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  1. Yeah I agree thats why we sent her links to youtube on the spefic questions she was asking on the other thread, idk if you read it or not, I guess I wasn't looking at it from your perspective, (maybe you guys should ban me for this or hate me, im sorry ) I was looking at my experience and what I did, and I realize EVERYONE is DIFFERENT (computer savy, ect.) I honestly was trying to help her, not steer her in the wrong direction, Thanks for the cyber slap HODGE , I think I needed one on this one I wasn't thinking while typing.
    3 points
  2. Hi, This is a good video to show people like me(6 months ago) how ecigs work!! it's a rather long video so if you already know how they work don't waste you time! I guess this video it guides more towards new people or if you want to explain somebody what we use!!!
    2 points
  3. In retrospect, this is funny, so I thought I'd share it with everyone. This happened yesterday evening. My house is two story. You go up two steps, turn left, and then go up the rest of the steps. So I had gone up two steps, was trying to get Joey (my 5 year old) to tell me what he wanted for dinner. He was standing at the top of the steps. The conversation went something like this... Me: What do you want for dinner? Joey: Fish sticks and fries. Me: We don't have fish sticks, how about chick nuggets? Joey: How about fish sticks. Me: We don't have fish sticks, what do you want? Joey: Fish. Me: (growing impatient) WE DON’T HAVE FISH! What do you want? Joey: Fish tenders. Me: (getting angry - we go through this with him often) WE DON'T HAVE FISH!!! How about chicken nuggets. Joey: Okay - chicken nuggets and french fries. So, in my frustration, I forgot I was up two step and when I turned to walk away I missed the two steps and took a spill. Now my back is tightening up and my legs hurt. I hate getting old!
    2 points
  4. Are you OK? I love direct advice as well, If you see the other thread there were posted links to youtube to help her, I WASNT TRYIN TO STEER ANYBODY IN A WRONG DITRECTION, ALRIGHT!
    2 points
  5. JRVapes

    Stupidest Question Ever

    Frank, no one ever said it wouldn't work.
    2 points
  6. I don't think you said anything wrong. Just misinformed. Most vendors have a warning for their lo-res products stating that they are not recommended for anything under 450mah. So although it worked for you it was just not the best for the smaller battery. Also.. I too think it's not the way of the forum to just send newbies off to another site to get an answer that they asked here. If we all did that there would be no reason for us to have a forum. We could all just head over to Youtube and merrily search around until we found the answer we need. One of the best parts about VaporTalk is it's helping family. When we get to the point where we no longer help each other out as best as WE can first, before sending people other places, that's when I no longer will be on the forum. It's the people here who helped me to get to the point I'm at now and I thank each and everyone of them.
    2 points
  7. I will be glad to order you some regular 510 cartos and have them shipped directly to you. Just PM me your address. When you get them, you can send me the LR ones. How many boxes do you have? Please don't be discouraged by the content/tone of this thread... this is VERY rare here.
    2 points
  8. People new to vaping want fast answers not sift through a bunch of videos! That why we are here on this forum! We answer their basic questions not send them on a wild goose hunt. We try to explain this to everyone in terms they can understand. This is exactly what turns people off to so many forums! People telling them to go search for anything! If you want them to see something SEND THEM A LINK TO IT! Don't make them look blindly for it. Remember, these people are new and may not understand the lingo or know how to do a specific search. Everyone is not computer savy and to take the route of telling them to go look for something IS NOT the way we do things here at Vapor Talk. We are here to help new members as much as we can, but telling them to go looking for something they may not truly understand in the first place is just wrong.
    2 points
  9. Hello My Fellow Vapers, This might be a noob question but i have been wondering this for a while and google has failed to answer my questions. Does menthol flavored ejuice have fiber glass in it? It is my understanding that all menthol has fiberglass and cuts up your throat. I love the minty taste of methol but i hate knowing that i am killing my lungs. thanks Vape It up -Slightly Addicted
    1 point
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91tO4SiU6mM
    1 point
  11. JRVapes

    Vapor Talk...you Rock!

