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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/11/2010 in all areas

  1. I was about to come on here and rant and Chris' new article on the home page is a good place to start. Home Page Article Is it to much to ask for vendors to just tell us what it is? I spend a lot of time looking at the plethora of suppliers and it bothers me when they just list a 510 kit as a "510 kit", and attys that are listed at "510 atty" or something deceptive live "replacement atty for Joye 510" or "replacement atty for Joye eGo" when it's not a Joye atty. I want to know what I'm buying and I will not buy from a vendor that doesn't clearly state who the manufacturer is. And what's up with the eGo knock-offs? If you want to sell the EM Riva, fine, but call it what it is, don't try to be deceptive about it. Some vendors call it an eGo even though it's not a Joye eGo. Some, while not calling it an eGo, twist words to try to make you think it's a eGo, or better than an eGo. One vendor has one listed and in parenthesis says (aka: Riva/eGo). That's BS. It's either a Riva or an eGo. In this case I'm pretty sure it was an EM Riva, but don't try to deceive me! And now there's the T-Rex. I'm still trying to find out if it's Joye or not. So I ask, it is to much to just call it what it is? I know there are some marketing gimmicks, but Ecigs can be confusing enough, especially for noobies, so why not just tell us what it is (who's the manufacturer)! Am I being too picky wanting to know if something is made by Joye? I don't think so.
    2 points

    The Buzz -

    Man brother!! Let me start off by saying that if I had all of the issues that you are having... I would have been PISSED OFF as well!! So, having said that, my button is TOTALLY not like the "rubber/orange" button that yours has!! Mine is a really small, hard/black button that is perfectly in the hole and centered like it should be. It looks to me like your adjustment screw is in the bottom of the hole provided for it as well. Mine is directly in the center. I'm thinking that the parts inside yours didn't get installed just like they should have been. Thats not cool in my book either... I too would not accept it the way it is! You need to seriously send it back and have it fixed, etc. As for the atty connection/screw...I wasn't thrilled when I saw that either. But I can tell you that mine works great with all adapters, etc. Everything fits great with no wobble or space like you are dealing with. I really don't get why yours is doing what it's doing. But I think it goes back to being put together a bit "off" to begin withh. Knowing what I know with mine... if I were you, I would TOTALLY send that lemon back and demand a different one that is right... and that has been tested out with different adapters, etc. I seriously have not had a single problem with mine at all.... but yours is not something that would work for me either my friend. SEND IT BACK... but please don't let this one put a bad taste in your mouth to the point of not getting a replacement unit. Afterall, this is by far the best MOD I have in my collection... I don't even think about using anythhing else during the day. Oh, and one other thing... I have NO RATTLING around of the batteries, etc. like you are having! I think I'm using the exact same batts that you are... the grey Ultra Fire ICR 123A 880mAh. Something is not right there either!! Sorry your experience was so piss poor... I just think that there were some mistakes made when he made yours. And I'm betting he would stand behind it also. You should be getting what you paid for... and you did not. Don't settle.
    1 point
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