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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/26/2010 in all areas

  1. To Christopher and fellow members of Vaportalk.In light of the recent news that the NY senate is in the works or rather has banned the sales of our beloved Ecigs. I simply ask this of Chris..PLEASE, for all that is good in this world. Let NOTHING happen to this site.Since coming here several days ago,this is my number 2 site that I come to on a daily basis.It's first,Broncosforums.com so that I can keep track of my favorite football team and then over here to vaportalk.This is ONE HELL of a website and I get nervous that the ecig business will slowly begin to fall into despair as this thing happening in NY is not going to stop. How they can deem it worthy of banning sales for is just beyond me. My wife who absolutely despises me smoking analogs and who has spent many a night crying and pleading with me to please quit so that we can live a long and happy life together, now sits on the couch with me watching movies as I vape away like no tomorrow. A goofy grin on her face whenever she sees the little blue LED. She knows that I enjoy smoking and that it has become a part of my daily life,but now...I am making moves to better my health in a positive,alternative way. I will never bash smokers for smoking, It's just something that I choose not to do anymore. Im a vaper and proud of it. So, my main point is this. This website is such a vast source of knowledge for all of us and I just ask that we all stick together on this.Smoking is something that brings people together. I don't know how often I would smoke outside my favorite restaurant and just meet a damn cool person because we lit up a smoke and had a great talk.Whether you are an analog smoker or now a vaper, We are all a fellowship because we all understand the health concerns,the joys, and the pains in the ***'s of smoking.If it came down to the point where Christopher had to charge a monthly fee in order to keep this site up because the sales became suddenly shut off or whatever methods are used to keep the site up fell through.I would GLADLY pay it and I would like to think that Im not the only one alone on that mentality. Thats all, sorry for the rant all. Im just so fired up right now, but on the flip side. Im so thankful that Ive a place to go where folks understand what I am going through. Thanks Chris,all moderators and fellow posters for this site. It's seriously like therapy for me.
    5 points
  2. This post is meant to let all of you in New York know that this is not even remotely close to being over. Even if it passes the Senate, it still is _not_ over. Recently in Illinois we went through the same thing due to SB3174. However, the majority of the outcry against the bill didn't even take place until after it was passed by the Senate. Our bill had moved fairly fast, and this is the reason most people didn't even realize what had happened until it was already on it's way to the House. Yet in the end we were able to defeat the bill for the time being. S7234 is not as far along as ours was and therefore you have even more time to fight it than we had. To give you an idea of what happened in Illinois I'll list the time line below. I am including the steps taken by the citizens of Illinois in protest of the bill as they happened. ------ 2/9/2010 Senate Filed with Secretary by Sen. Terry Link 2/9/2010 Senate First Reading 2/9/2010 Senate Referred to Assignments 2/24/2010 Senate Assigned to Public Health 2/24/2010 Senate Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Filed with Secretary by Sen. Terry Link 2/24/2010 Senate Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Assignments 3/2/2010 Senate Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Assignments Refers to Public Health 3/2/2010 Senate Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Adopted 3/3/2010 Senate Do Pass as Amended Public Health; 006-001-001 3/3/2010 Senate Placed on Calendar Order of 2nd Reading March 4, 2010 3/3/2010 Senate Added as Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Jacqueline Y. Collins 3/4/2010 Senate Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Edward D. Maloney 3/4/2010 