    Just wanted to let everyone know about Vapor Talk's great customer service and super fast shipping as I recently purchased a 2nd Joker from Chris here at the Vapor Talk Store and it was in my mailbox in Central Pa. all the way from Cali in 2 days!!!! Unbelievable but true! So I'm not so sure people need a store right around the corner from them when I believe the Vapor Talk Store must be right around everyones corner with shipping that fast! Thanks again, Vapor Talk...you do Rock!
    1 point
  12. About halfway down the page, this article from snopes.com mentions it and says it is a myth. http://www.snopes.com/business/alliance/menthol.asp Their sources are listed at the bottom-- I will see what I can come up with from those as well. Here is another link: http://www.netwellness.org/question.cfm/15867.htm
    1 point
  13. [quote name='michealprater' timestamp='1283181427' post='68248' Someone asked if I was a reporter, not sure why or what type of reporter you mean, but the answer is No. I am in love with the vaping hobby
    1 point
  14. How long does a standard non mod, 510 battery last? What is a good price for replacements? there are different kinds of "standard" you have the stick kind of batteries that are made to look like a cig. those last about 30-60mins per charge and then take about 2hrs to charge. you have the ego standard battery, might get about 2-4hrs per charge. How long does an atomizer last 510 basic? What is a good price for them? mine that i bought threw valcanoecigs.com lasted me 90+ days before i boiled them in vinegar till the vinegar bunt down to nothing but sticky ash.. yeah, that stucked. anyways i'm sure they would have lasted a lot longer, had i not killed them. Are you better off buying starter sets once in awhile or do you just buy replacement parts? that all depends on your current needs. if you just need a battery and some attys just get them. if your charger, battery(s), and w/e else are on the fritz i might consider a kit. How do you store liquid?? How do you store FILLED cartridges? How do you know what liquid is in each cartridge, everyone says smell it, but honestly my smeller does not work that well, any other ideas? i just leave mine out. if you buy a huge stock pile, toss them into the fridge. keep them in the package that says what they are. it will be a box and inside the box will be the carts. most people don't use carts and stick with dripping into attys or buying juice and filling empty cartomizers. What do you always have as a back up? Like how many and what? batteries, batteries, batteries! attys, attys, attys! cartos, cartos, cartos! juice, juice, juice! now i use mods, so i dont really need to go snagging a ton of batteries. but i have 5 at all times (used to be six but a friend needed one). last thing you want is not to be able to get a drag. How long will you be able to stand my questions.................hahahah i like questions
    1 point
  15. you're welcome! This one sure helped me, especially with the extracting the extra after refilling. I don''t know how he manages to stay so dry though... after my first try and hands sopping wet from just looking at the ejuice, I tore out the surgical gloves. I'd like to pass along the surgical gloves safety tip for others who are about to venture into refilling their own,
    1 point
  16. @ owutaqt, THANKS FOR ADDING ME AS A FRIEND! , your'e my first one....wow you would think I would have more friends with such a nice community.
    1 point
  17. Hey honestly I wasn't trying to steer you in the wrong way and im sorry if you (or other VT members) felt that way, if you and VT can let me know you can forgive me I'd be happy
    1 point
  18. I TRUELY apologize if you thought I steered you in the wrong direction, I was giving you my experience on how I started using youtube, and if the other people on VT got affended then I apologize to them as well.
    1 point
  19. You know I did buy a PCC, loving that for sure! Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions.
    1 point
  20. I've tried LR on mega 510s, seemed okay. In fact, I'm thinking the LR cartos might not be so harsh on a 510 if you can keep it alive long enough.
    1 point
  21. JRVapes

    Stupidest Question Ever

    First. I don't claim to be a battery expert but using LR (low resistance) atomisers/cartomisers comes with a price to your batteries and I don't mean just what you paid for them. Your standard 510 recharable battery comes with I believe a said 200 times rechargable rating which means if you recharge it 2 or 3 times a day it is only gonna last say 3 months at best but using LR atomisers/cartomisers stresses the batteries in the respect that they may not be able to be recharged as many times ( which you can't "see" this damage that you've done to the battery) , now your standard battery may only last a few weeks, same goes for the ego batteries at $20-$25 a/piece. Of course, this is the best case scenario that only just costs you more money for more batteries more often, when you stress a battery there may be other consequences other than just the money aspect of it. Justs my 2 cents.
    1 point
  22. Yeah man ok, but YOU have to realize there are people who are just starting out and go right to the forum for some very basic questions, when alot of this is covered on youtube, if you really know how to research something its not hard to sift thru the bs and get the info you need, alot of posts on both her threads people on this forum started to post youtube links to help her, just my 3 cents!
    1 point
  23. It is still not recommended to use LR on anything under 500mah or anything above 3.7. I'm sure you could, but there might be a problem.
    1 point
  24. No disrespect, but I do have to disagree with this. Telling someone just to search 510 on youtube is like telling them to google it. You will get tons of useless information that you have wade through to find good information. That is what forums are for, ask specific questions get specific answers. Myself, I personally enjoy messing around with youtube, and there is a lot of good info. But if you are looking for quick, to the point answers, keep asking here. You probably would not be using a forum if you were ok with random youtube and google searches. Like I said, no disrespect intended at all. Just my two cents.
    1 point
  25. GO TO YOUTUBE AND TYPE IN JOYE 510 AND EVERYTHING WILL BE THERE TO HELP YOU, ITS ALOT EASIER TO WATCH VIDEOS THAN TO TYPE OUT WHAT YOU SHOULD DO, thats by best advice for starting out, do research on vids then if you still have a questions come to the forum and ask, GOOD LUCK AND HAPPY VAPING!
    1 point
  26. I have: Screwdriver(s) Mk1 (from trog), Screwdriver(s) Mk2 (from TW), and the Super Six from Super T They all have been completely reliable - my daily device is my old silver Mk1 Screwdriver which I bought in April 2009 - it is still going strong, shows no signs of wear and has never let me down.
    1 point
  27. I dig threads like this because you can get so much information from them. Like many others I've used a ton of different devices and finally settled on the Saber from Vapor Moon. It's very similar in size to the Silver Bullet, but has a touch-sensitive switch rather than a mechanical one, and comes with a five year warranty. I've been using my Saber for a couple months now and have had no problems. I vape it at 6V with my own DIY liquid for a perfectly tailored vape. I get clouds of vaper, great TH and flavor; what's not to love? Anyone could do this with any 6V device, I just settled on the Saber (which was a very close run to the SB). I'm definately a high voltage guy; 3.7 will never do it for me again, unless I'm running a LR atty and even then you have to live with the short useful life of the LRs. Nope, voltage rules in this household! When she vapes, my wife uses the VP PT at 5V with a cartomizer and is very satisfied with that.
    1 point
  28. Brian

