with me, possibly Madvapes, Sharp Smoker and other nearby suppliers/vapers. "ECIG ECIG ECIG ECIG...."
    1 point
  15. We could always just throw stinky butter at the FDA building.
    1 point
  16. I'm using a Blu and personally I do like it... now. I traded the atty that came with the Blu for a Volcano atty and the improvement was noticeable immediately. With the Blu atty I had to take these huge long drags directly into my lungs like you mention, (which admittedly I never could do with an analog) just to get a decent amount of vapor. I ordered the Volcano atty to replace it and I get the same amount of vapor with much less effort and drag. I can't speak for the carts that come with the Blu, I ordered blank carts (from Volcano) and liquid the same time I ordered the starter kit, and never really gave the prefilled carts a chance. There was a bit of leakage when I first started filling the cart, but once I got the amount of liquid I needed to add figured out I had very little problem with leakage. Personally, I've never looked back once I got my Blu working the way I wanted it, granted it's only been a few weeks since my last analog. Like anything I think it varies person to person, based on how much of a smoker you were and what kind of experience you're getting out of your ecig now. I definitely plan on adding another ecig to my collection in the future, but I plan on keeping my Blu still. To each their own.
    1 point
  17. Hi, a belated welcome to the VT Forum! Initially I was drawn to Blu advertising. There was a link to Blu on my analog website that I ordered from. I continued to research e-cigs online and found this forum where ultimately I was able to make an informed choice to go with the Joye510 which simulated analogs. About a month and-a-half into vaping, I purchased a Janty eGo. Not everyone, but many like myself, needed to transition to vaping this way. Everyone has covered many particulars in this thread, and I guess all I would like to add is there are probably more details to master using a pv, i.e, which mod, which accessories, which e-liquid, but the end result will be very much worth it, i.e., feeling better (physically and mentally), feeling richer (less expensive than smoking analogs), and finally, being in a position to help others who haven't heard of this technology and want to stop smoking. I still entertain the thought after a little over three months, hmmmm...I wonder what an analog would taste like now? I guess with any addiction, you don't go there. Instead, I vape up a storm (18mg, RY4). As others have said, don't hesitate to ask questions. There are some very knowledgeable people who have been analog-free for a long time that continue to contribute to the forum. Best of luck!
    1 point
  18. Welcome! I started with the Volcano, which is basically a re-labeled Blu. All the problems you're having are completely normal. If I may be blunt and honest, I think it's a terrible product. I'd suggest you get your money back and invest in either a Joye 510 or an eGo. The Blu-type models are incredibly unsatisfying for... well, almost everyone! If you'd like to stick with Blu, then yes, buying your own liquid makes the experience MUCH better. But at the end of the day, the alternatives I mentioned are relatively cheap, and MUCH more satisfying. These can be found in the store here on Vapor Talk. As for analog cravings, it is completely normal. It's because smokers aren't just addicted to nicotine, but the other chemicals in cigarettes. E-liquid doesn't have these other chemicals, which is GREAT, but your body needs to work out all that analog grossness. Just vape as much as you can, and if it's not doing the job, smoke an analog! And don't feel bad about it. Lots of people, myself included, had to do this. There is no right or wrong way. Smoke an analog and keep trying.
    1 point
  19. Christopher

    The Revolution

    I like the butter idea but, once it hits the building it will probably mix with dirt and possibly paint chips from the building, that would make it a new unapproved drug.
    0 points
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