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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/21/2010 in all areas

  1. I think we need a new vaping device called the "HR1256" just for principal's sake.
    2 points
  2. Bigjim


    I was poking around a hobby store the other day and noticed two different types of VG. In the soap/candle making section was a seemingly thinned out VG and in the cake/candy making section was a much thicker VG. Was weird because both bottles claimed to be 100% VG. Anyway, if ya bought the thinner VG you probably wouldn't need to thin it out, but that thick stuff doesn't look vapable at all without thinning it somehow, water I assume, but ya might as well thin it with something that provides TH, eh? I would go for a 100 proof vodka like black label Smirnoff or something (if ya can't get EC).
    1 point
  3. I had to try and capture the one comment... "In every society, in every part of the world, in every period of history there is always a large group of people who simply want to be left alone to live their lives according to their best judgment, and there's always a smaller more domineering group that believe they are so good at running their own lives, they are just naturally entitled to run every one else's as well. Fantastic... Jefferson's quote very apt as well. A balance must be found. "...a wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
    1 point
  4. I sure don't doubt it's real. Governments are just doing a shake-down. They want their cut like pharma and tobacco do. Stupid analog businesses just don't know how to take advantage of the digital world. It's true in music, it's true in publishing, it's true in movies. The establishment (oh, we used that word with disrespect in the 70s!) just does not understand how to move sideways. What happens in reality though, is it ends up a diagonal path and everyone gets satisfied. Eventually. The trip getting there though is a big fat MF. Some day we'll see the end of prohibition too, I just may not live to see it. But it's bound to happen because reality is bigger than everybody. Trying to change reality is like pushing a rope up a mountain. Businesses try that every day; it just costs them time and money. Governments try that every day; it just makes them look stupid and the smart voters eventually get their way and vote the stupidest bureaucrats out. Unfortunately there's always plenty of stupid and inertia to drag things far beyond their logical conclusion. The sane response to this is to acquire as large an inventory of critical products as possible. I'm glad I have my nic now; attys are next, and then connectors. I'm not going to take up analogs again until they make me. You guys in denial can go ahead and get ready to smoke or quit nicotine. Your choice. Just realize that eventually vaping will see its worth, and when all the big players have figured out how to get their cut, it'll all be okay again. Trust me. It's just about money.
    1 point
  5. With all due respect, I call BS. There is no news of this. I received a China shipment 2 days ago and have another that has just departed China today. Do you have any proof of this? Edit Your last post did not show up before my post. I understand that there is a lot of pay-offs going on in China, but to say that ecig are illegal, in all of China, like they are in Hong Kong, has got to be incorrect.
    -2 points
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