    Your Favorite E-Cig

    Torn between my Black SB (altsmoke.com) and the Joker AV (vaprlife.com). Still use the BSB most so I guess it's still my favorite. Running 6V with 510 on the BSB, 5V with carto on the Joker for driving.
    1 point
  29. I am one of the few 3.7 volt people here and I kind of prefer DSE 801 manual batterie andty Kissbox passthroughs ,as far as atties go I use low bridge 801/302's,901's and 510's.And I have been using the 510 carto's with the aluminum threads as a second device.They all work just fine for me.I do not have the refined pallatte that some do,and I cannot tell all that much difference,as long as I get big clouds of vapor and the flavor I am a happy camper. Its all good.
    1 point
  30. Are you a reporter?
    1 point
  31. Mona

    Your Favorite E-Cig

    I'm with Lily; I started with the Joye 510 and upgraded to the eGo. I love both. The eGo with a LRatty is great and battery life is wonderful. I haven't had any problems with either product. I may change, but I doubt it, I'm satisfied with the two I have. Love vaping!
    1 point
  32. Lily

    Your Favorite E-Cig

    Hi, quite a range here from the beginners to the veterans. I started out with the Joye 510 which I still use and graded up to an eGO. Those are the two pvs I have currently. I love both, but especially the eGo for the longer battery life. I am beginning to get every so slightly curious about variable voltage units, but I think I still have a ways to travel. I continue to read and learn on the forum.
    1 point
  33. Roober

    Your Favorite E-Cig

    Well, I'm not as "experienced" as some others, however ive been around a while My current favorites are ego or marks mod when we go out, and around the house i use those or my juicebox i stole from jolly cause he doesnt like it. Think it came from Carlos, with a homemade atty. Let me tell ya, once you get this atty working.... its just awesome!!! I need to get better batts for it tho cause atm im using 14500 i think, with tinfoil... and it takes a way bigger batt... lol but it works!! and well, I may add!! Oh, you can only get a marks mod by 1. winning it or 2. recieving it as a gift from mark. Hint: Do something to impress him and you may end up on his super long list The carlos mod is also hard to get, if i understand correctly... but its worth it... its nom-tastic!
    1 point
  34. NeRo9k

    Your Favorite E-Cig

    Like Nana, I've tried a ton of different units in the market since I started vaping, Joye 306, M401, Joye/DSE 510, DSE801, DSE901, DSE905, PS Protege, PS Protege Passthrough, VP2, VP Passthrough, Joye/Janty eGo, Carlos Juice Box, Wetbox, and multiple other box mods. After a long time of using the PS Protege and PS Passthrough as my daily units, I finally came back to the Joye eGo with LR901 atomizer. It's my every day, all day vape. Everyone has different preferences; I really don't like cartomizers and I'm still on the search for a good one on the go.
    1 point
  35. I have 5 PV's (Joye 510, Tornado, Screwdriver, Silver Bullet, Joker AV). I have only had the Joker AV for a few days, but it is quickly becoming my go to favorite. Adjustable voltage is where it is at. I have many different juices, and not all of them are good in one particular model, except for the Joker. If I am not getting a good enough throat hit, I turn up the voltage. Then I will try a different juice on the same setting, and it will be kicking too much. In that case, I turn down the voltage. It gives you so many options. I
    1 point
  36. nana

