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  1. Let me see here.... this is how it will go down if the FDA has their way first off the banning of E cigs....or at least ones that don't carry the FDA stamp of approval...that will cost the vendors oh who knows how much to get approval...several companies will fold. Next they will go after the e-liquid producers.... we have to approve your manufacturing methods to make sure they meet our "strict" guidelines... Many will go out of business because they DO fail their "tests" or they don't want to bother being watched over by big brother government. So now we have a small handful of e cig manufacturers and a small handful of e liquid manufacturers. e liquid from china will contain lead paint so it will be made illegal too. NOW here it where it will get interesting. RJ Reynolds and Phillip Morris will obtain patents on the e-cigs by paying the struggling businesses the right to get these patents and manufacture the e cigs. Next the same two tobacco giants will enlist the aid of some of the biggest pharmaceutical companies to work with them to create a pharmaceutical grade liquid nicotine that can only be obtained at your local pharmacy and the nicotine in them is provided by....you guessed it....the two tobacco giants. the FDA wins, the tobacco companies win, the pharmaceutical companies win. and we lose
    4 points
  2. bmeyer46

    Fda Very Bad News

    ok, time to get pissed..... the FDA approves drugs for treatment of arthritis, erectile disfunction, high cholesterol etc..etc...ALL of those drugs that the FDA approved have side affects that have been documented, yet there are no reports of any of these kinds of side effects fro E-cigs, yet they want to target this industry? Somewhere there is a check from Phillip Morris or RJ Reynolds written to the FDA....just gotta find out whose desk it's on.
    2 points
  3. Lots of good info. Propylene Glycol
    2 points
  4. No study or statistic has been offered that points to the Swine Flu as being more deadly than tobacco cigarettes in causing death, yet a disproportional effort in preventative measures are currently being channeled to defend against a lower risk health issue. Toxic tobacco smoke contains many additional chemicals, including carbon monoxide and tar which is a sticky substance that accumulates in the lungs, causing lung cancer and respiratory distress. Tobacco is the leading cause of preventable death in the world and is responsible for more than 5 million deaths each year. What the flu vaccine is to H1N1 as a preventative, the electronic cigarette may be for the tobacco smoker. An electronic cigarette is a futuristic advancement in science that makes it look, feel, and taste like a tobacco cigarette, as the user duplicates the mechanical motions. It expels an almost odorless water vapor that looks like smoke, but isn't. The e cigarettes are battery-powered with a cartridge that typically contains nicotine in various levels (or none), propylene glycol and tobacco flavoring. In their October briefing, Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) in the United Kingdom released a favorable position on electronic cigarettes. Propylene glycol, the primary ingredient in the electronic cigarette cartridge, may be a powerful deterrent against pneumonia, influenza, and other respiratory diseases when vaporized and inhaled according to a study by Dr. Oswald Hope Robertson. Decades before the e cigarette was invented, a study was conducted by Dr. Robertson of the University of Chicago's Billings Hospital in 1942 on inhalation of vaporized propylene glycol in laboratory mice. A more in-depth article was printed in the 1942 issue of TIME Magazine http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,932876,00.html for November 16th. "Dr. Robertson placed groups of mice in a chamber and sprayed its air first with propylene glycol, then with influenza virus. All the mice lived. Then he sprayed the chamber with virus alone. All the mice died." The researchers also found that "the propylene glycol itself was a potent germicide. One part of glycol in 2,000,000 parts of air would--within a few seconds--kill concentrations of air-suspended pneumococci, streptococci and other bacteria numbering millions to the cubic foot." Clinical trials on electronic cigarettes containing propylene glycol were carried out in New Zealand by Dr. Murray Laugeson of Health New Zealand and can be found on the website of SS Choice LLC at http://www.eCigarettesChoice.com under the tab "Media Coverage." Far from posing a threat to our health, the propylene glycol in e cigarettes might just keep us healthy. Further studies should be done on the effects of propylene glycol to determine if it can be used successfully as a virus prevention tool. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the best flu preventative was right under our noses all this time? SOURCE SS Choice, LLC http://www.news-medical.net/news/20091104/Propylene-glycol-in-e-cigarettes-might-keep-us-healthy-says-researchers.aspx
    1 point
  5. DarthVapor

