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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/27/2010 in all areas

  1. I am getting disgusted with the banning crap. OK Tyson (my name) chill out. I cannot fathom the thinking going on here. I understand that the government is worried about this being a glorified device to children. E Cigs were never meant to come out to market as a way to get kids addicted to something (nicotine). I (myself) believe that electronic cigarettes came about because of the push across the nation to be smoke free. Just this last April, Michigan went smoke free in public places (restaurants, bars). I was fine with that. I would go outside during rain, sleet, snow, whatever to have a smoke. It really didn't bother me. Mostly due to having a daughter and I didn't want to subject her to the smoke. When my wife and I bought our first house, the basement became a man cave. I have the bigscreen, movie posters and bar down there. I used to smoke down there. When my wife told me that she was pregnant, I instantly stopped smoking inside and went into the attached garage or back porch depending on wheather. I still wasn't satisfied with the situation. I would go out to the garage and smoke, and then come back inside and play with my daughter Rheagan. I didn't know if the smell on my clothes and person affected her or not. It really bothered me. I found this forum and started using electronic cigarettes. I have been analog free for over a month now and I feel like I am living the life. Right now, it is 2:12a and I am down in my man cave watching Surviving The Cut on Discovery and vaping away. I don't feel guilty any longer. If I am having 1 on 1 time with my daughter, I will not vape, but when I have the opportunity, I do so. This has helped me to keep from smoking for over a month now. Would I want my daughter to think what her daddy is doing is cool? And when she grows up, she is addicted to nicotine by way of an e-cig. Absolutely not. But if a family member of mine was a chronic smoker and was interested in vaping, you better believe that I am going to be a fanboy for e-cigs. I don't know how all of this is going to turn out, but I pray that the powers that be make a rational decision. A decision not based on greed ($) but on how we can better ourselves as a nation.
    2 points
  2. 1 point
  3. JRVapes

    Puresmoker In The News

    Electronic cigarettes on the news! My link
    1 point
  4. One of my first tries at quiting I was wearing the patch and still chain smoking. I would get some wicked headaches and a big buzz. So after I figured out what was causing them I would go outside, take off the patch, smoke my analogs, and then go back inside and put on a patch. That's was one of my first attempts to stop. It didn't work so I gave up the patch. (what a joke)I also tried the gum, candy, etc. Then when I got my first e-gig I was using it and still smoking at least as much as ever. I never had any trouble with it and I don't believe you will either. It's just a matter of using your smarts. If you start to feel bad back off. (I'd say on the analogs)You really wont get enough nic vaping and smoking to do you much harm. Unless you're vaping 50mg liquid. So don't give up. You will find vaping is a much better choice and a whole hell of a lot more fun. Good luck and happy vaping.
    1 point
  5. Today was like Christmas. I went to school this morning and took a couple of exams, then came home and went to lunch with my wife. We got home and it was 1:00p. The mailman is usually here around then. I walked down the driveway and inside of my mailbox was 3 small priority shipping boxes! Yeah!!! One of the boxes is from Electronicstix.com I got me a 5 pack of their new LR cartomizers to try out. I also got my first wide mouth driptip. I have 4 of the Nhaler twisted drip tips, but I am loving this wide mouth. Another box contained my Joker variable voltage e cig along with the voltage reader. I am very excited about this bad boy. I will be doing a review later. Last but not least, was a package with a bunch of different Lorann and Flavourart flavorings as well as a bottle of a different kind of VG to use. This did not come from a store. This came from the very generous forum member Kitsune! Out of nowhere she asked me if I would be interested in trying some different stuff. I said sure, and 2 days later, all of this stuff arrives. She is unbelievable. Thank you so much Kit. I will be taking your Q, and paying if forward in the future. Thank you for your generosity.
    1 point
  6. FTJoe

    Ego Over 510? Why?

    For some folks the look and feel of a cigarette is yet another mental habit that needs to be broken. More importantly, as the beginning vaper struggles with obstacles and learning new things, its important that not too much is too strange. I have always felt if people are asking and not jumping, there's nothing wrong with a 510 + pcc. Once they are in the swing and start asking the questions like how can I get more, I'm bored, the 510s are backups, and the ego is the main. The rest of the supplies are not wasted and everyone is happy. I know I needed it, then went to the JS, then back to the 510, then mega, then spade, then ego.
    1 point
  7. I will be mixing like mad this weekend. I have 1 more exam tomorrow in Human Relations and then I am done for just about a month until the fall semester starts. I have to keep my fingers crossed that I make it into the program I am going for. There will be 60 or so people applying and they may take 20. I have been working my butt off so I think my chances are good. I didn't do horrible in high school (about a 3.5 GPA) but if I had dedicated myself 17 years ago like I have been now, I could have gotten into a good school and perhaps had a scholarship right off the bat. Better late than never though.
    1 point
  8. OK I have heard to make sure to get genuine Joye products but I wonder how to know for sure cause I just googled Joye ego and found 2 stores selling same package...wait they only come with one atomizer and now I cannot remember if the other places I looked came with 1 or 2...but they both say JOYE EGO...and I was kinda goin' to get a low res atty anyway...and then some cartos too soon. Anyway www.liquidnicotine.com is selling ego for 50 bucks which sounded cheap until I saw www.bigboxstore.com selling them for 35.71!!!! nowhere does it say it is not joye and it does say that it is joye so when I am warned to only by joye, is it that store will lie and claim to be joye when they are not or is it just to not buy them when they do noy say joye? Does that make sense? Is this a deal I should not pass up is what I am asking cause I am kinda broke this week but I can charge this if it is true. I can wait for a while and am not even sure if I should just wait till I can afford a buzz or some other higher voltage thing...ARGH! I just want one cause everybody is talkin' about the awesome battery life etc. If this is a gen article at bigboxstore than I kinda think I should get it...I've never even heard of bigboxstore but I had never heard of cignot...
    1 point
  9. yeah or they in china and shipping will bring the cost back up
    1 point
  10. Not always... some only include one cone and one atty and sell a little cheaper. Still, I'd stick with a reputable supplier.
    1 point
  11. Hard to say. Looks like bixboxstore ships from China, so it may take a while to get your order and you'll probably pay more for shipping. I have heard of liquidnicotine, but have never ordered from them. Joye is pretty strengent about the price it allows distrbutors to sell the eGo for.
    1 point
  12. OK see I thought I saw 2 batteries for sure on the VT site. 2 cones as well eh... otherwise it had all the other stuff.
    1 point
  13. Thats what I am scared of but they have paypal and ususally paypall only is available on reliable sites and it says Joye...Yer probably right but the price is so...mmm...hey I just noticed it says I am a memeber and not a noobie now...I still feel like a noob...also can someone help me w/ the smoke free banner...after I put in info it goes to a screen with 2 boxes and a link to pic. but I don't know what to do after that. Thanks again!
    1 point
  14. a real kit will have 2 batts 2 attys 2 cones wall AND usb charger and a lil carrying pouch
    1 point
  15. Don't do it! Prolly a knock off or a fake! Get one from VT or wordupecig.com vaporgalaxy.com or another REPUTABLE supplier that have GREAT customer service!
    1 point
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