    Your Favorite E-Cig

    I have three favorites. My eGo, my Silver Bullet, and my Mark Mod. I use the eGo when I'm up and about doing stuff around the house and yard. It's small enough for my pockets, but still has great battery life. It's a classy looking PV and is great for stealth vaping. It's all around just perfect for me. I also love my Silver Bullet. It is large so isn't what I'd want to carry around in a pocket very much - although I have done that some. The battery lasts forever, so it's great to take on the road. Also, when I'm sitting still, I can use it with the PT and have a 5 volt unit and I love that. The Mark Mod is a fantastic device and I love it. It's lightweight, so beautiful it's a piece of art, feels great in my hand, and is very easy to use. It never leaves my house because I won't take any chances on something happening to it. When I'm not using it, it sits on a shelf in a place of honor where I can admire it. I don't use it as much as the other two, but only because I don't want to ruin it. Since I started vaping I've used several devices (M401, 901, 801, 510, VP2, VP/PT, Spade, DSE905, Indulgence, eGo, SB, and Mark Mod) and most of those I don't even own any more. The eGo, SB, and Mark Mod are all I need. To me, they are the only ones worth having.
    1 point
  37. I also use the Joker AV at home now and an eGo for on the go and work. I personally don't want anything that looks like a cigarette. I think it would be best if they weren't associated with the word cigarette at all. Most people will point you to the eGo. Great battery life and a reliable performer.
    1 point
  38. Jeffb

    Your Favorite E-Cig

    I use my eGo with mega batts at work because of the reliability, size and battery. I have been using my Joker AV exclusively at home and on the go because I have it dialed in exactly where I want it. It delivers tons o vapor and doesn't blow attys like my Silver Bullet.
    1 point
  39. If your looking for something that looks like a real cig (witch was what I did when I got my first.....greensmoke, blucig and smoking everywhere....they all got returned on the money day back gaurentee) your going to get the look but for the money its better just getting a eGo at 3.7volts you cant go wrong and I think they are only 60 or 70 bucks compared to some real cig looking ones that are 120, When I first started vaping I wanted it to look like a real cig so people wouldn't think I was smoking pot using a bigger silver/black model that looks like a pipe, but if you think about the quality over the overall look I'd rather go with quality even if my tornado looks like a all black black and mild I think it looks bad---.
    1 point
  40. I have had the Joker AV for 1 week now and love it. It replaces so many other devices out there. Variable voltage and very easy to change, just a few turns of a screwdriver and you have a totally different vaping experience. I am a zero nic vaper so I have no throat hit which I'm fine with. What's important to me is vapor production and flavor and man does this thing have a ton of both.
    1 point
  41. Burn

    The Joker - Av

    I think it is as affordable as ever, $90 for an entire kit, including batteries. VT store has them on sale for 62, with discount. Vaprlife will upgrade it for $28.00. If you have VT Store ship it directly to Vaprlife, you can have the entire kit for $90. Not sure how many Chris has left but I guess it in <5, I ordered another one because it was too good to pass up. The DVM also works terrific, I have one as well (be sure to tell them you have a 510 version) it is a good investment for <$20, if you do not have a multimeter to read the voltage. Excellent unit.
    1 point
  42. miatafrank

    The Joker - Av

    I just got the Joker back after the AV upgrade. I ran the same test, and here are the results. I adjusted the voltage to 5.08v, and with the 3.3ohm resistor load it measured 4.98V. That is exactly the same regulator performance as the buzz, in a package that is thinner, lighter weight, and better looking than the Buzz. Don't get me wrong, I really do like the Buzz just fine, but as Burn said "the Buzz is my back up". For anyone who might be wondering about the VP/PT, Connected to the AC supply the output is 5.46v, and loaded with the 3.3ohm resistor it is 4.80v. Connected to the USB port on my computer it is 5.08v, and loaded it is 4.28v. This was a surprising result.
    1 point

    Lung Juice

    From my past experience... and the herb I smoked... it wasn't good for my lungs.
    1 point
  44. Great tip Brian!....pardon the pun
    1 point
  45. I just apologived to her if she thought that I was MISINFORMING her......wow man...give me a break, if your regaurding anything to me in the future....PLZ pm ME! thanx.
    0 points
  46. Well Said I totally agree, thanx, J. James
    0 points
  47. NewHaler

    Stupidest Question Ever

    I personally use a LR atomizer on a Joye Tech 510 when I'm sittin in front of the computer. The LR atomizer gives me personally a better vapor than a standard atty. All a low resistance (Ohms) Atty is doing is in theory allowing the battery to use more of it volts. (by creating less resistance) With a regular atty you would have to increase the batteries voltage (3.7v-7.4v) to get about the same result. But when I increase the volts i seem to get that burnt taste sometimes or a serious throat hit. (which some people are looking for) You really need to experiment on which combination of batteries & atomizers or cartomizers work best for you. Each person is different & will have different expectations. This is way the E-cig world is full of different products. The only way you can go wrong is if you purchase a cheaply made product. Frank
    0 points
  48. I almost positive you can use a lr atty on a standard 510 its not going to hurt to try you ain't going to break it.
    -1 points
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