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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/2010 in all areas

  1. I've been vaping on these juices for about 2 weeks or slightly longer, but I wanted to give them some time before making a final call. Okay, they're all VG. And one of the most wonderful things about WordUpEcig (besides their awesomely huge selection, super low price, and friendly service) is the fact that you can choose either pure PG, pure VG, or a 50/50 mix. That alone is worth a visit, but they also have the most astounding assortment of tobacco flavors too which is attractive to me b/c I really favor tobacco over others. I ordered 5 flavors in pure VG in a sample pack at 11mg strength of 5mil bottles for the super low price of only $20.99. That's about 42 cents per mil! Amazing. Plus Jeff threw in a small 3mil sample bottle of their new "Balanced Blend" in 24mg strength b/c he's essentially very awesome. Here we go: 555: Probably familiar to most of you, but it's a slight tobacco flavor with a very pronounced sweet nutty flavor. Not sure what type of nuts it would be as I don't normally like them. But it's sweet and savory, and definitely makes me a little hungry inbetween meals. My overall favorite due to the fact that the bottle is the most empty of the lot. Tobacco/Russian Tobacco: I ordered "Russion Tobacco" but the bottle is labeled simply "Tobacco". So I'm not sure if this is what I ordered and there just wasn't enough room on the label, or if it's a mistake. Either way, I'm happy with it. Think: your basic generic tobacco flavor. Sweet and just a little dry. Simple, with not very many undertones. Just the slightest little hint of nuttiness, but it's very very faint. Overall, my 2nd favorite evidenced by the fact that the bottle is the 2nd most empty. Jeff's Mix: I had no idea what to expect here, but the fact that it cost an extra $1.00 really intrigued me. A good tobacco base with a sweet fruitiness to it. Not a specific fruit flavor that you can pin down, just generic fruit. But it's actually blended very well, and neither the tobacco or the fruitiness overpower each other. I really enjoy it, and out of the lot it has the strongest throat hit and ranks at #3. Kents: I had no idea what this was supposed to emulate b/c I never smoked Kents cigarettes. Heck, I'd never even heard of them. But it's definitely on the dry side. Not very sweet, but with some fruity overtones. It's hard to imagine fruit not being sweet, but this is what Kents tastes like to me. A savory, dry, tobacco, fruitiness. Pretty good and appears to be my 4th favorite as it is the 4th most empty. Cuban Cigar: Okay, think pungent, strong, super savory, and a dry nutty flavor. Pretty much exactly what I expected. I only had a few cigars back in my analog days, and really this was spot-on with what I remember. It's very uncanny how realistic it is. Definitely not one of my favorites, as it is the 5th most empty in the whole lot. But if you're looking for a realistic cigar flavor that sticks around and lasts in your mouth, this is your beast! Balanced Blend: This was the 3mil sampler Jeff sent me that is in 24mg strength (wow!). Actually very similar to Jeff's Mix except the throat hit seems less even though it's twice as strong as what I'm used to. Just the slightest hint of tobacco flavor with a stronger sweet fruit flavor (no specific fruit) and also just a tad hint of nuttiness. Essentially what it sounds like: a balanced blend of tobacco flavors. Kind of reminds me of some Flue-Cured tobacco I got elsewhere. It's actually very good, but since it's 24mg I can't handle very much of it at all. I have to rank it #6 just due to the fact that the 24mg gives me a buzz after a few minutes. Were it in a lower strength that I can handle, it may rank higher. (whew) Ok so there you have it. On a sidenote, all of these flavors have the best throat hit of any juice I've ever tried. Yup, even better than PG juices. They have a very nice vapor production since they're VG, have a really strong throat hit, but are dilute and thin enough that they drip and soak into your cart just like they were a normal PG juice. But whatever Jeff has in his recipe for throat hit is totally incredible. They all took me by surprise. The one strange thing I noticed, which I have yet to really understand, is that after a few minutes I start getting a weird salty taste in my mouth. Doesn't matter which of the flavors I try. I always get that weird saltiness. I think it's whatever he's using for the throat hit. Sometimes it doesn't bother me that bad, but then other times I just have to switch to something else b/c it's too annoying. That's the only down-side to them. Besides including that sample bottle that I didn't solicit or pay for, he also included a handwritten personalized note. Things like that are what make customers come back for more, and I definitely will be coming back. Thanks Jeff!
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