    Fda Very Bad News

    Wrong. The government doesn't like big tobacco, and the feeling is mutual. However, the government does get big money in the form of taxes from traditional tobacco products that they DON'T get from e-cigs, and that IS the issue. Until the government gets it's sticky fingers into the e-cig business both through regulation, and taxation, the e-cig business is in jeopardy.
    1 point
  6. Christopher

    Fda Very Bad News

    I just want to make it clear to everyone that I'm all for regulation and improved safety of electronic cigarettes (of course) My worry is about a ban or handing over the technology to the same people that have been killing us for years. Judging by the articles here it sounds like the FDA may be changing their stance on things, but the lawsuit isn't over and my products are still getting seized at the boarder. So while they may appear to only be going after suppliers making false health claims and adding ED drugs into their liquid that isn't the case. We don't make any health claims in our store, in fact we where one of the FIRST American suppliers to add warning labels, yet monthly our products are taken by the FDA. Last time I checked my hardware didn't contain any E Liquid.
    1 point
  7. FTJoe

    Fda Very Bad News

    http://www.e-cig.com/shopping/shopdisplayproducts.asp?id=19&cat=Healthcare+E-Liq They have "healthcare liquid". I've seen the marketing videos from Johnson Creek. Their juice factory at least looks very impressive, clean rooms and all. I am sure the FDA will use what they find to springboard to more bans, it actually can prove their "unhealthy, unsafe and untested" claims. I still believe there is no overt bribing. This is a push from legislators, via the FDA, backed by lobby money from tobacco and pharma, as well as a fear of dwindling tax revenues.
    1 point
  8. Yeah its a brand new atty you should soak that baby up with more liquid and then hopefully you'll be good to go (Im always KIND to my BUDS)..........lol....!!!!
    1 point
  9. Jkimbo

    Mouthful Of Juice

    It happens to us at one time or another. Actually can happen easily if you have a number of cartos around or u forget when the last time u filled was. I use the condom method of refiling. Listen for a gargling sound, if u hear that stop! Then blow thru the mouth piece, should be find then. I hate when that happens but what you gonna do
    1 point
  10. Welcome, MaryAnn! I think the very best thing to do is to have an understanding and loving attitude. Addiction is rough. Some people are able to pick up an e-cig and be done with smoking, others take some time to get used to the idea, both smoking AND vaping for a while. Understanding means making sure that vaping supplies are available and accessible, but not pushing, nagging, or acting "miffed" if he reaches for a cigarette. Patience and love are your allies. Remember that you respect your significant other, and if there is naggy mothering going on, he is not going to feel respected, and may well want to smoke more out of spite! PS-- I am NOT insinuating that YOU nag! It's just a mistake that a lot of people DO make when trying to help someone overcome addiction. <3
    1 point
  11. i wouldn't use that vg, just to prevent any taste issues. you can get a diy kit over at this link http://www.diyflavorshack.com/SearchResults.asp?Cat=3 flavors you can throw into the diy kit http://ecigsmokestore.com/flavors.html i know the prem kit comes with a bag of menthol crystals. a little goes a LONG way. the kits may/will come with a 18 gauge syringe, i would add on the 16 gauge into your order because straight VG is a B** to suck up into an 18g though i don't see the 16 on her site. the pipettes that come with it should work fine though on page 4 of the diy accessories she has 3 packs of 10, 6, and 3ml bottles. grab 2 orders of each. if you rather have child safety ones they are on page 5 but only come in 10ml, i think. also if you rather have menthol drops they are on page 6. i like the crystals better myself. New Customer use the code "newtoyou" 10% Off Free Shipping on $100.00 orders or more "freeshipping" look around on the site and pick out anything you think you may want.. don't have to get what i advised but if i were to buy that's some of the things i would snag. for mixing, more throat hit you want pg, more vapor vg. personally i like 20% vg, 80% pg.
    1 point
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