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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/14/2010 in all areas

  1. I understand your frustration. There is a learning curve to e-cigs. You don't just pick it up and smoke it like a cigarette. It takes practice and patience to get it down. It is like learning to ride a bike. It is hard at first and easy later. Please don't give it away. If people gave them away then no one would be vaping because we have all been in your shoes. Anyway, lets work on solving your problem. The most important thing is to NOT try to quit smoking. This isn't like the patch where you fight the urge to have a smoke and feel guilty every time you fail. If you need a smoke then get one. Moving to electronic cigarettes isn't an instant change but a transition. Be patient. The logic you had to get a flavor that matched your smokes is the same logic we all had. We start out with the tobacco flavors but almost all of us start to prefer other flavors. You will not find an e-cig flavor that tastes like a cigarette because most of the flavor is from the combustion. If you put tobacco in a vaporizer(not an ecig) it would taste totally different than setting it on fire. The natural flavors of tobacco are not what you get from smoke. Therefore it is hard if not impossible to make an e-juice that tastes identical to smoke. This may sound like a bad thing. I thought it was but it isn't. It is a good thing. I recommend buying a few samples of other flavors you like(chocolate, cherry, coffee...). You will be surprised when you find out what your all day vape will be. It most likely won't be a tobacco flavor. The breaking in time all depends. For me it is usually a few hours. Keep at it if it is the only flavor you have. It could be that it needs to break in, you might not be used to the flavor, the flavor could suck, or it could be something else. Can you describe the flavor and have you tried direct dripping onto the atty instead of using carts? It is strange that there is a smell. Does the cart look melted inside? What does it smell like? That is it for now. I'll let others jump in. DON'T GIVE IT AWAY! This is the easiest way to give up smoking but it takes time, practice, and patience to get it down. This could be your only chance to quit smoking, have better health, and save money. Trust me. I bought a piece of crap e-cig from Smoking Everywhere about a year ago. I was frustrated but I didn't give up. I'm an ex-smoker today.
    1 point
  2. the steps 1.) clean the atty under hot water then blow it out and try it with a towel. let it sit to dry out. (i put mine behind my xbox when it's on for a rapid drying). 2.) prime the atty with 3 drops of liquid. (sort of need a drip bottle for this part). 3.) view the cart and make sure it has liquid at the top. not to the point where it looks like it will get on you but that it isn't dry. place it back into the atty. 4.) let it sit for 3-5 mins and then vape it. if it taste burnt, that might just be a dry atty. i for one hate the taste of tobacco flavor juice and even cigs. if it does still taste like crap, snag some other 3ml juice and see how they taste to you. i tend to vape my caramel-apple, kiwi-strawberry with hint of blueberry, watermelon, grape, and menthol. other than those i haven't really tried or liked anything else.
    1 point
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