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  1. Burn


    I beleive it is far cheaper to DIY. My recent calculations has me at $.13 per ML, please bear in mind, I am at 8MG strenght, even 24MG would be under $.50/ml Startup cost really isnt that bad. All you really need is dropper bottles ($.79/ea for 2dram size), rubber gloves and pipettes for transferring liquid. My Original start up costs (equipment) was under $20 For materials, I use 100MG base liquid that I get for $99 for 250ML, at 8MG strength and consuming 5ML per day, that is almost a 2 year supply. PG or VG is fairly inexpensive (make sure it is USP)as well. Many can find it locally, I just get it from online vendors. Flavoring was the key, I did not like Loranns oils very much or capellas flavorings. What I did find is that I LOVE Decadent Vapours, which is sold over at TW (Totally Wicked). Putting the mixes together is not any more complicated that being able to count drops. You have 3 basic ingredients, liquid nic, flavoring and a dilutent. You count the drops of the 3 to make the mix. You DO want to be careful and respectful of the liquid nic power. As long as you are not reckless or sloppy about it (I make my mixes in my kitchen sink) you can be very safe. O.k. now for some linkage: Here is where I got all of my supplies: 2dram plastic bottles, latex gloves, syringes, pipettes and PG/VG are all priced nicely at: http://www.ecigexpress.com/diy-supplies-c-3 Liquid Nicotine is purchased here, I can state from experience that the quality of the liquid is very good: http://myfreedomsmokes.com/diy.html Finally, the flavorings: The native site of the supplier (not a store) is: http://www.be9.net/decadentvapours/flavours.htm (favorite flavors include; apple pie, cafe brasiliano, french apple tart, Strawberry tart, Tiramisu, Choc o Mint, Mentholyptus and Sour Cherry) These can be purchased at Totally Wicked http://www.totallywicked-eliquid.com/products/e-liquid-flavourings/decadent-vapours-10ml-flavour-2-product.html (this British company ships out of the US so dont let the funny accents and bad teeth fool you) And finally, you need to create the recipes to make your mixes. There are many but I use this one: http://www.tji-java-ide.com/e-cigarette/index.php?option=com_wrapper&view=wrapper&Itemid=88 You can save your recipes, which is handy. You will see one towards the bottom called: "Decadent Vapors (Any Flavor) by Burn". That is my base recipe that I use, I created it when I was at 12 MG strength. Whomever starts mixing their own, enjoy. Fresh juice, ability to customize and cost will all be benefits you will enjoy when creating your own.
    2 points
  2. Hi, I haven't posted here since my initial questions last Dec. '09 upon purchasing my first "kit" of the ecig. I'm a 35 year smoker, and honestly during most of that time, I was struggling to quit. Have tried everything, from over the counter to prescription. Must add here that the prescription med (can't think of the name of it...sorry)...made me insane with anxiety! Anyway...I purchased the ecig kit and, from the first puff, I did not want to inhale tobacco. I've been enjoying the ecig now since Dec. 09, but I am able to ignore it for long periods...like weeks!...if I choose to do so. This is something I could never have done while smoking tobacco. While addicted to tobacco (Marlboro Lights), I would wake up anticipating that first cigarette. I do no such thing with the ecig, and really forget it on all mornings. I only take a puff on the ecig for enjoyment, but it is not an addiction as was tobacco! This leads me to conclude that the tobacco companies enhance the cigarette with an extra something that is addictive! I say this only as an addict myself and my 35 year struggle. I wish that those trying to ban the ecig only knew this truth! Patty
    1 point
  3. As storm season hits me here in tornado alley I've started wondering about a 72 hour emergency kit (aka Bug-Out-Bag). I'm long overdue for making one, and last year was a stark reminder of that fact: 8 deaths here in my home town February 2009, only 1/2 mile away from me. I've been lucky in the fact that I've personally seen 9 tornadoes during my lifetime. Last year's 2009 disaster would have been number 10 except that it was night, so visibility would have been impossible except during the brief instances during lightening flashes, but I was huddled inside when the golf-all-sized hail started to hit. Despite seeing 9 other tornadoes during my life, last year's incident really shook me up. Something I didn't realize until my wife pointed out the fact that I've bought about 20 flashlights since then. Now I'm starting to realize it scared the **** out of me on an unconscious level. I guess spending the night alone in the bathtub in the dark with only a piddly little AA flashlight made me realize how unprepared I am. Yeah that's right, I was born and raised in tornado alley but I don't have a storm shelter. Shame on me (but that's a totally different topic). So besides other things, my question is this: Does a personal vaporizer really have a place in a 72 hour emergency kit? I've started to get a few items together (I'm a big fan of MREs since my brother-in-law went down to New Orleans to assist in the Katrina relief efforts, and survived off them for a couple weeks and brought some back to play with). But do they really belong in a 72 hour kit? The only device I can fathom to include would be a home-made 3AA alkaline battery box mod (in a disaster, who's going to think to grab some 14500 lithiums?). That's no problem to make, but should I really be thinking about nicotine when that weight and space could be better suited to more food, water, tools, radios, etc?
    1 point
  4. ddavelarsen


    Great post Burn, +1. (You too kitsune, for your wonderful community spirit! ) One thing I will add though is that I've found it much better to mix proportions by volume rather than by drops. That's because I use a lot of VG, which is much thicker than other components, hense larger drops by a significant margin. To measure by volume I use a baby medicine syringe, available at virtually any pharmacy or pharm section in the grocery store. They're usually about 5 ml. This really makes a huge difference in being able to accurately replicate other recipies. Just my .02. Mixing Madness!
    1 point
  5. kitsune


    Hey Kragax--knock on wood and politicians--if the ban comes through for new york--I am certain we will find a way to get nicotine to you. Colorado as far as I know, isn't squaking yet--be happy to ship some to you if you ever need. !!! and mixing is fun
    1 point
  6. Thanks and props to you all, sitting here with my pass through, tears welling in my eyes. Pass through is awesome!!! As is this forum!!! VAPE ON!!!
    1 point
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