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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/05/2010 in all areas

  1. No study or statistic has been offered that points to the Swine Flu as being more deadly than tobacco cigarettes in causing death, yet a disproportional effort in preventative measures are currently being channeled to defend against a lower risk health issue. Toxic tobacco smoke contains many additional chemicals, including carbon monoxide and tar which is a sticky substance that accumulates in the lungs, causing lung cancer and respiratory distress. Tobacco is the leading cause of preventable death in the world and is responsible for more than 5 million deaths each year. What the flu vaccine is to H1N1 as a preventative, the electronic cigarette may be for the tobacco smoker. An electronic cigarette is a futuristic advancement in science that makes it look, feel, and taste like a tobacco cigarette, as the user duplicates the mechanical motions. It expels an almost odorless water vapor that looks like smoke, but isn't. The e cigarettes are battery-powered with a cartridge that typically contains nicotine in various levels (or none), propylene glycol and tobacco flavoring. In their October briefing, Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) in the United Kingdom released a favorable position on electronic cigarettes. Propylene glycol, the primary ingredient in the electronic cigarette cartridge, may be a powerful deterrent against pneumonia, influenza, and other respiratory diseases when vaporized and inhaled according to a study by Dr. Oswald Hope Robertson. Decades before the e cigarette was invented, a study was conducted by Dr. Robertson of the University of Chicago's Billings Hospital in 1942 on inhalation of vaporized propylene glycol in laboratory mice. A more in-depth article was printed in the 1942 issue of TIME Magazine http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,932876,00.html for November 16th. "Dr. Robertson placed groups of mice in a chamber and sprayed its air first with propylene glycol, then with influenza virus. All the mice lived. Then he sprayed the chamber with virus alone. All the mice died." The researchers also found that "the propylene glycol itself was a potent germicide. One part of glycol in 2,000,000 parts of air would--within a few seconds--kill concentrations of air-suspended pneumococci, streptococci and other bacteria numbering millions to the cubic foot." Clinical trials on electronic cigarettes containing propylene glycol were carried out in New Zealand by Dr. Murray Laugeson of Health New Zealand and can be found on the website of SS Choice LLC at http://www.eCigarettesChoice.com under the tab "Media Coverage." Far from posing a threat to our health, the propylene glycol in e cigarettes might just keep us healthy. Further studies should be done on the effects of propylene glycol to determine if it can be used successfully as a virus prevention tool. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the best flu preventative was right under our noses all this time? SOURCE SS Choice, LLC http://www.news-medical.net/news/20091104/Propylene-glycol-in-e-cigarettes-might-keep-us-healthy-says-researchers.aspx
    2 points
  2. I go to alot of bars sometimes and people there are always asking "where did you get your Ecig" I just shoot them a bizness card of whatever suppliers im dealing with and its working, just last night I ran into a couple that was vaping smoking everywhere brand and now they have 510's they were so happy I turned them on to a legitamite supplier that they bought me round after round last night, I was hammered, SO anyway I welcome ANY supplier to send me a stack of your bizness cards, send me a pm and ill let you know where to send them.
    1 point
  3. i just start vaping and throwing out big clouds of vaper and if someone asks explain it to them. they usually understand. just be nice about it and if they dont want you to do it. just go somewhere else with it.
    1 point
  4. I think the best thing is to fly under the radar and stealth vape.There is always going to be someone who is going to be an *** and make a fuss.
    1 point
  5. Now that I think about it my taste buds have came back fast as well, I just stick with menthol, I guess im ghetto but thats just me!
    1 point
  6. Surprisingly after smoking analogs half of my life, my tastebuds woke up pretty fast, too. If you're using one atty for several flavors, it could be that one flavor is lingering in there somewhere and other flavors are having a neutral effect. You're going to find vast differences in the same e-liquid from different suppliers, and I'm afraid it's going to be experimenting initially. Some of this is the learning curve that you've read about. I know that it will work out for you, because it has for me. I know what I like at this point, and that's who I order from. Good luck!
    1 point
  7. Yeah Its a great idea to show people about good suppliers that carry quality ecig supplies, the handfull of suppliers I deal with always send my aleast 5 BC's and its great to have them when your out and about to pass the good info around, I actually got a few BC's that on the back of them told people what an ecig was, I forget witch vendor I'll have to look for that card, I think this thread can help alot of suppliers out for more business thats why I started it, HELP ME SPREAD THE GOOD WORD TO THE ANALOGERS LOOKING FOR A HRALTHIER ALTERNATIVE!
    1 point
  8. Try Awesome Vapor clove You will be able to taste that and it is not too bad.VaporTalk liquids are stronger than most and so are Janty's.
    1 point
  9. VG has a mellower flavor than PG. You might want to try straight PG until your tastebuds come back to life. I didn't think mine were dead, I loved my treats and certain foods, but after I started vaping it was a whole new world after the first few days. (i was lucky, mine awoke pretty early in the game). Apple was the first one that really woke my tastebuds up. They were dancing in my mouth, I swear! Good luck in your quest for the right mix and the right flavor. It's a fun quest, so don't give up!
    1 point
  10. If this is your first day with the atty you may also be getting some of the after taste of the primer(nasty). Like every one has already told you flavors are different for everyone. When I first started out I couldn't tell one flavor from another except for the menthol ones. It takes time so don't worry it will get better. Also, if you find a flavor that is kinda to your liking and it just doesn't have enough flavor for you you could always try adding a little more flavor from one of the DIY shops. I did it with peach till I got it where I wanted it. Now I make several of my own juices so I can get the flavor as strong as I like. But first and formost...get some more attys or cartos. You really can't do very well with only one atty. And if it goes out you're stuck. So as "nana" says get back-ups!!!! Good luck and happy vaping.
    1 point
  11. if you cant taste the stuff at vt i would have to say that maybe the flavors vaped might not have that strong of a taste. the coffee kind should but vanilla is a hit or miss kind of thing. as far as vanilla goes, vanilla bean is by far the best. but i couldn't taste it much. that however was when i first started and was using carts that came with my kit from volcanoecigs. kit carts are crap anyways though. it very well could be that your taste buds are shot right now. try caramel candy from vaporbomb. that stuff is good! also you can leave them a note when ordering to amp up the flavor a bit. if nothing else, drop your nic amount and try out 5 volt mods. that's almost all i use/sale. you can try a LR atty but they don't really taste or feel the same as 5 volts.
    1 point
  12. You don't have to have a drip tip to direct drip, just remove the cart to drip and replace the cart to to take a drag. Also, no threads need, the drip tip fits in the atty and has a rubber gasket around it to keep it in place. The juice will not run out with a drip tip... keep in mind you're only adding 2-3 drops at a time when dripping. If you do direct drip, be sure to remove any filler that is in the cart. If you're dripping while using a regular cart, keep a tissue handy and wipe off any condensation around the end each time you remove it to drip. That will help prevent any juice/condensation from getting in your mouth (known as getting juiced).
    1 point
  13. I used the atty for the first time today, so it hasn't been blended with anything. No vanilla taste whatsoever. But I understand what you mean about having a separate one for each type of flavor.
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. if you're only using 1 atty, that could explain why the flavors are blending together. You may want to have a seperate atty for fruity flavors, tobacoo flavors etc...
    1 point
  16. I just ordered some.
    1 point
  17. Uma

