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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/17/2010 in all areas

  1. nana

    Ulitimate Pay It Forward

    I was watching the news tonight and one segment was entitled "Paying It Forward". That caught my eye. Now I have to tell you all about it. The report was on a very special reunion. It began with a 24 year old girl who died. Her mother donated the daughter's kidney to a woman who was waiting for one. The husband of this lady was so grateful that he donated one of his kidneys to someone else. The man who received that kidney had a wife who was so grateful that she donated one her kidneys. The whole thing ended up with 14 people giving kidneys and 14 people getting kidneys. It was a domino effect - right down to all the surgeries being set up one right after the other. All of the people involved in this were the ones having the reunion. That has got to be the ULTIMATE paying it forward. And it all started with a grieving mother who was willing to think of one other person in what was probably one of the darkest hours of her entire life.
    1 point
  2. Welcome to vaping. I will try to answer some of your ?'s Yes, this dizzyness will go away. Or if it doesn't then try to lower the nicotine dose. Your kit came with a bottle. Im assuming that is your juice. Usually you will add more liquid when you start to lose the vapor/taste, and sometimes will get a burnt taste. That simply means your out of juice, and will need to add more. I would recommend dripping 3 drops directly on the atty. Drip, Vape, repeat! I think the battery will last roughly 2 hours on your kit. I would charge the batteries as soon as they go dead, just so you will have a fresh one when the other dies. Hope this helps.
    1 point
  3. kitsune

    Fluval Toxicity?

    Hey Gnerd--Heres an idea you might try---- After using the Blue foam, I decided to go to the pet shop and see what Fluval makes. I found Fluval foam ( 204/205 and 304/305) #A-222 http://www.amazon.com/Hagen-Fluval-Foam-2-Pack-222/dp/B001D02O64/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=home-garden&qid=1267622799&sr=8-1 Works just as well as the blue foam. You can cut the fluval to fit the 801 and see if it helps. The foam is not intended to fill the entire cart, only about 1/3 of the cart. It might be worth a shot. https://strictlyejuice.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=67_49&products_id=222&zenid=m3kc9glm9inns2h6anctfcckl3 Instructions for Use: A Big Thank You to our 6016 successful use stories! (Note: Please do not double or fill your cartridge with two pieces of blue foam, this will defeat each individual foam's purpose. You want to make certain that you have a reservoir of e-juice below the filler, if you place two fillers, then the bottom filler will soak your juice, which will decrease the amount of juice sent to the atomizer)
    1 point
  4. Turns the eGo into a citizen be good stick
    1 point
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