Senate Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Kwame Raoul 3/5/2010 Senate Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Ira I. Silverstein 3/5/2010 Senate Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. William Delgado 3/9/2010 Senate Second Reading 3/9/2010 Senate Placed on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading March 10, 2010 3/10/2010 Senate Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Martin A. Sandoval 3/10/2010 Senate Added as Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Mattie Hunter 3/10/2010 Senate Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Louis S. Viverito 3/10/2010 Senate Third Reading - Passed; 049-004-000 3/11/2010 House Arrived in House ------ It was at this point that most of the E-Cigarette users in Illinois had first heard of the bill. There were many here that may have thought it was too late at that point to even fight it. Letter's went out to representatives and authors of the bill from concerned Illinois citizens. And as was found later, letters of protest came in from people living in other states as well. Further people were alerted after an article was run by the Chicago Tribune. 3/11/2010 House Chief House Sponsor Rep. Marlow H. Colvin 3/11/2010 House Placed on Calendar Order of First Reading 3/11/2010 House First Reading 3/11/2010 House Referred to Rules Committee 3/17/2010 House Added Alternate Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Eddie Washington 3/17/2010 House Added Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Joseph M. Lyons 3/17/2010 House Added Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Karen A. Yarbrough 3/22/2010 House Assigned to Human Services Committee 3/23/2010 House Added Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Naomi D. Jakobsson On 4/14 a hearing was scheduled in Springfield. In a fairly impressive show of protest, Illinois E-Cigarette users attended the hearing and were given a chance to speak against the bills passage. It was noted that the officials at the hearing seemed to take what was being said to heart and perhaps even begin to question their own reasons for signing the bill in the first place. The hearing ended with no final decision and a preliminary date for a follow up hearing was listed to take place on 4/21. On 4/15 there was yet another update to the status of the bill as the chair of the Human Services Committee removed her name as a Co-Sponsor of SB3174. 4/15/2010 House Alternate Co-Sponsor Removed Rep. Naomi D. Jakobsson The plan after this was to show for the following week's hearing in even greater number than the first. Surprisingly enough, it didn't even get that far as no notification was given that SB3174 would even be called on 4/21. 4/23/2010 House Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee On the 23rd it was essentially dismissed from the current senate session as explained by Rule 19(a). And in the end a follow-up hearing wasn't even needed. It can pop up again if it is re-introduced in a future session but as of now we are keeping our fingers crossed. Anyhow, I just thought those of you in New York would like to see how the same situation panned out here in Illinois. Even if just to give you a little more hope when it comes to your chances of defeating the bill. On my end, I will be writing a letter or three as a concerned Illinois citizens in support of E-Cigarette users in New York.
    4 points
  3. No suprise! The Goverment is all bent out of shape on vaping because they are not getting their fix from BIG Tobacco is all switch to Vaping. No conspiracy theory.Fact! The goverment made over $14,000,000,000 in just cigarette taxes alone in 2008. Thats why it is a 125 to 0 vote. The goverment is crooked!!Period. They can't get their money out of it ,It should be banned!!! Then they encourage the Patch or Gum(60 to 75% failure rate)....Why? That's right Folks,,They have their hand in BIG PHARM too!! Don't believe me??One Word! Chantix!!! People committed suicide using this crap but it was endorsed by the FDA!!! Big Pharm gotr their money and so dod the Government!! All a bunch of B.S.!! Sorry about the Rant! I'll tell you this.."HELL WILL OPEN IT"S DOORS AND SWALLOW THEM UP BEFORE THEY CAN TAKE THIS AWAY FROM ME!!!!"
