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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/21/2010 in all areas

  1. I wouldn't really consider it a professional 'review' or anything. More like an opinion. Language Warning!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVI3PmUJG-I Also this is my first e-cig i've owned and I have to thank you guys here at the forum for helping me out. I know i've only made a few posts but I've lurked around here quite a bit.
    1 point
  2. Hey man, you can give VT here a shot they got some pretty rad juices. I would recommend trying Dulcis or Mentha Also tastyvapor has a great deal on liquid. You can buy 1 30ml bottle of 48mg nic for $15.00 and a 60ml doubler ( liquid without nic ) for $10.00 and mix them all to get 90ml of16mg E-liquid all for $25.00 just keep in mind it will take a little bit longer for you to recieve your order from them as they mix there own E-liquid to order. For you second question of VG vs PG PG = more throat hit VG = more vapor I found that mixing them togethor is the best way to vape. evan a 90/10 of PG/VG is very noticable. PG is short for Propylene Glycol
    1 point
  3. PG is Propylene Glycol. The difference between the two is vapor production and flavor. VG is supposed to give more vapor but it can cut the flavor a little, while PG does the opposite. This is kind of subjective and I've heard both sides of the story. People get a PG/VG mix to get the best of both worlds. I don't particularly like VG or mixes. Each person is different so what may work for some, doesn't work for you. A lot of this game is trial and error. By the way, 25 carts for 25$ isn't a very good deal. I would stick to direct dripping or refilling the carts. You can get Juice on tons of online vendors, I would check out the Certified Suppliers of the forum. I've ordered Juice from about 20 different places, some I liked, others not so much. Good luck finding what's right for you.
    1 point
  4. I may lower the post count on the mosh pit actually. One thing to keep in mind is that not all suppliers (especially the bargain suppliers) sell genuine Joye products. While some people think I'm a Joye Fan boy (and I suppose I am) you just can't beat their quality. The reason your Totally Wicked products lasted as long as they did is because TW sells Joye and only Joye. Some other cheap suppliers sell look a likes that don't always work great. I suggest taking a look at this article I created here: http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/forum/Home/index.php/vapor-talk/interesting-info/100-fake-electronic-cigarettes It will give you incite into what to look for when buying online. Sorry to hear you got screwed but at least now we can give you the information to stop this from happening again.
    1 point
  5. No problem keiko. Your post have been very subdued and don't rise to the level of being placed in the Mosh Pit lol. If you want to vent and get it off your chest feel free to post in the Mosh Pit and let the explicatives fly .
    1 point
  6. We know what you're going through. It's really rough when things don't work. I really hope the eGo works for you. It sure did for me and a lot of other people out there, but then I don't know of anyone else who has had this much trouble right off the bat. Try to hang in there. It really is worth it. You already got some great advice, so I'll just ask a couple of questions here. Have you watched any of the "how to" videos on this site? One of the main things to vaping is that it is not exactly like smoking. You need to take longer, slower drags than you do with a cigarette. Filling your mouth with the vapor before inhaling also helps a lot. Are you doing it that way? It's possible you're trying too hard. I know I did in the beginning. Once I got that part figured out, the rest fell into place. Please feel free to ask all the questions you need to ask. We don't mind answering. That's what we're here for. We'll do everything we can to help you out.
    1 point
  7. thats a good review. and talking about your job it looks like you have a dennys shirt on. just saying., i used to work at dennys and that looks like their shirts.
    1 point
  8. Hello, I'm sorry for you problems. I'm not sure the question, honestly, but I have a couple of my own that may help us with your problems. I'm not sure what devices you initially had trouble with, but since there's such a learning curve to this it might simply be that the units you're using are not the best. While it's true that defects happen, statistically having a run of bad luck like that is not likely. I think it's more likely that the units you're working with are not very powerful; I suspect your ego will go a long way toward satisfying you. If you're looking for a more analog-like drag, you may want to use low resistance atomizers on your ego; that will give you better throat hit and more, though warmer, vapor. But they do make the ego more like a 5V device, which is - my opinion! - most desirable. You may wish to contact PayPal to get your refund processed. They'll go through a whole bureaucratic process but ultimately you'll get your money back. Just be patient. These amounts of money are probably not worth hiring an attorney for; it'd cost more than the money you got back. We do have a supplier review section, as well as a venting forum. Check out the supplier mosh pit -- you can vent all you like and people will commiserate with you all day. Believe me, many of us have had the same frustrations you're feeling, and someone may have really good advice for you. If nothing else, you'll sure feel better. Just hang in there, ask your questions when you feel like you're having trouble with your devices. Sometimes it's just a matter of changing the way you use it; small changes can make all the difference in the world. Really. We're here to help you succeed. I wish you the best! Oh - one other thing. I went through several devices until I found one that worked well for me -- and I'm still finding things that work better all the time. You could be going through that process too, just finding the combination that works for you. Vaping is a very personal thing and what works for one person may totally suck for the next. But we'll support you, just hang in there!
    1 point
  9. lol funny review, tons of energy!
    1 point
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