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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/14/2010 in all areas

  1. SickDripzz

    Nicotine Poisening

    I'm reading many of you mix your usage of analogs and Electronic Cigarettes.... For you that use Electronic Cigarettes and smoke Analogs as well, BEWARE!!! Using both in conjunction can be highly toxic and can cause a serious harmful reaction by your body, inducing you with NICOTINE POISONING. I have been the victim of nicotine poisoning twice now, once due to mixing my use of analogs and Electronic Cigarettes, and another time due to too much nicotine consumption (I vaped way too much which I first got my Tornado, 24mg juice to boot). Nicotine poisoning can be fatal, and is also referred to one of the worst momentary sicknesses there is. It can be compared to EXTREME food poisening that lasts for an extended 5-7 days, the first 3 days being critically severe. Please be careful people! I am only posting this in regards for your safety! I suffered nicotine poisoning because I did not know that mixing analogs and e cigs were toxic to your body. I also did not know the limits of nicotine comsumtion when I first started using my Tornado. Take this as a warning and keep things in moderation, always. At first I thought it was food poisoning, thought I had eaten bad food from Del Taco... I went to the doctors, they told me I had Gastroenteritis (which I did have, but is a side effect of nicotine poisoning), which is inflamation of the stomach/intestines, usually caused by food poisoning and did not once think I had nicotine poisoning (I did explain I use an E cig and is quitting smoking analogs). I actually asked the doctors for an IV to help my severe dehydration by they declined my request saying I will be fine. BULL ******* ****!!! I was so pissed off to hear TWO Ph.Ds completely falsified my condition... A week later when I regained some energy, I studied up on my condition and concluded it was nicotine poisening 100% (PM or post if you would like details on my conclusion). So that makes me smarter than a Ph.D right? No it doesn't... but I find it truely sorry that I was able to conclude my own evidence in a few days over the opinions of two Ph.Ds who could not identify the severity of my condition what-so-ever. (I remember my urine sample was really dark, as dark as ive ever seen it, the doctor said "Hmm, you need to drink some more fluids son". And I wanted to say, "Well no **** doc, the human body cannot retain any fluids if intoxicated with nicotine poisoning". But anyway I wasn't worthy of an IV in their opinion... yet when it came down to it, I was probably one of the most viable patients in need of an IV. If you begin to vomit and you taste an extremely bitter, disgusting taste, that may be a sign that your body is intoxicated with nicotine poisoning. If you think or know you have nicotine poisoning, your should seek medical attention immediately, and make sure you clarify specifically that you have nicotine poisoning... You will be treated differently. However I did not seek any medical attention during my first sickness (which was much more severe than the second time and also from using analogs and e cigs in conjunction with eachother) for I thought it was only extreme food poisening that will pass in a few days. I stayed in bed, completely immobilized for 3 days and rested the next 5 days going to the doctors office once. When the nicotine poisioning symptoms went away, I immedieately got a horrible cold (lots of mucus in chest and head) that lasted for 3 weeks. The entire nicotine poisoning sickness DESTROYED my immune system. I then got a series of smaller/inferior chest colds or sinus colds. I am now just getting my body back to 100% health. It has taken me 3 months to fully recover from what started out at Nicotine Poisoning. It is now the end of March(30th), the initial sickness began in late December (25th). Yes, I got nicotine poisoning on Christmas Day. I missed all the holliday events including New Years, it was very disappointing... Ignorance is bliss, knowledge is power.
    1 point
  2. fusiontech357

    Kinda Weird!

    Ok ima go about this as professional as posible , i hope the readers and replyers do so aswell. I'll start with this. In no way do i want to offend anyone or saying this as a joke. since thats done ill say it. Has anyone that has recently started to vape or any long timers ever noticed a pugnant odor from there urine? it seems that ive been urinating a very strong musk-like odor. i am not a dr. or a continuous urine inhaler but i have noticed this since ive vaped , i also bought a new strong coffee since i started vaping to help with the transition so i will not be drinkin it for the next few days to see if that is the reason. other then that my diet is as normal. thanks beforehand for any help in this matter.
    1 point
  3. I'm single but I keep seeing a lot of people talking about their spouse's preference for this/that juice/atty/etc. I'd like to know what their reactions and thoughts were when you first started vaping; did you start together, did one convince the other, does one still smoke, did only one smoke-now vapes... If you're single, maybe share your roommate/friends' reactions or those of your family Just thought it would be nice to compare stories! (sorry if there's already a thread like this)
    1 point
  4. Slickstick

    Vapers Coalition

    I can't believe what I am reading here. So waldo and spikey and a few others like to party. Big deal. It takes a lot of hard work, knowledge and red tape to get something like this done, and done quickly. This video was MUCH better than the first one I saw. And I liked it a lot. There is always room for improvement on any video. You need to understand that I have met Spikey and I know first hand how hard it is for her even not to curse. Too pull off what I just saw had to take a gigantic effort. It doesn't matter to me that she doesn't have a masters in English or that maybe they cant afford a quality camera to shoot the video. At least somebody is doing something to help the cause. I am glad you posted that Chris! I think it's great!
    1 point
  5. Fritchard

    Vapers Coalition

    That website makes me want to punch babies. If they want to be taken seriously they'll need to step it up a notch. Not trying to be an *** but....it's beyond horrible. I don't think I'll be able to function correctly for the rest of the afternoon. I'm sure their hearts are in the right place and A+ for effort but I am going to go take a bath and bring appliances in there with me.
    -1 points
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