    2 points
  4. I will preface this by stating that I do not live in or purchase from NY state. With that said, I am beyond disappointed and in complete disbelief that a room full of public representatives, whom are supposedly extremely well educated, would base a decision on something such as this on misrepresented lies manipulated to promote continued greed for taxpayer dollars. Do not be fooled by the way this vote was conducted. If the possibility of generating new tax revenues for NY would have been presented as a counterpoint to Linda B. Rosenthal's position, the nay votes would have been swayed quite easily. I also cannot believe that there was no comparison done to examine the legal position of state of CA and their handling of electronic cigarettes (personal vaporizers). Ms./Mrs. (I don't care) Rosenthal, please show me some data, some facts, SOMETHING!!! I do not support the kiosk sales and would never condone sales to minors either. However, I would not speak so freely without evidence to provide as to the contents or health ramifications of personal vaporizers. Congratulations to the elected sheep of NY for voting without any knowledge at all. It would seem to me that vapors will have to take up the fight to the FDA to produce factual data regarding personal vaporizers. I have no problem regulating them for purchase and consumption by adults only. Make them available through the same means as other regulated products, such as pharmaceuticals, tobacco, alcohol, etc. To stand there and say people are becoming addicted to cancer causing anti-freeze and promoting sales to children is ridiculous. Without any knowledge of the topic, most people in their right mind would vote against that (I would hope). Although she left the door open for NY to revoke the ban pending FDA approval, we all know without generating tax dollars for NY there is little or no chance of this ever happening. We also know that if the federal government does not generate tax revenue from these products, the position of the FDA will not change. If these so called protectors of the public gave a damn they would go after big tobacco first, and I don't mean let people smoke outside as long as we get our tax revenue from them killing themselves. Cigarettes in NY at $10 a pack generate a substantial amount of money for the state. Ms./Mrs. Rosenthal's position is clear, "WE ONLY CARE ABOUT SAVING LIVES IF WE ARE NOT GETTING ANY MONEY FOR IT!" I only hope we as a collective do not take this action lightly or quietly. They are supposed to work for us. I can only pray that other states will not be so foolish and so greedy as to make uninformed decisions with the impact that I fear we will witness in NY. If and when the ridiculous happens, I will continue to vape, with or without nic, on store bought vg, flavoring and mods, because I'm damn sure never going to buy another cigarette again. Thank you, Brian T. Cotterman
    2 points
  5. I love America, which is why it pains me to see people acting like "we the sheeple", electing idiots because they do great 30 second sound bites on TV & we "like them". That's how you get an Assembly who votes 120-0 on legislation like this. For far to long we have learned to think of the United States as simply a place and a people, instead of what it is -- a conceptual form of government that embraces that idea that human beings have a right to manage their own affairs without interference from government as long as they don't trample the rights of others. Our form of government doesn't "grant us rights", it simply recognizes those rights already granted to us by our Creator (God & Nature) to manage our own lives. So just "voting politicans out" is a good 1st step, but it's useless without the 2nd step -- "who you vote in" and whether or not that person you vote in recognizes the US Constitution, Bill of Rights and State Constitution which places limits on how far they can go in creating legislation. In short, quit using the personal "I like this idea", "I like this person", and instead look at whether or not this person will be a good legislator within the confines of the Constitution. Because once you start letting legislators color outside the lines to enact their "good ideas", then this is what you get -- nanny statists who will nitpick you until you bleed, and rob you of your money and your rights to enact their "good ideas".
    1 point
  6. Rob, I think you have found an excellent forum to ask questions and get info. About a week ago I found this forum and have had a wealth of infomation at my fingertips and the people here are very helpful and friendly. I am two weeks into vaping. I started with a two part vaporizer ( SmokeTip brand) and was happy to lose the cigarettes but I was not happy with the peformance of the vaporizer. I found this forum and after asking questions here and reading product reviews I bought a 510 Tornado from Totally Wicked. It may not be the best of the best, although you would have to work long and hard to convince me that it not. The vapor production is very very good, the battery life is excellent. The Tornado is versitile ( you can use the cartridges or direct drip). So from one noob to another I recommend the 510 Tornado. As for Liquids I have dealt with 99vapors,Totally Wicked, and Viking Vapors. All three have good Liquids and excellent customer service. As for which Liquid is better than the other. That is personal prefrence so if anyone tells you that Brand X Flavor Y is the ONE TRUE JUICE dont believe them, experiment and find what pleases you. I started off thinking that all I wanted was Tobacco Flavors becase I was replacing my nasty smoking habit but after a week or so I found that there was a slight sweet aftertaste that I liked.That was the beginning of my trying, and enjoying, other flavors other than Tobacco. I hope this was helpful. I thought I would share my lessons learned. I am not saying that I am some sort of expert just another noob who is just a week or so ahead of you. Your mileage may vary.
    1 point
  7. Thank you so much! You know it's been quite a ride running this website and hell or high water I will do everything in my power to keep it going. I couldn't do it without the help of my awesome forum admins and moderators as well as all the members who submit content to the forum every day. I set the stage but the members put on the show (You can quote me on that if I ever get hit by a bus) It takes hundreds of hours to keep this site going and topics like this make it all worth it. So thank you!
    1 point
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