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  1. VaporTalkStore.com Dulcis 24mg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsmryyzQeqE
    1 point
  2. It's totally worthwhile in that once you're set up it's very inexpensive in cost per ml to make your own. There is significant upfront expense, similar to getting set up for vaping itself. But once you're over the hump there, maintenance is very inexpensive, on the order of 25 cents per ml. But the real value of DIY is making your own liquid to your own specs. I vape 6V and commercial liquid just did not work for me. So I've formulated my own mix and it's perfect. This is something you cannot get any other way. So in that regard if nothing else, DIY is totally worth the effort and cost. That's just my .02. May I add one thing. When you start mixing flavors for your own recipes, there will be some waste; some things will just taste like old socks and you'll have to throw them down the drain. That's right, I've made stuff that was not salvageable in any way! So what I learned to do is to taste new recipes with 0 nic PG or VG so that I don't lose the nic base too. Just a thought. When you hit that first recipe that's everything you hoped for you'll be hooked forever!
    1 point
  3. ddavelarsen

    Diy Mixing

    Hi sensay, welcome to the light side! To get set up for mixing you'll want a few basic things. Unfortunately you can't get them all in one place. What a raw deal but that's just the deal. Actually, you probably can get most everything you need from one or two places, but there's going to be specific flavors you want that you'll have to go looking for. Here's a list of what I consider the basics: PG and/or VG nic base, with a high enough nic level that you can cut it at least by half and still get your desired end nic strength. For example if you vape 24mg you could probably get away with 48mg base.0 nic PG and VG. These are cheap, though PG is a bear to find except by mailorder.Flavorings. Common brands are Lorann's, Fairy's Finest, Capella, Perfumer's Apprentice, Flavour Art. I'm beginning to lean back toward Lorran's because they seem to be the most concentrated to me, which can be important if you like a Lot of flavor.Storage and carry bottles. I like to store larger quantities of everything in glass dropper bottles easy to find on eBay. 30 ml bottles would be a decent size to be handy to use but I have some 60 ml bottles for storing mixed liquid. Also 3 ml and 6 ml plastic drip bottles.Pipettes for dripping. One thing that can throw you is that different drippers have different drop sizes. You'll have to adjust your calculator for the number of drops you get per milliliter; that really varies! So using the same kind of disposable pipette can help to standardize mixing. (Disposable pipettes can be rinsed out and used many times.)Latex gloves. Mixing is messy and you don't want to get high-nic base on your skin; it can make you quite sick.A calculator for determining the volume of each component for your mix. Don't use mine, I found a math error that I haven't fixed yet. There's a thread here with a great calculator that also includes a ton of nice recipes and some 'how to' type information. I think that covers the basics at a high level. Look through other threads here to find suppliers and many good ideas. You may hear some conflicting advice but you'll soon determine what you'll want to try first. One thing that I'm figuring out that works well for me is to mix your flavoring together in a discrete bottle. Then you can experiment with PG/VG proportions, how much flavoring to add, etc without messing up a whole mix when you get it not-quite-perfect the first few tries. Also, you can mix with 0 nic base to test flavor and vapor properties before you commit your measure of nic base. Good luck, have fun, ask all your questions and vape on! You found the right place.
    1 point
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