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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/02/2010 in all areas

  1. FYI... Electronicstix lowered the price of the black colored 5V Passthrough to $9.95!!!
    1 point
  2. DSE, Joye, KR, are the manufactures. The number, 808, 510, is the model. It will refer to the battery and atomizer size and threads. DSE808 and KR808 don't use the same cart or threads. The DSE808 uses the DSE801 atomizer. "I have a 510 starter kit" - Means it has the 510 battery and atomizer. "I use a 510 atomizer on my Joye eGo" - The eGo meaning the battery and 510 as the atomizer. Just like phone companies, Nokia makes the 8900 and Blackberry makes the 8900. Neither use the same parts but have the same model number. That was just an example for you DSE808 vs KR8080 statement. Most of the time, things match up though. DSE and Joye both make a 510 and they're parts are interchangeable. It may seem overwhelming at first, it was for all of us as well. Just stick with it and over time you'll learn. It's just not something you get right way. When I started working at a cellphone store I was confused what phones only worked for T-Mobile, At&t and which were unlocked; but, in hindsight it seems like a very simple concept. This thread may provide you with some other useful information about this topic. http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/forum/forum/topic/6767-510-901-8-something-something-wah/
    1 point
  3. nana

    Intervals Between Vaping

    I vape all the time - except when I'm sleeping. It seems like more than I smoked, but I don't do it the same, so I'm not so sure. But I do have my eGo in my hand or pocket most of the time. If I'm doing something I can't have it in my hand, it's in my pocket for a few minutes. But I can also put it down for an hour or more and not touch it. But only if I'm busy doing something else. I probably go through more juice than most people do, but since I'm making my own, the cost is very low. As far as cutting the nic level down, that was so easy for me. I started out high with 48 and 36 mg juices. When I noticed I was fine when I only used the 36, I never bought any more 48. Then I ordered a juice I wanted to try in 24mg and did fine with that, so when the 36 was gone, I never bought any more of that. Then I decided to try 12mg just to see how I did. Everything went fine there, so I cut my 12 to 6 and did fine with that. I cut that to 3, then to 0 with no problems at all. I went through some stressful times and went back up to 12mg for a couple of months. Right now I'm back at 0 most of the time and have been there for over a month. I have nic juice left and have mixed a few drops of it in now and then, so it's not always 0, but probably very close. If I feel the need for more nic, it's always handy, too. The amount I vape doesn't change. I just feel better when I am vaping, so I vape.
    1 point
  4. snubber

    Which One Should I Get?

    Welcome to the forum. You've found a great place and as you can see lots of helpful people. I have to agree with everyone that the Ego/Tornado is your best choice if you don't have to have that cigarette look and feel. But if you really want to start out with a smaller unit why not try one of the less expensive disposable 510 units. They cost around $10.00 and will give you some idea of what vaping is all about and what changing and charging batteries is like. I would also suggest that if the smaller unit is what you like then go with a 510 with a manual (push-button) battery. Those little carts on the smaller e-cigs don't last very long and you will have to either change them out or refill them constantly. The manual batteries are sealed and liquid wont get down into your battery and mess them up. My biggest suggestion is do a little more research both here on the forum and on other sites like Youtube and get some info before you jump in with both feet. I didn't when I started and paid heavy for it. There's just so much more to learn about this vaping life than just buying a unit and puffing away. But when you get the hang of it it's one great way to kick the cigarette habit and a lot of fun doing it. Keep asking questions and everyone here will be more than willing to help you out. Hope to hear how it went with you, keep us informed . Bottom line...get the pink Ego!! Also like kitsune said..if you're home at the computer a lot look int a good passthrough. Good luck and happy vaping.
    1 point
  5. I have ordered from Viking Vapor. They are decent. I find myself going back to their bottles of juice quite a bit each day. Vapor Bomb is real good. I just got a bunch of theirs yesterday. Whatever you do, it is probably best to just get the samplers first and if you find ones you like, then order a larger quantity. I have 5 or 6 samplers from different suppliers that I will never touch again, so I am glad I did not waste money on a larger quantity.
    1 point
  6. If you really want one that looks like a cigarette, then I'm sure either one would be fine. Vapor Talk and Totally Wicked are both places you can trust. I used to always recommend the 510 (which I'm sure those are, or are at least similar), but started recommending the eGo after it came out. The only reason for that was because of battery life. But if you don't mind changing and charging batteries every hour, that unit should work just fine for you. A lot of people seem to need the look of a "real" cigarette to start out. No problem. Whatever works for you is just great.
    1 point
  7. The last one is the Tornado. It is the same thing as an eGo, just different name. They have other colors than pink. They have black, red and white that I know of. 70% of the time, someone starting out is looking for a model that most resembles a real cigarette. In the end, I would say that only 5-10% really care about that after actually getting the device and using it. You could get the extra batteries. I figured I would do the same thing, but after a week of recharging batteries 4 or 5 times a day, it became a real pain in the butt. I have the black Tornado and it rules. I started out with a model like the first 2 you pictured, and I sent it back the very next day. To me it was worthless. Yeah it kind of looked like a cigarette, but I hardly got any vapor or throat hit. It did not feel like I was using a cigarette and that was a real problem. With the Tornado, while it may not look like a cigarette, it perfoms more like one and that is what really matters. Welcome to Vapor Talk and don't hesitate to ask anymore questions!
    1 point
  8. Jeffb

    Favorite Writer?

    I like reading the Apostle Paul. Even if you don't believe in God he provides some good values to live your life by.
    1 point
  9. Burn

    Ego/tornado/riva Ppc

    I can not view this youtube clip as my internet connection sucks in the hotel but I wanted to pass this along. I received an email from Totally Wicked this morning announcing their PCC for eGo. With the long battery life of an eGo, I think this may be as necessary as a computer science major carrying a condom but I know the eGo (and the other 67 names/clones it is marketed under) is very popular. http://www.youtube.com/user/totallywickedeliquid#p/u/6/VFTQvMh9b_U Enjoy! (and tell me if it looks any good)
    1 point
  10. Brian

    Anyone Heard Of Xhale O2

    Looks like an M series, but can't be sure. Sorry you're not likeing the 510, but I think you'll be much happier with the cartomizers when you get them. Regular carts don't do a vary good job of letting the juice flow to the attomizer, which is why so many of us direct drip or use cartomizers. There are some other types of filler you can use (Fluval, Blue Faom) but even those didn't work that great for me. I think Kitsune uses carts and could give you good advice on getting them to flow better.
    1 point
  11. I haven't heard of it, but here is their website. You should be able to get what you are looking for here. http://www.xhaleo2.com/
    1 point
  12. Well, thats what u get for not having fish sticks! Hope your feeling better,
    1 point
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