    A Lil Bizness Boost

    yay! let's hope the vendors see and appreciate and utilize the idea. Help spread the idea!
    1 point
  18. Uma that checkbox at checkout idea is great!!!!
    1 point
  19. Uma

    A Lil Bizness Boost

    One of them (or maybe 2?) that I've purchased from do. I forget offhand which ones, because I gave the cards away, but I thought it was way cool that they did that on the back of their card. I agree with you, wish more would include info on their cards too. My kid wants BC's to hand out to the curious travellers, But I keep forgetting to get them from the vendors So, with that said, I'd like to let out a big hollar to all the vendors: 'Please include a checkbox and an amount selection during checkout "Would you like extra bc's? Select how many". pleasepleaseplease
    1 point
  20. It would also be nice if suppliers put a brief description of what an ecig is and how it work on the back of the card. That way if you are in a lil hurry(like i'm always are lately) you just pass them a card and keep going. BTW I'm also down to receive some bizness cards to give to people that ask me about it!
    1 point
  21. Yeah Luke always sends me a few with my orders,AND I gotta do another VT order so I can get some too.
    1 point
  22. Mark

    A Lil Bizness Boost

    I gave away about 2 dozen Vapor Talk cards while I was at the beach this week. Looks like it's time to place another order for more E-liquid (and get more cards--LOL)
    1 point
  23. Gotta call my suppliers and get more business cards, people keep asking me "where do I get one of those"
    1 point
  24. lightbringer

    Vt Cola

    I have tried Blue Cola from www.cignot.com in VG and PG and both are good but the only thing I can compare (cause I havena' tried anymore yet)it too is www.vikingvapor.com cherry cola which is NOT good...its more like a cherry slushie but too cherry and not great cherry. Now I put 2 or 3 drops in a bottle w/ 10 or so drops of blue cola and get on OK cherry cola taste. I have also had these cola flavored gummies that taste sorta like the blue cola. COLA is a very imporatnt flavor to me as I love it and only drink Diet Rite now b/c of high fructose corn syrup and sodium. I am as a result going to find the best cola flavor vape for me! VT is one at the top of my list and DIYflavorshacks cherry cola is too. Original poster- I have found that there are few of us who are searching for the great cola flavor or others are reluctant to chime in! evrybody loves the VT store though and I will be trying their cola and grape soda (not a grape soda fan but everyone here loves it) but everytime I read something I see how all of VT's falvors are the best...now this is their site so it stands to reason that they would say that but (the way these guys who are the customers talk about them)they have made me want to try Mignight (and I don't even know what that is!) Dulcis, the aforementioned cola and grape soda, tobacco, choco java, sweet pear, pretty much all of them but mentha.
    1 point
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