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  1. Dave, the spending buying habits with spouse, that is probably why I would be terrified to marry again after what my X spouse put me through. LOL! Don't feel bad, even without one, I was so broke when I started to look into this ecig device on this same forum. I had lost 2 jobs, and was on this forum trying to learn what to buy on credit while I was trying to go cold turkey. I had about a week of severe struggling, when new neighbors started blasting music 24/7 and pushed me over the edge. I then decided I could NOT afford to go to the local store here in N.Y. anymore, not even for 1 more pack of analogs. The prices here are just too outrageous. So I went to the Indian Reservation. On the way back, just as I said to my son, "This will probably be the last time we go to the Indian Reservation", (I really believed because of all you good people on this forum that this electronic cigarette device was going to work), I suddenly hear a siren and flashing lights. Oh, great, like things were not bad enough! I ended up with three tickets related to my very old jalopy that I keep trying to hold together just to have some transportation and trying to keep above water. From there, I was terrified what was going to happen when I showed up in Court and did not have any money for tickets. To make matters even worse, my son who is multiply-handicapped was given a ticket. They said he did not have a seat belt on, but he did. My son cannot defend himself in a Court of Law, and not good with answering questions, especially when stressed out, and Courts are a Big One for Stress. Now I am thinking they are going to put me in jail because I cannot pay the tickets, and my poor son will not be able to care for himself. I will never forget how this journey to try to quit analogs started for me, given this story. I had ordered my Joye 510 kit, but I had not received it yet. I knew when I got my kit and my one bottle of ejuice that I could cut the "Nic" down with VG if need be. Problem was, after I did get my ecig kit, the only place I could get VG without waiting for shipping or spending more money I did not have was to go to Wal-Mart. I could not get there, because the inspection sticker on my car was expired, thus explains one of the tickets I had received. A really good Sumerian on this forum sent me some ejuice after I began to get ill from the high "Nic", or I may have given up at that point. I had a carton of analogs from the Reservation, and I still do. I could have easily gone back to analogs when I got ill. But instead, because of the help I received on this forum, I have not had a single analog since I got my Joye 510 kit and started without any analogs the following day. As for what happened about the tickets and the Court, I spend much time praying. I also wrote a letter to the Judge about my son. I did not want to have to embarrass him in front of other people in Court by revealing all handicaps in public as to why he cannot answer for himself. I prayed that somehow I would only have to pay $50, and they would not stress out my son. My prayers were answered exactly as I asked. The Judge even winked at my son, and he smiled with such relief as we left. As for the good Sumerian, who helped me from this forum, I was told to "pay it forward". I did just that finally on the 1st of this month. Besides showing this device to anyone I can, there is a girl who lives in the lower apartment from us who smokes. She finally revealed to me after I showed and let her try my ecig months ago that she too could not afford to buy one. Another single Mom struggling. I gave her everything I started with and then some once I got the VP-PT, and a few other things I long waited to get. USBpassthroughVP, I know if I can do it with what I went through, I know you too will do really well. There really is so much to learn, and the people here are so knowledgeable and helpful. I know that you are in good hands here if you need any help or any support, don't be afraid to ask any of us. I believe this is important. And the fact you are already here asking questions shows you're already on your way to being free from analogs. I almost forgot, you asked about where to put the drops. Dripping was already mentioned, but here is a video that shows how to top off your cart, instead of dripping. Also Dave is right, it is hard to buy every ejuice in every strength. You can always cut down the "Nic" strength with VG or PG. You can get VG at Wal-Mart. I would not recommend buying the highest "Nic" level of ejuice to start with. If you can afford it, it is also good to try some other flavors of ejuice. You can even mix a drop or two with whatever flavor you have picked to try to match whatever type of analog cigarette you have been used to in your cartridges. Sorry, I guess I am jumping the gun. You can buy pre-filled cartridges with ejuice, but I think most don't do this all the time because it is costly, so they may buy bottles of ejuice to either fill or top off their cartridges with. So make sure to buy yourself some extra cartridges, called "carts" if you go this route. There are some really excellent Videos on YouTube to show just about anything you may want to see how to do. Try this one about topping off your cartridge with a bottle of ejuice: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=q9PVrsCC5-0 Only difference, the Joye 510 does not have an inner cart like in this Video, but that just makes it easier. Sorry guys for the long story, Hope this will encourage others that anything is possible, and Dave brought up the buying collecting habits. I also wanted him and his spouse to know without God and this forum, I would not be here doing so well! I thank God, this forum, and also a good friend and prayer partner who prayed with me during this struggle and recently (last month) passed away very suddenly. I always saw miracles happen whenever we agreed in prayer together for all we knew and all we could of this world, my heart is so sad now to know the world lost a real angel, my friend Marlene for whom I will try to carry on her same Love, Compassion and Prayers for others as well as her Great Faith! USBpassthroughVP, you are in good hands here on this forum. I will be praying for you also!
    3 points
  2. Brian

    (Another) Battery Question

    Ok - the 600 mah is just a misprint... it's really 360. It's the same battery used in the Spade, and it's to big for the PT. Here's what you need: My link I know I've seen them other place, but can't for the life of me find them now. I also checked batteryjunction and allbattery and didn't see them. If I find them elsewhere, I'll post it. I just checked and it's the same battery that the Joye/Janty Stick V3 uses.
    1 point
  3. You are doing Fine! Its a learning curve that everyone who drips will experience. Become ONE with your atomizer. As soon as you start to taste even a hint of burnt-add two or three more drops. When you get a whole LOT of vapor, that means you have about two or three more drags before the burnt taste. Add three more drops. Heat is bad. Its like firing a rifle more than three times in semi auto, the barrel gets real hot. Same with the LR atty. Juice will run out of the holes. You will find balance. Use the force...
    1 point
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