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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/18/2010 in all areas

  1. Ouster

    Throw Me Contest

    Ive been sitting here most of the evening stewing over the fact someone calling me a...how'd he put it..score submitting cheat. And I was going to get on here post the nastiest post I could think of, cause i really dont take kindly to being called a Cheat, But Im not going to do that. Ok here it is folks..this is how I won. I clicked the start button and then, I clicked the ball....I gave the mouse a quick circular motion and clicked the spacebar till the game was over. Thats it!! I believe I made a post ..WHAT 14 hours before the game was over...that I though the game was buggy. And in that post for the most part, I conceded the game. So..for those of you who would smear my good name in an open forum.............said I wouldnt go there. I would like to thank Chris for hosting the contest..Im sorry it went a little south, I have no intention of turning your forum into a mud slinging pit over this. In fact Im done right now...I have nothing more to say about it. For those of you who congratulated me... Thank you.
    1 point
  2. Jeffb

    Throw Me Contest

    Don't let the haters get you down Ouster. You won fair and square. As far as the people who think he cheated: I will give 30ml of VT juice to the first person that can input 1,299,127 as their own score on the "Throw Me" game in the VT Arcade. hmmmmm maybe I should start a contest
    1 point
  3. I think that the wetbox idea is right on the money. The wet box uses cartos, and feeds juice from the bottom. A blind person should be able to feel for the button, and know where it is instinctively in no time. As snubber said, battery charging might be a challenge, so I would have several batteries that she can work with. I'm thinking maybe 6 batteries so she can have a storage box where she stores fully charged batteries. One battery in use, when it falls off vapor production put it on a separate box for staging "to be charged". place a battery in the charger over night and it will be charged by morning, out of the charger and into the fully charged box. Take a battery from the staging box and put it in the charger, charge all day, should be charged by night. Move charged battery to the fully charged storage box, move a drained battery from the staging box into the charger for the overnight charge. Get the picture? With enough batteries, she should be able to handle this by feel, and the fully charged box should have more batteries in it than the staging box. Filling juice bottles might be the next challenge, is something that she may need help with. I wouldn't want her spilling any on herself. Blind people can learn all kinds of ways to be self sufficient, and getting to know her a little, and how she can use other senses to compensate will help fine tune the plan to her abilities. Concentrate on what she CAN do to compensate for what she can't (see).
    1 point
  4. Burn


    I beleive it is far cheaper to DIY. My recent calculations has me at $.13 per ML, please bear in mind, I am at 8MG strenght, even 24MG would be under $.50/ml Startup cost really isnt that bad. All you really need is dropper bottles ($.79/ea for 2dram size), rubber gloves and pipettes for transferring liquid. My Original start up costs (equipment) was under $20 For materials, I use 100MG base liquid that I get for $99 for 250ML, at 8MG strength and consuming 5ML per day, that is almost a 2 year supply. PG or VG is fairly inexpensive (make sure it is USP)as well. Many can find it locally, I just get it from online vendors. Flavoring was the key, I did not like Loranns oils very much or capellas flavorings. What I did find is that I LOVE Decadent Vapours, which is sold over at TW (Totally Wicked). Putting the mixes together is not any more complicated that being able to count drops. You have 3 basic ingredients, liquid nic, flavoring and a dilutent. You count the drops of the 3 to make the mix. You DO want to be careful and respectful of the liquid nic power. As long as you are not reckless or sloppy about it (I make my mixes in my kitchen sink) you can be very safe. O.k. now for some linkage: Here is where I got all of my supplies: 2dram plastic bottles, latex gloves, syringes, pipettes and PG/VG are all priced nicely at: http://www.ecigexpress.com/diy-supplies-c-3 Liquid Nicotine is purchased here, I can state from experience that the quality of the liquid is very good: http://myfreedomsmokes.com/diy.html Finally, the flavorings: The native site of the supplier (not a store) is: http://www.be9.net/decadentvapours/flavours.htm (favorite flavors include; apple pie, cafe brasiliano, french apple tart, Strawberry tart, Tiramisu, Choc o Mint, Mentholyptus and Sour Cherry) These can be purchased at Totally Wicked http://www.totallywicked-eliquid.com/products/e-liquid-flavourings/decadent-vapours-10ml-flavour-2-product.html (this British company ships out of the US so dont let the funny accents and bad teeth fool you) And finally, you need to create the recipes to make your mixes. There are many but I use this one: http://www.tji-java-ide.com/e-cigarette/index.php?option=com_wrapper&view=wrapper&Itemid=88 You can save your recipes, which is handy. You will see one towards the bottom called: "Decadent Vapors (Any Flavor) by Burn". That is my base recipe that I use, I created it when I was at 12 MG strength. Whomever starts mixing their own, enjoy. Fresh juice, ability to customize and cost will all be benefits you will enjoy when creating your own.
    1 point
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