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  1. kitsune

    Ego Questions

    Much of the information is personal preference and habits. Many things are trial and error. you will find you will try different techniques along the way. #1 Do I need to go ahead and order a stock of empty cartridges? with vaping there are two options: 1. dripping. can get drip tips that make this easier. the end of the tip is open to allow direct dripping of liquid to the atomizer. If you are going to use carts, its handy to have a few extras. nothing urgent however. #2 How long can I refill the preloaded ones for?(All I will have are the preloaded ones) you can essentially use the carts indefinitely. they will need to be replaced if the edges become too melted (happens occasionally) or if the cart is fitting too loosely. #3 Is it just the wick in the cartridge that goes bad? The wick is actually fibers found in the atomizer. the cart filling is the only thing that needs to be changed or cleaned in the cart. #4 has anyone tried to find a suitable wick substitute for repacking cartridges? Personally I prefer the blue foam found at strictly ejuice. their site even has a diagram and instructions for using the blue foam. I have been through many, many types of filler and the blue foam has worked best for me. https://strictlyejui...dppdvcfn5ma7mo4 Many members prefer dripping and do not use cartridges/filler, others use cartomizers (atomizer/cartridge combination)--I use combination of carts and dripping. This is one of those areas you will have to try for yourself to see what works best for you. #5 Is there any need to have the 2 eGo's or is it just a convenience thing? you never know when a battery will decide to stop working. keeping the extra battery handy will save you the aggravation of being stuck with nothing to vape with. I love backups and then backups for my backups. the technology has improved greatly and the products are more reliable, but you never know when parts will stop working. #6 How many drops on average does it take to get the equivalent of an analog (avg. being 5 minutes) sorry no good answer for this one. I don't use my ego like a cigarette--I take a drag whenever the mood strikes me (frequently). my ego is rarely out of reach. #7 Is there any other "must have" equipment? If you spend sometime on the forum, there is always something new and cool. I say again, backups are good to have around. sounds like you have enough to get you started and well under way. #8 Is there any thing you can think of that I need to know, remember, think about, plan for, or avoid? There is a learning curve with learning to vape. be patient. Its not a cigarette--long, slow, gentle drags work best for throat hit and vapor production. You will discover soon enough how much better vaping is than smoking. I hope the information helps. as you look around the forum you will find tons of information and how to videos. Happy soon to be vaping Jolly beat me to it.
    2 points
  2. Jolly

    Ego Questions

    #1 Do I need to go ahead and order a stock of empty cartridges? i would buy double of what you think you need, much like when you're out camping and collecting firewood. cartridges are a pain, they can flood your atty, leave juice inside that cant get to the atty.. etc look into cartos, much better design, can be refilled, and are much cheaper to buy. you can buy cartomizers for about $1 for blanks (not filled with juice) they can be purchased off the vapor talk store and work with your ego. #2 How long can I refill the preloaded ones for?(All I will have are the preloaded ones) the carts, as long as you want. the basic setup uses an attomizer and cartridge. the cart is just a plastic mouth piece with a place that the juice sits. the juice is held in with a filler that will remind you of cotton or fiberglass. #3 Is it just the wick in the cartridge that goes bad? the coil actually goes bad, and that is located in the atomizer or bottom of a cartomizer. #4 has anyone tried to find a suitable wick substitute for repacking cartridges? the wick is in the atty, under the bridge, wrapped in a coil, the coil is the heating element. as for the cartridges, people use the blue foam used for fish tank filters. here is an image of this product for me, it's a messy thing to deal with. if i want something that holds juice i'll just do a cartomizer. #5 Is there any need to have the 2 eGo's or is it just a convenience thing? you wouldn't need two egos. you want at least 2 batteries, and 5 atomizers or cartomizers around at all times. if you have the ability to order more, do it. it's a good idea to have a PT (passthrough) so that way you don't need to always have a battery charged and vaping on PTs are powered by a usb connection. #6 How many drops on average does it take to get the equivalent of an analog (avg. being 5 minutes) when vaping you're not going to end up vaping for 5mins and then put it down. pretty much what happens is you pick it up, vape a few times and then put it down. that's one of the things i love about vaping, i don't feel required to finish what would feel like an entire smoke. #7 Is there any other "must have" equipment? Q-tips, i'll end up being the only person ever to say that is a must have. people send me "dead" batteries for me to make mods with all the time. i haven't had but 2 dead ones in the 20 that i have received so far. most of these people never clean the battery threads and then it makes zero contact, or such a little bit that it cant power the device. after you are done using the ego clean the threads out, before charging clean the threads out. also clean your atty threads. now if you are going to go diy with juice that's another story. #8 Is there any thing you can think of that I need to know, remember, think about, plan for, or avoid? this is a transition, not a sure fire stop as soon as you get the ego. if you're dieing for a cig, have one.. just don't keep smoking them like you normally would. the idea is to cut back, then stop the smoking. some just swap right away, but we aren't all idental when it comes to our needs. planing, just keep extra stock of supplies around avoid, don't go buying something before first asking if anyone has anything to say about it. that's how most people get burnt. though, they might hate something like a flavored juice, you might love it. so just take into consideration and then use a judgment call on it.
    2 points
  3. 1. Is it normal to vape almost constantly? yep, when you first start you vape like nuts. you will cut back, but, by that time you may want to swap to something with a better mAh (the rating of battery life) 2. I have read elsewhere that you need to keep hydrated well while vaping. But I have not really read why. So.... Why? pg and vg pull moisture to the chemical. so when you vape you are removing water from your system. not a lot but if you vape a lot you will get cotton mouth. 3. Sometimes when I am heavily puffing away I get a taste that reminds me of the times I would break a cigarette and use scotch tape to put it back together. I.E. melted tape taste. Is that the fill melting or just something unique to PG liquids when they get too hot? i would think that your melting the plastic cart. open it up and look at the cart to see if it is warped. 4. I came to VT because one of the other major PV forums out there were so full of Blu bashing that I didn't feel comfortable posting there for fear of replies along the lines of "Send it back before it's too late" and "Get a 510 , nothing is better". It seems that VT is more tolerant of those of us who chose the Minicig l88b format to vape with. Is this true here at VT? at VT we believe in saying; "if you like it and it works for you, have at it". though, there's more of us that would like to bash on that then i'll let you know about, lol. 5. I am currently waiting on an order from ModernVapor.com of blank carts, 3 bottles of E Liquid (mmm peach!) and some Fluval foam to load up my own carts. Any tips for other accessories to purchase to make my refilling woes less? skip carts and attys, use cartomizers. all that goodness but less of the mess. i use cartomizers for on the go and attys for at home and just drip with them.
    1 point
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